Hacker Exposes 'Aliens' as inter dimensional DEMONS


New Member
As far as I'm concerned this is more disinformation spreading around...

I believe demons and aliens are separate. There is a woman in my Alien Abduction/Contactee group who has two entities that have attached themselves to her. It started when she became a paranormal investigator. The Catholic church has been involved. The entities have told her that they are aliens and she believes them . There is a tall, dominant one that says it's from Pleiades, and a short, dumb one that say it's from the shadows or something like that. I am sure that they are familiar demons. Father Malachi Martin talked about them. At one of our group meetings, the facilitator took pictures of the woman..trying to see if she could capture the entities on camera. She was attacked psychically. I saw her grab her temples in pain. At the same time, I heard taps coming from upstairs and the sound of shuffling and furniture being moved. I asked her later if there were people upstairs. She said no. I told her the entities were pissed at her because she had tried to take their picture.. fun stuff....


Senior Member
I do not believe in Demons as the Catholic or religions say it is, over years of Investigating UFO and ET cases along with years of Ghost Hunting i have learned that Shadow people and certain types of spirits are present during and after Abductions, some claim these are actually the ET's in a certain cloaked forum, but some also state they are inter-dimensional beings and the shadow people and ghosts we see are just other beings coming into our world or viewing our world.

So my thought is it could be completely feasible that Demons are Inter-dimensional beings who want into our world and in order to do so need to take a body, so that is where we get the Possession from, the only problem is we have since so long dubbed it as Demonic that it is just natural to say a Demon. This leads into long discussions about exorcisms and blah blah blah.

But for sure the 2 are completely different scenarios.


Senior Member
They are not demons or monsters, but people similar to us.

