šŸŽ² Forum Game Give a wrong answer, ask a question


Active Member
Give a wrong answer, ask a question

This is really popular on my other forum, so I thought I'd see if you guys would like to play. It's pretty simple, all you do is answer the person who's question is above you with a wrong answer, then ask your own question.

Usually people like to be witty smart asses, so I thought this would go over well. Though try not to be like me, and use the answer "your mom" too much. And don't forget to ask a new question! ;)

I'll try to make the first question site related for fun, though it does not have to be.

Is time travelling possible?
Re: Give a wrong answer, ask a question

This is really popular on my other forum, so I thought I'd see if you guys would like to play. It's pretty simple, all you do is answer the person who's question is above you with a wrong answer, then ask your own question.

Usually people like to be witty smart asses, so I thought this would go over well. Though try not to be like me, and use the answer "your mom" too much. And don't forget to ask a new question! ;)

I'll try to make the first question site related for fun, though it does not have to be.

Is time travelling possible?

Yes, Bears do sh1t in the woods.

Who are the Annunaki?

Re: Give a wrong answer, ask a question

Silly Rabbit, you did pay for the tickets didn't you? (Ronnie Wood sure looks ancient don't he?)

If a Man makes a mistake in a forest and there's no woman to hear it,

Is he still wrong?
Re: Give a wrong answer, ask a question

Silly Rabbit, you did pay for the tickets didn't you? (Ronnie Wood sure looks ancient don't he?)

If a Man makes a mistake in a forest and there's no woman to hear it,

Is he still wrong?


Is a man ever right?
Re: Give a wrong answer, ask a question

Fail! You need to ask a question to keep the game going! I'll ask for you this time :)

What is your favourite kind of soup?
Re: Give a wrong answer, ask a question

Stone Soup. Haven't had any yet though.

What's the travel time between point A and Point B during a cosmic sub particle storm?
Re: Give a wrong answer, ask a question

Twice as long as half as much.

How many seeds can a one legged grasshopper kick out of a dill pickle?
