Haunted Bedroom??


Junior Member
I'm sorry, I keep running into technical problems trying to convert from WAV to MP3. The computer I'm using is old and glitchy. I'll keep trying to get it figured out as time permits, but it may be a while. :confused:
Oh I can change it to MP3 if you send me the WAV and then I can give you the MP3 as well.. you can email me at shanseal at yahoo :)


Junior Member
Well, I have had an experience sort of similar, after I did a seance with a Ouija board...BC I was a dumb teenage girl. My friend and I were getting responses, most taps and footsteps..and a loud knock at the door. We quickly stopped and decided to not do it BC it was getting a little intense. Every night at my dads house since the use of it.....something would run up the stairs, and slam what sounded like my antique wooden dresser. And it would slam LOUD...every morning at 1 am exactly. The first time it happened I really thought it was my little brothers, but they were both sound asleep. I couldn't tell you if it is still there or not, but I rarely ever slept without a bible on or near my bed. Have you tried someone coming to cleanse your house? It sounds like you need to. This entity sounds like it is playing psychological games, and I don't know too many good entities that would engage in that.


Junior Member
Regarding you being poked in the back, I have had that also. It was when I was a little girl, and something poked me really hard in the side. I remember it felt like a bony finger.
