Debate Ghost range


Active Member
So my new wondering of the week. Do ghosts have ranges on them? Let me explain so we don't go off on the wrong track. I don't mean like once a ghost is there a range, cause I think that is still up for debate as ghosts have been shown to follow people to a new location.

What I'm meaning here is.. I wonder if there are any cases that show that like.. a person dies in Africa but has close ties to a place in Michigan and so haunts that place.


Senior Member
Most common believe is that they haunt where they die, now whether or not a spirit can travel freely, well no one knows. But you can also point out that there are hundreds of experiences of people seeing there loved ones right before they passed away and the loved one who passed away was on the other side of the country.

I mean really if you could travel where ever you want when you die, mass suicide would be common because you could then do as you please.

So my answer is no, a spirit cannot travel freely i believe it is bound to the location of death, How? i dont know i havent died yet.


Senior Member
Well, my dog died on a highway chasing after a rabbit, but sometimes I hear him in my house walking around late at night - spooky. I have became so used to the superunnatural and the parabnormal, that a million little things that once did seemed so scary unnatural and repulsive have indeed speedily became ordinary or common to me.


Active Member
Well I don't mean moving around once you're dead. I'm just saying like if I die in Pakistan, can I come back as a ghost in Pennsylvania? I mean there has to be some movement allowed as to where you haunt since hospitals aren't haunted by every person that dies there.


where the wild things are
I believe its possible. If someone has a strong physical attachment to a particular area in life, and in death that is where they remain. Though pieces of them could still remain at other places as well. Taking a page out of TAPS, they say there are two different types of hauntings. Residual and Intelligent. Residual are the smaller pieces. Hauntings that just happen, at a particular day, time, place, like a tape recorder playing. Though intelligent, that would be the stronger connection.
