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Hi Folks:

I'm back from the vacation, and I will try to answer your questions.

Thanks Pauli.

Hi Frog:

1. Does virtual reality exist and do people play vr games and make applications and so much more in the near or further future?
Yes, there is VR, but it is not max pop because it makes people dizzy.
VR glasses become cheap and are used in interactive movies.

2. In the near or further future does the government still take care of the public or does the public take care of the public also do we lose technology and other subjects in the future?
In the near future yes, the guv takes care of people, after the war no.
Guv is gone. :huh:

Hi Darkbreed:

How can you play on those game consoles when astral travelling, when you said yourself even turning pages on a newspaper is impossible due to the fact you are not physically there?
I watch other people play. The older me is too busy working to play a lot of games,
but I can tell you the new Oddball is plus max. :grin:

Hi TwOmey:

HDRKid still around?
Hi, I'm back.

Hi halo2junkie119:

Where are you hdrkid?
Back in the states now, I was touring in the EU.
Guess what there are no border checks between countries.
And everybody uses the Euro, except the British they have pounds.

Hi Tessara Jarmor:

Thanks for yor post. You are correct about a spider web becoming more visible.
I use the HDR as a radionics machine, actually how radionics works is a mystery to me.
Many people claim I see what I want to see, but a world with high gas prices is no fun.
In Europe, petrol was over one Euro per litre and cars were very small.

This is similar to what I saw for the US in the near future.

Hi Felic:

Thank for the link. ;)

Hi pieceofaman:

I wonder if he used his HDR device in Europe?
Actually I was afraid of getting stuck back in the Middle Ages.
One thing that startled me about Europe was the number of old
structures that still stand from the age of the Roman Empire. :)

Hi Sinister:

Any posts by those two that are longer than 2 inches in length, I will no longer read.
I agree. :)

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"hdrkid\")</div>
Hi pieceofaman:

I wonder if he used his HDR device in Europe?
Actually I was afraid of getting stuck back in the Middle Ages.
One thing that startled me about Europe was the number of old
structures that still stand from the age of the Roman Empire. :)

one should never worry about getting stuck when you use the astral body to travel because you are bound by the 'silver cord'. it will always bring you back to your body.


You noticed that also ?? Isn't it funny how the use of a Placebo changes everything about Astral Travel?? Even though it's indestructable, you may get to hear the story about his breaking at one time. That one is almost as good as the 25 cop cars visiting his house.

The only thing stuck in the middle ages is the truth about the hdr unit/placebo he uses because there sure isn't any on this thread about that unit.

Hi hdrkid it's frog once again I was wondering if you could answer these two questions I have for you for now and thanks for coming back from your vacation was it fun or not? I haven't been doing too much lately I am trying to get my device ready it is a small one not too big and not too small here are my questions:

1. Where do you go when you time travel do you pop in anywhere at anytime and pop out in anywhere at anytime or is it based on your energies like steven gibbs said?

2. Have you ever tried to go to 2010-2015 or around it or through it or is it just too hard to get there?

thanks hdrkid for your time and patience and listening as well and thanks for all my questions that you have answered and infomation, advice, and tips too I will talk with you later on!

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"StarLord\")</div>

You noticed that also ?? Isn't it funny how the use of a Placebo changes everything about Astral Travel?? Even though it's indestructable, you may get to hear the story about his breaking at one time. That one is almost as good as the 25 cop cars visiting his house.

The only thing stuck in the middle ages is the truth about the hdr unit/placebo he uses because there sure isn't any on this thread about that unit.[/b]

I think it was fear that prevented him from using it in Europe. Sometimes your fear is brought on by something ilogical like getting stuck outside of your body when having an OBE. You know it makes no sense to be scared of but your fear still prevents you ftom trying.

I don't think Hdr-kid is trying to promote the HDR unit. If he is then it is weak advertising as I have seen no link between steve and hdr-kid. so i don't think his experiences are fake.

I am beginning think that the hdr may be more of placebo than an actual device used for time travel. I am curious as to how this device effects the brain and is it dangerous?

My guess is the kid left his machine at home. I'd be curious to know how one would explain the HDR to security at the airport once it went through the scanner. An electrical device, cylindrical in nature must look awfully strange in the x-ray monitor. If 20 cop cars showed up at his house, imagine the response at an airport.

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"gl100\")</div>
My guess is the kid left his machine at home. I'd be curious to know how one would explain the HDR to security at the airport once it went through the scanner. An electrical device, cylindrical in nature must look awfully strange in the x-ray monitor. If 20 cop cars showed up at his house, imagine the response at an airport.[/b]

I always wondered why the police would show up at his house? I can only guess that the police would come if the unit was giving off some signal to their communication devices and
that seems extremely unlikely. :dry:

Hi pieceofaman:

Also, there was a limit on 10 kilos for baggage. Actually my bags were 15 kilos and I got called on it.

Believe it or not there is less security in the EU. And no border patrol between EU countries. YEA! :grin:

Hi gl100:

I did not plan to bring it with me because it is bulky, and if the HDR were to send me physically through time in Europe it would be real hard to explain. That is why I use the HDR for astral travel. :)

Hi Starlord:

I have always had problems exteriorizing when I astral travel, but I find that soft "new age" music helps me. Perhaps that is also a placebo, but I think not.

Hi Frog:

1. Where do you go when you time travel do you pop in anywhere at anytime and pop out in anywhere at anytime or is it based on your energies like steven gibbs said?

It seems that jumping more than to certain times is easy, but other times is hard. For example, the 1950's are EZ, so are the 1990's, but the 70's & 80's are hard. Not sure why. Could be Montauk Project. Or a block.

2. Have you ever tried to go to 2010-2015 or around it or through it or is it just too hard to get there?

There seems to be a block on the 2010-2015 time slot. Again, not sure why this is. :unsure:

Hi it's frog once again I was wondering if I can send you a private message it says I can't because you have too many messages already could you empty your private message slot so then I can give you one thanks for listening and your time and patience and so much more I will talk with you later on I have one long question for you if you can answer that it would help me big time so here it is:

1. Would you be able to travel physically one day because I have heard that other people who have the hdr can travel both physically and mentally also what kind of other travel can be used from the hdr?

2. Would the hdr if it is improved later on do you believe it could open a stargate, wormhole, or a portal to other dimensions or other parallel universes or timelines and even one to a direct past, present, and future?

thanks hdrkid for listening and so on I will chat with you later on and thanks for all of the answers to the questions, advice, tips, and much more well see you later on!
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