George Zimmerman Acquitted

Hollywood robberies: Juveniles accused of stealing phones, purses

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Police vehicles are seen in Hollywood after authorities said a group of juveniles robbed and assaulted people on Tuesday, July 16, 2013. (KABC Photo)

robbery, hollywood, los angeles news

HOLLYWOOD, LOS ANGELES (KABC) -- Police say a group of juveniles caused a lot of trouble in Hollywood Tuesday night.

According to authorities, the marauding mob of about 40 males and females was assaulting people, stealing cellphones and purses, and vandalizing property.

Police arrested more than a dozen people believed to be involved in the crimes and continued to search for more suspects.

DEVELOPING: We will add more details to this report as they become available.
Hollywood and Highland crime spree
caught on surveillance cameras

By Robert Holguin and Christina Salvo

HOLLYWOOD, LOS ANGELES (KABC) -- A dozen people were arrested, accused of going on a robbery and vandalism spree at Hollywood Boulevard and Highland Avenue.

At about 9:30 p.m. Tuesday, the popular tourist hub was the scene of a chaotic and sometimes violent scene.

"All of a sudden I heard this big commotion outside like people were screaming and yelling," said witness Neil Barnett.

Approximately 30 to 40 teens and young adults went on a rampage, robbing people and businesses as well as vandalizing some stores.

At a morning news conference, Los Angeles City Councilmember Mitch O'Farrell, who represents the 13th District, emphasized that Hollywood is safe.
"It's never been safer in a generation, that we're open for business, that we will not tolerate the kind of behavior that you all witnessed last night," said O'Farrell, who said he will join Mayor Eric Garcetti and LAPD Chief Charlie Beck in spending Wednesday evening in Hollywood "because it's one of the greatest places in the city of Los Angeles."

Authorities said the suspects used bodily force to swipe cellphones, purses and jewelry from pedestrians just walking in the area. Some stores were targeted, as the suspects stole cash and merchandise.

The 12 arrested individuals were males and females. At the morning news conference, LAPD Cmdr. Andrew Smith said 11 of them are juveniles between the ages of 14 and 17, and one is an 18-year-old adult from Los Angeles.

Smith said as the probe continues, investigators will release photos of those who were not captured Tuesday night and are still at large.

Police say the suspects were not protesting the George Zimmerman verdict, but they were taking advantage of the civil unrest that has come in its wake.
"What we're thinking is these youngsters took advantage of our redeployment of officers down to the Crenshaw district last night, and decided this would be a good night to come up to Hollywood and act a little crazy," said Smith.
Police Arrest 17 Protesters at
Victorville Rally

By Brandon Lowrey
| Wednesday, Jul 17, 2013 | Updated 10:10 PM PDT

Police arrested 17 people in Victorville after a mob of protesters tried to storm a shopping mall and a group of youths opened items at a gas station market and left without paying, authorities said.

Most of the arrests were for unlawful assembly, and eight of those arrested were under age 18, according to Cindy Bachman, spokeswoman for the San Bernardino County Sheriff-Coroner.

The protests were over the acquittal of George Zimmerman, a Florida neighborhood watch captain who fatally shot Trayvon Martin, an unarmed black teenager, after a fight.

The majority of protesters in Victorville - about 80 of them - remained peaceful and obeyed the law during a rally in the desert city, Bachman said.

However, a "large group" gathered in a mall parking lot and tried to enter the mall, but mall security guards locked down the building and none of the protesters made it inside. Sheriff's deputies ordered the group to disperse over loudspeakers and detained about seven people who did not, Bachman said.

In addition, a group of 10 to 15 people described as "juveniles" went into a Chevron gas station at the intersection of Bear Valley Road and Balsam Road, opened items and left without paying, Bachman said.

No injuries or damage were immediately reported.
Remember how white people rioted after OJ's acquittal?
No one can because no one did.


HOLLY NOTE: I watched all 134 days of the OJ Simpson trial PLUS the pretrial, which was nearly as lengthy – another 3 months. On the day of the verdict, wouldn't you know it, I had promised to drive my mother and mother-in-law to Denver for a day of shopping. So I took a little Walkman radio to hear the verdict.

I remember it clearly, like 2 minutes ago. This was in the day before TVs and cams were everywhere. When store clerks realized I'd brought a radio, more than 20 sales people and customers crowded around to hear to the outcome.

How SHOCKED, disbelieving, dispirited and horrified all of us were to hear the verdict. Some blacks on the periphery whooped and hollered in perceived vindication, but that's where the joy stopped. Full stop.

Simpson skated through the trial on charm, fame and most importantly, great lawyers with their volumes of mind-dazzle baloney and something some of us don't get and don't accept today – white guilt. What nonsense this is, though it elected Obama – TWICE.

Let me interject here that my closest girlfriend is a raving Democrat. She voted for Obama TWICE. When we hiked our dogs Friday she bemoaned their personal skyrocketing healthcare costs. I (gently) reminded her that this is due to our President. She concurred albeit very quietly. Thankfully our friendship transcends stupid politicians.

There's one big difference here between Simpson and Martin. Even though most Americans understood that the OJ verdict was junk, we abided by it. Didn't like it – even though many of us were OJ football fans. We quietly accepted it.

Bottom line, in a fit of jealous rage Simpson stabbed his ex-wife to death nearly decapitating Nicole and also killing her friend, Ronald Goldman, NOT a lover. Mr. Goldman's life, his family, his friends are often left out of this murder discussion. Goldman's family has suffered as much loss as Nicole Simpson's.

So hope OJ's gotten a grip by now – currently in jail for kidnapping and armed robbery.

More importantly, did we riot? Did we spew hate? Were we angry? You bet your donkey we weren't happy, but that's where it stopped.

Think about it when you see people applaud Trayvon and try to promote that a 17-year-old is a 'child'. That might have been true of people 5 decades ago, but now those 'kids' are genetically and hormonally adults, maturing much fast than we did.
They aren't kids. They serve in the military. They create businesses. They father children. They stick up people. They run dope. So mainstream needs to STOP with baby-faced pics of Trayvon Martin from 5 years ago. Look at the real deal of his gold teeth, 'hood' status of a renegade, a guy who had a rep for fighting and doing drugs – had drugs in his system at death – and even got a gun from his mom.

This is more than a trial of an unfortunate scenario with no winners. It is another Liberal leg to stand on for taking away our freedoms . The Stand Your Ground Law – something if removed, will make Americans more vulnerable. Don't get taken in as it may be your life hanging in the balance.
Remember how white people rioted after OJ's acquittal?
No one can because no one did.
You are so right seams that some groups look for any opportunity to riot. Some rioters lead to looting but if these rioters would channel their efforts toward helping their own or getting a job, the world would be a better place for all. Who knows we may not need to carry weapons in a peaceful world but that really isn't too realistic.
...Edit Looking at the OJ pictures made me remember what a sad situation that was. I wonder if OJ was on a diuretic and stopped taking them during the trial, which would cause his hand to swell up from a fluid build-up...thus the glove does not fit.
Trayvon Martin's parents, brother to participate in 100-vigil day


Peter Kramer / NBC Universal
By Elizabeth Chuck, Staff Writer, NBC News

Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin, parents of Trayvon Martin, appear on TODAY on July 18.

The Link: Trayvon Martin's parents, brother to participate in 100-vigil day - U.S. News

They will participate in a 100-vigil national "Justice for Trayvon" day on Saturday.

Civil rights advocates — including Trayvon Martin's parents and brother — will attend vigils Saturday calling on the Justice Department to ramp up its investigation into the George Zimmerman case.

The gatherings at federal courts and government centers in about 100 cities from New York to Los Angeles were organized by the Rev. Al Sharpton, head of the National Action Network and host of an MSNBC show, after Zimmerman's acquittal on state charges last weekend.

Zimmerman was found not guilty of second-degree murder by a Florida jury on Saturday night. The Justice Department says it has an "open investigation" into the Feb. 26, 2012, shooting, but Sharpton has called for a more "aggressive" probe into whether Zimmerman violated Martin's civil rights.

It could be months before the Justice Department makes a decision, but the verdict has already generated strong reaction from Washington.
Attorney General Eric Holder called Martin's death "unnecessary" and criticized "Stand Your Ground" self-defense laws like the Florida statute that played a role in the Zimmerman case.

On Friday, in his first extended remarks since the verdict, President Barack Obama said from the White House, "Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago."

Martin's parents thanked Obama in a statement on Friday for speaking publicly about their son.

"We know that the death of our son Trayvon, the trial and the not guilty verdict have been deeply painful and difficult for many people," they said. "We know our family has become a conduit for people to talk about race in America and to try and talk about the difficult issues that we need to bring into the light in order to become a better people."

On Saturday, Martin's mom and brother, Sybrina Fulton and Jahvaris Fulton, will stand with Sharpton at a New York vigil, which begins at noon, according to the National Action Network's website. Martin's father, Tracy Martin, will be at the Miami vigil, which starts at 10 a.m.

The "Justice for Trayvon" vigils — which include cities as small as Natchez, Miss., with a population just over 15,000 — will be attended by hundreds of preachers.

Martin, 17, who was black, was shot dead by Zimmerman, 29, a neighborhood watch volunteer who is of white and Hispanic descent. Zimmerman told police the unarmed teen attacked him in a gated community in Sanford, Fla., and that he shot him in self-defense.

Prosecutors did not highlight race during the trial. The one juror from the six-woman panel to speak out since Saturday night's acquittal said she did not think race was an issue in the shooting.

After the verdict, defense lawyer Mark O'Mara said that race hadn't played a role in his client's actions the night of his encounter with Martin, and said Zimmerman had been made a "scapegoat" by civil rights advocates.
“I think that things would have been different if George Zimmerman was black, for this reason: He never would have been charged with a crime,” he said.
“The facts that night, [it] was not borne out that he acted in a racial way,” O’Mara said. “His history is a non-racist.”

Rallies in response to the verdict in the high-profile case have been mostly peaceful. On Sunday, about a dozen people were arrested in New York after more than 1,000 protesters crowded Times Square, WNBC reported;

In Los Angeles, protesters marched on Interstate 10 on Sunday, closing the freeway for nearly an hour, NBC Los Angeles reported.

Local churches across the U.S. also organized rallies and urged supporters to wear hoodies in honor of Martin, who was wearing a black hooded sweatshirt when Zimmerman shot him in the chest.

In Sanford, Fla., many held signs calling for an end to Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” law, which allows people to use deadly force if they believe their lives are at risk or they are in imminent danger of serious bodily injury.

In his remarks Tuesday, Holder took aim at those laws.

"It's time to question laws that senselessly expand the concept of self-defense and sow dangerous conflict in our neighborhoods," he said in a speech to the NAACP, adding such laws may encourage violence.

Obama also called for a review of Stand Your Ground laws in his remarks from the White House on Friday.

"If Trayvon Martin was of age and was armed, could he have stood his ground on that sidewalk?" Obama asked. "If the answer to that question is at least ambiguous, then it seems to me that we should examine those laws."

Groups of protesters also gathered last weekend in Atlanta, Miami, Milwaukee, Philadelphia and Washington, D.C., according to The Associated Press.
NBC's Alastair Jamieson, Andrew Rafferty and Tracy Connor contributed to this report.

George Zimmerman has sued NBC Universal for defamation. The company strongly denies the allegation.
