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Hi All it's Frog I just wanted to tell you I will tell you about my experience so here it is I was a girl in the middle ages being thrown from a barn or in present time being thrown from a window my name was mia I had old style clothing on like a dress and a old style hat I couldn't remember what the colors were on the clothing I could see and hear stuff but I wasn't physically there I saw through my own eyes I didn't see the person who threw me before I died I came back to the present never seeing me die or whatever it is like I pop back from that time just like what the hdr is supposed to do and thank goodness I didn't get stuck there or become possessed or stuck in space and time (spacetime) that is all I know for now so I will talk with you later on thanks for listening!

Don't worry about the cord, I have never even seen one on myself. I think its more of a symbolic perception for some people than a "real" cord being there. Just like some people can see their astral body and some can't. Do you see your astral body btw, and if you do what does it look like?

sorry, i am new to this, I think this is like my 2nd post,

so, we you guys do this astral time travel and you arrive somewhere else, are you like a ghost of sorts just observing things or can you get up and walk around?

sorry to invoke a movie reference, but is like the movie "somewhere in time" where he can get up and physically be in that time?

what is it like when you travel to these other timelines? i mean, what kind of interaction do you have with the people and things in this timeline?

If one were worried about being invaded by an evil entity during astral travel, one might learn how to cast a circle of light and protection prior to the travel. Another alternative would be to summon a lesser spirit to guard the corporeal body for a specific interval. ;)

Frog, I love your posts! May I please ask a favor? Would you please try to put in about three periods in a post? I find that I get about 2/3 of the way through your post and get lost. A little punctuation would give a sort of a marker for each statement or concept.


<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"headiebean\")</div>
sorry, i am new to this, I think this is like my 2nd post,

so, we you guys do this astral time travel and you arrive somewhere else, are you like a ghost of sorts just observing things or can you get up and walk around?

sorry to invoke a movie reference, but is like the movie \"somewhere in time\" where he can get up and physically be in that time?

what is it like when you travel to these other timelines? i mean, what kind of interaction do you have with the people and things in this timeline?[/b]

Yes I guess being like a ghost is the closest description. I'm not sure what you mean with "just get up and walk around" though, I can walk around in my "ghost" form and it feels as real as walking around physically. The difference is that you are invisible. Also, you can fly around if you want, go through walls etc.

I havn't seen the movie you are talking about so I dont know what's done there.

Personally I travel mostly around in this current timeline/universe, as well as visiting other dimensions. When traveling in this physical world I can't interact much with people or objects. I once traveled into a subway system while out of body, and I studied the people there some, and decided to try hit a man walking around with a briefcase, to see if he would notice anything. All that happend was that I passed through him, feeling a slightly energy distortion while doing so.

But when traveling to some other spiritual dimensions you can interact and talk and do things with the inhabitants.

basically the movie had a guy who sat in his room, surrounded himself with things from his desired time period and tiime traveled with his mind back to the 1920's. there is some other stuff to the story after he got there, he was able to walk around and interact in a physical manner.

its called "somewhere in time" it kinda sappy, but still a neat concept

wow. if you are into TT at all, you need to see that movie. its not quirky like back to the future and it doesnt turn into a monster movie like "the time machine" (the one from h.g. wells' book)

it does have a love story you have to deal with, but it is a drama and the concept is awesome. its a more realistic TT movie than some of the others.

"sosuemetoo" are you the one everybody calls mom?

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"headiebean\")</div>
\"sosuemetoo\" are you the one everybody calls mom?[/b]

Yes I am headie, Resident Mom at your service! Welcome to the forum, I'm enjoying your posts!
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