Freddie Gray So Far Not Connected to Freemasons, As Were Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin


Senior Member
I also want to state that I disagree with BlastTyrant on the subject of "compliance". See, the fourth amendment to the constitution guarantees people a right to be secure in their persons (aka not beaten, robbed, or kidnapped off the street). The 5th amendment says that people will not be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law. The 8th amendment guarantees protection against cruel and unusual punishment (which would include having your spine broken during an arrest - assuming that actually happened). Whether the guy was guilty or not, at least 30% of the bill of rights went up in smoke in a single event.

Having said that, I also don't approve of riots, or the fact that blacks are making it a racial issue instead of an American issue.
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Senior Member
And there are so many variables here, mental disease,drugs i mean we'll never know why some people kill, but i do not think that one should be punished by death for protecting others or them self's.


Temporal Engineer
Those reasons don't need to exist.........Murderers don't need a reason to murder, they murder because they can.

And it does seem that being able to murder with impunity is the perfect occupation for a murderer to pursue. That way they can satisfy their blood lust and get a paid vacation to boot.


Senior Member
Correct Martian, and the Government was put into place to Serve the people and protect our rights and look how well that is going lol
