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New section on Astral Time Travel using the HDR..

My last adventure was to a hypertechnology timeline using the HDR to facilitate astral time travel.

More people are calling me about how to use the hyper dimensional resonator for astral. I can get more specific on what techniques I use with the HDR:

1) try to relax
2) use a darkened room,
3) with few distractions.
4) try to enter the alpha state.
5) focus on time period.

Sunday July 25, 2004

Every day, I received about 40 to 120 E-mails, 60 or 70% is spam and 35% is mail from 6 web sites, I am a current member of. I received an E-mail, from a man called ?Ilderon? about 6 or 8 weeks ago; he lives in my area of southern California. I try to answer all the E-mails I receive each week. Well ?Ilderon? was asking about the Gibbs Time Machine I own. After a number of E-mails we met Sunday.

I showed him the Gibbs video in which the time machine slowed and speeded up time with watches. We decided to try to duplicate that same experiment. After setting up the Gibbs time machine I used a wall clock, which was about 14 inches in diameter, this particular clock was an AA battery operated clock. It also had Birds of North America and that each of the 12 hours on the clock; on the hour a different bird would sing out a birdcall.

When we brought the clock close to the Gibbs energized coil the clock began running very fast backwards, when we adjusted the dials on the Gibbs machine the clock started running forward it was equal to 30 seconds equals one hour on the clock. The Birdcalls was also shortened fast in both directions to. The birdcalls on this clock are generated from IC chips.

Next we decided to place a very powerful permanent magnet on the back of the clock to see what would happen. The clock froze up; next we pulled the magnet off the clock started again.

?Ilderon? said he was also going to write-up his experiences on what he witnessed, He will be posting this week. It should be very interesting to see what his views are on the whole time machine experience.

?Ilderon? also used the Gibbs to Astral Travel and was very accurate in his travels. ?Ilderon? will be posting his information on the following link:


Professor Opmmur @);-

::.. Excerpt from http://www.FluxCap.com ..::

Is there a connection between ghosts and time travel?

I believe that there is because an object that seems vaporous
and semitransparent is exactly what I would expect to see
if time travel were possible.

::.. Well :: that does it for me, I'm convinced! ..::

Originally posted by lev@Jul 29 2004, 07:59 PM
::.. Excerpt from http://www.FluxCap.com ..::

Is there a connection between ghosts and time travel?

I believe that there is because an object that seems vaporous
and semitransparent is exactly what I would expect to see
if time travel were possible.

::.. Well :: that does it for me, I'm convinced! ..::

In fact, during actual time travel, one could scarcely "see" anything at all if it were not in transit also-- such as your sleeve or cat. Beyond the scope of that which was actually "traveling," light could not travel fast enough or effectively reverse itself to permit your observation.

If a ghost could travel back in time, would the person revive only to awaken to the horror of having no physical body?

It's like when you turn the fan on. You do NOT see the individual blades, but more of a blur. You can see through the blades, but there is something there.

If you put your hand in you will soon find out that it is quite real. I do not know what ghosts are, but I do know that people have seen in old castles vaporous semi-transparent figures dressed in ancient clothes.

Also this phenomena has been recorded by more than one person so we know it is not a hallucination but rather a physical manifestation that we do not as of yet understand.

That is what this board is about, understanding the unknown.

BTW, I am starting a blog about the HDR.


Totally and completely ignored for the fifth time on this dreary trip, I lagged behind the others for a.

What are these 'blogs'? Everybody seems to have one, be getting one or want one.

That is what this board is about, understanding the unknown.



A Blog is a personal site whereby you write anything you want other people to read. Very Close to a public Diary. Also, you can list all the other Blog sites that you have linked to. Paul hit the Bulls Eye on that.

It's a way to keep track of my misadventures with the HDR. ;)

I plan to add more photos and try to make it better.
The blog is open for comments.

Anybody want to find out who Kerry has as Secretary of State? :huh:

I really do wish that there was some way you could prove that you're not making all this up HDRkid.

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