General: China Could Be Planning Surprise Missile Attack On United States


A retired Chinese general recently revealed that his country might be planning a surprise missile attack on the United States. The public comment of Xu Guangyu came in response to WikiLeaks revelations that last year Washington had warned its allies beforehand of China’s test of a missile interceptor.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, in a classified cable sent last January 9th, instructed American embassies in Australia, Britain, Canada, and New Zealand to notify those countries of upcoming Chinese launches two days later. The cable included details of the launch sites for the interceptor and the target, the models of the missiles, the purpose of the test, and the test date.

Yesterday, Hong Kong’s South China Morning Post carried comments from Xu, now at the China Arms Control and Disarmament Association, to the effect that American satellites would have detected activity at the launch sites but that some of the information in the cables—specifically the types of missiles and the day of the test—must have come from a source on the ground. WikiLeaks’s release of this cable, revealing one or more American spies in China’s strategic missile corps, is perhaps the website’s most significant compromise of US security to date.

The Hong Kong paper noted that Xu said that “if China could no longer keep secret its missile launches, it would not be able to launch a surprise attack on the US.”


it is written
that in the last days there will be wars and rumors of wars
there will be sickness and starvation
there will be race wars
that even your own family will turn you in as an enimey
I have no doubt that the plans exsist and might very well be acked on by the people in power for there own reasons

Chip Lewis

No, they won't. We are currently engaged in an economic war...they won't bomb their own investment. If you had a stack of gold bullion rounds...would you throw them at your enemy? It's just propaganda talk. No different that Obama talking about the "economy". These assholes live to fuck minds.


maybe not, but that of course all depends on weather the bopsie twins in the white house continue to trash the economy. at the preseant rate we could see a total melt down is the near future. there are rumors of chinies troops already in mexico.


If they attacked us, they would lose their best customer.
Manufacturing plants would close. The unemployed would riot.
Eventually their anger would turn upon the government.
The new government would then come over and rebuild us.
I'm sure it would all be Chinese labor and materials that they would charge us for.
Of course, I don't believe any of this. Had you going for a minute there?
All in fun....
