Giving up, Moving On


Active Member
Hey all, I know I've been on this forum for a while, but I've been interested in the topic the past 2 years and honestly, I'm wasting my time.

Nothing is going to change in my life, no matter how hard I cry for it to happen.

I've had it rough the past 8 years and needed lots of help and never got it no matter how hard I cried or begged for it. My parents weren't there for me when I got tricked by some con artist and had severe episodes of fright. No medicine helped me and I ended up getting into drugs, which was a blatant lie again from people in my life that didn't know anything.

I'm an easily duped and vulnerable gullible person. I have trust issues and have trouble getting around or along with people. I have issues with relationships and have had a hard time with my family. I'm exhausted, tired, hurt and confused and have been dealing with serious issues in my life that won't go away. I lost my car, too many bills, can't get a job, pay my things off, my family hates me and treats me badly, I can't get out of the hellhole God placed me in.

After I ran into this guy, I got into this garbage because I was sick and desperate for a cure, and God wouldn't heal me no matter how hard I cried and prayed for healing. I ended up getting involved with other cultures that weren't good for me and basically rejected from all of them, but needed to get help and clean the issue out of my life. I was struggling and in trouble with trying to climb out and get out of the mess I was in. I never wanted to do drugs, I wanted to be healed.

Furthermore, I got into this garbage because I believed in law of attraction around 2011, I was going thru difficult times in my life and couldn't get out of that mode of thought. I was having a difficult time moving on with my life, growing and maturing and needed help, but never could get it. That's how I ended up coming to this site for trying to comprehend and figure things out and hopefully get into changing my past and all that, but that never happened. I've been dealing with some major severe issues I can't get out of and past and have been needing help for years to go to medical school, but struggled with many obstacles while my friends are all succeeding making money and enjoying life and i'm stuck in a rut for years dealing with things i didnt deserve to be going thru.

I've been mistreated all my life by jerks left and right and needed to get help trying to get into medical school, even though I know theres going to be jerks there, I need help getting out so i can earn my own living and enjoy my own life. I had a good time playing games all my life but ended up going thru this fiasco because of this careless asshole of a con artist who emotionally manipulated me into getting conned into helping him when I should've kept away and couldn't see the signs.

Again, I'm easily vulnerable and manipulated, and in all honesty, with what I've come and seen all over the place on the internet and come across the best I can find and having been logically disproven, I've concluded time travel doesn't exist and that there is no way that I'll be able to get out of this mess and be able to live life comfortably and be able to enjoy my life after this crap incident from this piece of shit who got me sick, in trouble and eventually desperate for a cure from sources outside of medicine that didn't come and help me when I needed it.

So the thing is, I'm considering of calling it quits. I'm tired of wasting time hoping my situation turns around, its not going to. I can't get a job, I'm sick, exhausted, in pain, miserable and the works and nothing I say do or try will ever come and turn my life around when I kept crying and trying to come and turn it around for the betterment of my life.



Don't give up man! I don't mean about time travel, but about life, and YOU.

You have friends here we care about you man.

Because you did a few things that stopped you from living your dream future, or closed you a few doors can't prevent you from doing something you love forever. And it certainly doesn't make you a bad person.

It's hard, that's for sure. But don't give up man. We don't want you to give up. I'm sure others will agree and will let you know about it.


Active Member
There's no future and I have no friends.

I don't deserve to be going thru this garbage. I was supposed to live clean and happier and not get involved with this garbage.


Active Member
That's cool and all and I appreciate that but that's not going to solve my problems.

I just want to be left alone until something that works comes.


Active Member
I agree with the other posters, don't give up so quickly. I think that you acknowledged that your not happy with where you are right now in your life, is a big step. You're not living in denial. You can actually pin point every wrong turn you've made....that's a big step. Maybe instead of trying to change your past, focus on moving forward so your future is better. And start by taking one day at a time.

Surround yourself with positive people that want you to be happy and clean. There are many of us here, rooting for you to succeed in life.

If you believe in the law of attraction ( have you read The Secret?)then use that and put out there, in your deep thoughts, all the good things you want in life. Throw it out there in the universe that you want to be deserve to be happy, damnit and just keep that mindset everyday. Of course it will take work from you, but thats life for alot of us. There are many of us that have been through some really rough patches in our life. Really rough. But don't let those rough patches rule you.

Hang in there, tflo- like TimeFlipper said, stay on so we can at least keep your mind off the heavier bits of life. We're all here for you.


@tflofasho - Don't lose hope. You may just have to try a little harder with the Law of Attraction. Or, if you think your past is definitely worth fixing, you could try finding a time travel expert of some sort on your own. I would recommend aliens, but that's just my idea. You don't have to heed that. ;)
