for those being abducted there is help.


Senior Member
The only thing that calling out Jesus' name (and praying to him) ever achieves is to confirm to the abducting parties that you wish to remain imprisoned on this prison planet we call Earth. It has nothing to do with a god, or being religious, or even spirituality in general...

Since you don't believe in Jesus being the Son of God, or God, then how would you know? Those of us who believe in Christ and have been helped by calling HIS are giving testament that it works to stop alien abductions.

And this isn't the place for a religious debate which you keep bringing to threads.


Senior Member
I believe i had discussed this with another member in another thread some where, i don't recall which one do to the fact i post whore all day. But i do not believe it is so much as using The Lords name as it is the Beliefe in what you are saying that make them respect your wishes and stop. I for one do not believe in Jesus i do believe their is a God but not in the Christian Sense of the word, and i found that if i actually sat and thought "no i am not going tonight" the encounter would stop, if i choose to go when allowed i do but if i choose to tell them to stop they do. Some people have said that by Commanding them with jesus's name!!! has caused the abduction to stop, but have you ever thought it was the authority that using that command gives you is what causes them to stop? Not Nessisarly using the lords name but the confidence it gives you is what gets the encounter to stop, The problem for just about every abduction victim is fear, but when you think God or jesus is helping you it helps you get over the fear and control the situation and therfor get the aduction to stop.


I don't know what made you so anti religion, but these entities CAN communicate. And every time they have to me except once it is threats and hostility. You're telling me I should suck it up and go with them?

Heck no.

Only once has an entity not given me a vibe of evil and harm and I didn't tell it to leave. It told me it loved me and meant no harm. It left when I tried to look at it and touch it. Every other time I have rebuked them and told them to get out.

The creatures taking us and harassing us are capable of communicating and all they have to say are evil things. They are surrounded in an aura of darkness. If you wish to consort with such beings go right on ahead I won't harass you as you have others. I just hope the beings you have become friends with aren't the same that I have to tell to go away. If they are you have been fooled in more ways than the idiots who choose to remain oblivious and ignorant.



Senior Member
You sure its not just panic and fear that is causing the feeling of hostility? The fact their is a Alien in your room is why you feel threatened and hostility? Couldn't be your trained by media and sources all over the internet to feel this way? Nope has to be evil. The universe is no different than earth it's self, there is Evil as well as good so it is possible that yes you were takin by a mlevolent ET. Does that make them all evil? No, same way a dog who bites someone doesent make the whole breed evil.

I have met several and not once have i ever felt evil, i have felt fear and panic but never Evil, i feel more evil from the people around me than i do the Encounters in my dreams, we are trained and taught through Media/Religion/Movies to believe that anything not human is EVIL and will only do EVIL that they are all here to kill us and abduct and anally probe people. Thought process such as this are why we will NEVER go past our plane of excistance we will stuck being a shut in race who eventually self destructs, where if we just opened our eyes and minds we could be traveling galaxies.


Senior Member
I am sure at some point someone will bring up how they rob babys of mothers and how they perform inhuman experiements on people. And i mean really they are only doing to us what WE do to lower life forms, hell i am sure we do 10X worse to lower life forms here on earth, as far as i know there are only maybe 2 or 3 reported cases of death by abduction, but we kill thousands and millions of other life forms for gain and testing on and yet thats ok? Hell we test on other human beings, but that's perfectly okay so long as it isn't a Alien Threat. I mean really think of the experiments we do to our selfs and tell me thats not more evil than what the ET's have done to SOME people.


You sure its not just panic and fear that is causing the feeling of hostility? The fact their is a Alien in your room is why you feel threatened and hostility? Couldn't be your trained by media and sources all over the internet to feel this way? Nope has to be evil. The universe is no different than earth it's self, there is Evil as well as good so it is possible that yes you were takin by a mlevolent ET. Does that make them all evil? No, same way a dog who bites someone doesent make the whole breed evil.

I have met several and not once have i ever felt evil, i have felt fear and panic but never Evil, i feel more evil from the people around me than i do the Encounters in my dreams, we are trained and taught through Media/Religion/Movies to believe that anything not human is EVIL and will only do EVIL that they are all here to kill us and abduct and anally probe people. Thought process such as this are why we will NEVER go past our plane of excistance we will stuck being a shut in race who eventually self destructs, where if we just opened our eyes and minds we could be traveling galaxies.

I try to avoid the term "evil" since it is so subjective. I try to stick to Light and Darkness. Less subject to objectivity.

I will break down a typical night for you Blast and all other followers. Firstly I want to say I don't think I have ever been abducted. Only harassed.

I started a new topic of experiences to keep this one on topic. Blast... maybe if you knew and others knew our experiences you wouldn't be so quick to say we are trained and brainwashed. *sighs*


This thread's purpose is to discuss the possible ways to stop / prevent alien abductions, not to debate or challenge them. If you feel the need to debate a certain theory or idea suggested here, please start a debate topic about it.

No debates in this thread.



Junior Member
This thread's purpose is to discuss the possible ways to stop / prevent alien abductions, not to debate or challenge them. If you feel the need to debate a certain theory or idea suggested here, please start a debate topic about it.

No debates in this thread.

Then reinstate the previous post that Samstwitch felt the *need* to moderhate over. It offered a replacement theory [by which I mean explanation]. I am NOT debating in this thread.


Junior Member
I don't know what made you so anti religion, but these entities CAN communicate. And every time they have to me except once it is threats and hostility. You're telling me I should suck it up and go with them?

Heck no.

Only once has an entity not given me a vibe of evil and harm and I didn't tell it to leave. It told me it loved me and meant no harm. It left when I tried to look at it and touch it. Every other time I have rebuked them and told them to get out.

The creatures taking us and harassing us are capable of communicating and all they have to say are evil things. They are surrounded in an aura of darkness. If you wish to consort with such beings go right on ahead I won't harass you as you have others. I just hope the beings you have become friends with aren't the same that I have to tell to go away. If they are you have been fooled in more ways than the idiots who choose to remain oblivious and ignorant.

You seem to be bothered by your god. When next "approached" simply command NO - in place of the "suggestion" of using the Fallacie's name.


Senior Member
Thanks sam.

I know people who have been abducted. People have told me that the bad aliens fear Jesus. Explanation that researchers give is that such religious people are of no interest to the aliens. Truth is that Satan only has dominion over earth which explains why people are not going to the moon or mars. Please do think about it. If we could go to the moon in 1969, why not mars in 1989 and other stars in 2009?
