Haunted Vacation Spots


Senior Member
Members can share their experiences with other members regarding haunted vacation spots they have visited. I am attaching a list of some of the popular spots to plan your vacations around. You can check out some of these sites and attach your own pictures of ghosts, demons, or whatever. I plan to check out the Bell Witch location and civil war haunted places...how bout you?

List of reportedly haunted locations in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Senior Member
I was doing some research on a haunted house I worked on in New York last year and ran into this site. It may be helpful in planning your vacation this summer.

is the best site to research and seek out real haunted houses, Ghost Towns and Paranormal Sites in the United States! You can utilize the directory ...


where the wild things are
I've never experienced a haunting :(

I had one a few nights ago. I believe the spirit of my dead grandfather visited me again. Was taking a nap, had a dream with him in it. Youthful and healthy. Then woke up to a fresh paint smell in my apartment. He was a freelance painter (like myself) for most of his life. Also spoke to one of his daughters yesterday, she actually had a similar experience that same night and she believes he visited her too.

Not sure why he visited us. But I don't get company often where I live, so I don't mind the company, even if they are dead... ^_^


Senior Member
Each member here should check out their states on the links in previous posts and check out haunted sites in their area. I am going to check out a haunted civil war house where they have seen ghosts and heard a lady making noise in the kitchen. I may not see or hear anything but it would be ghostly to at least be at these historic places. Check some out in your area and let me know what you find...that is if you come back alive!


Junior Member
I am taking a trip to New Orleans in the fall, and I am hoping to catch up with Bloody Mary, the Voodoo Queen of New Orleans. She does a haunted tour of the above ground cemeteries as well as give factual/cultural informative tours of the city, swamps, and bayou's. Does anyone know of a haunted area I can visit while I am down there?
