From Martial Law to FEMA Recreational Centers

I don't trust Alex Jones

The information that Alex Jones talks about is the same information that I uncover when I research, and I do a LOT of research.

I do trust Alex Jones. I don't trust the U.S. government, because the government lies habitually to the people.

Things didn't always used to be this way. We are living in dire times, and it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better.
How can you trust someone who makes such a bad way of getting his point across with no articulation, (and by the way I agree that the us should keep their rights to bear arms and all they're guns) he is clearly a disinformation agent used to ramp up hostilities amongst the masses to create civil unrest, people have disappeared or been killed for less than what this guy says, think about it, evil hides in plain sight. I agree he does say a lot of truth and does make some good points but if you look into de masking agents, one of the key thing they go by is truth laced with lies because that is the best way to make people believe. In the interview he could of made his point easily, for instance he said England had 35 death from firearms last year as opposed to 11,700 something in us. Only an idiot would fail to mention the size comparison of the 2 country's and the fact you can fit England in one of your lakes.
How can you trust someone who makes such a bad way of getting his point across with no articulation, (and by the way I agree that the us should keep their rights to bear arms and all they're guns) he is clearly a disinformation agent used to ramp up hostilities amongst the masses to create civil unrest, people have disappeared or been killed for less than what this guy says, think about it, evil hides in plain sight. I agree he does say a lot of truth and does make some good points but if you look into de masking agents, one of the key thing they go by is truth laced with lies because that is the best way to make people believe. In the interview he could of made his point easily, for instance he said England had 35 death from firearms last year as opposed to 11,700 something in us. Only an idiot would fail to mention the size comparison of the 2 country's and the fact you can fit England in one of your lakes.

Think what you like, but Alex Jones is NO disinformation agent. He speaks the truth.

I've seen Piers Morgan repeatedly interrupt his guests and steamroller them when discussing Gun Control. Alex Jones just gave him back a BIG dose of his own medicine. Piers can dish it out, but he can't take it.

Alex Jones talks loud and rough normally...and when it came to Piers Morgan, he didn't put up with any Bullsh*t tricks to sidestep the real issues. That's what it boils down to. Everything Alex said was right on!


As I said before, I trust Alex Jones, because I've done the research myself. He speaks the truth.
Piers Morgan is a fool. I make no qualms. Just remember this "From chaos comes order" it is in both uk and us government interest to have civil unrest, to usher in the new world order and depict themselves as the saviours by using people like Alex jones who make themselves look like idiots so the masses discredit what truth they do spout and turn to the government biased media and views for guidance, undermining the whole truth movement. It is in front of people's faces. The whole interview was a political joke and only sawt to strengthen the governments cause.
Last night I did a Search on Youtube using key words "Piers Morgan" and "Gun Control", because I was looking for a video. Only then did I realize the depths of the War Piers has waged against Americans...interview after interview on Gun Control in USA! That's when I fully understood why Alex Jones went off on Piers. I understood why Alex started a Petition to have Piers deported for trying to disarm Americans. (It was a statement.)

American gun owners had better take this issue seriously, because Piers is in bed with Obama on Gun Control. They are going to disarm Americans. It's coming folks...and THAT'S why Alex was so worked up on Piers Morgan Show.
I'm with Sam. Alex Jones is not a disinformation agent. The things he speaks about are detremental to the establishment. He may be brash and extreme with some accusations but at least he has the balls to say what others fear to.

Here is another quick clip warning of the path America is taking. The world is preparing for war. A war on our rights has already been waged. Prepare my friends, this could get ugly....

I'm with Sam. Alex Jones is not a disinformation agent. The things he speaks about are detremental to the establishment. He may be brash and extreme with some accusations but at least he has the balls to say what others fear to.

Here is another quick clip warning of the path America is taking. The world is preparing for war. A war on our rights has already been waged. Prepare my friends, this could get ugly....

Excellent film! I'm going to repost it here: Will GUN CONTROL be the spark that ignites a US Civil War that John Titor warned us about?
