gov versus porn


Temporal Engineer
Just looks like someones opinion to me. To instill a dislike for our government. Which would make it propaganda. The schizos are running rampant!


Temporal Engineer
Just looks like someones opinion to me. To instill a dislike for our government. Which would make it propaganda. The schizos are running rampant!

Wait a sec, anyone who doesn't like our government is a schizo?

I didn't say that. I meant that people going around making stuff up that they believe is true are schizos.

Lets take a look at the math for NSA surveillance. Estimate 100,000 NSA employess. 400, 000,000 Americans. That figures out to 4000 Americans per NSA employee to keep tabs on. Does that seem reasonable? Ask any mother how many kids she could effectively keep tabs on.

The math does tend to indicate someone is lying about NSA surveillance.


The NSA gathers phone data in HUGE batches. They search through the batches for info when they are investigating something or someone.

The vast majority of the collected data is never looked at.

Regarding the OP, this is very disturbing news but not really a surprise, coming from a regime with no respect for the law or individual rights.
Makes you miss Bush.

The NRA is on it - they're trying to do this with gun and ammo dealers and others, not just porn.

Maybe it's time I joined the NRA. I don't own a gun because of a family issue, but I do support what they do.
