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Hi DarkWolf::

All I can say is that you play with fire, you get your hands burned.
There a lot of really bad stuff out there, Astral Hell is just one place.

I have not seen any ascended masters or spirit guides. Prayer before going astral is highly advised. One time I was astral on an ice world and these things attacked my astral body. I asked Jesus to help me. Funny the things went away real fast. According to some people on this board Jesus does not exist. Good luck out there!

Hi Magic Friend:

I get the funny feeling that the greys may come calling and real soon. :(

Hi Farstar65:
1. Are those times as far as you've tried to go, or have you tried to go farther in either direction but couldn't?

I tuned my machine to go back as far as possible and it sent me to 1825, but with a Tesla coil & HDR I was able to go astral to the 1500's.

2. Do you think there might actually be some astral/temporal limit (some feel it would be impossible, for example, to go back and the witness the "big bang")?

Yes, I think that the limit on the HDR is less than 1,000 years both ways.
Sorry, but even using the Tesla coil it seems that there are limits on the tech.

Hi Pieceseofaman:

1. Can you tell some upcoming events that you think are important and that we should know about?

WWIII occurs on most timelines, and its a bear.

Also in all of your travels what is the wierdest thing you ever saw?

Women in the future go back to a "traditional" role. I expected more liberation. Also, people in the future more religious than now.

Ever heard a song in your travels?

All the time! :lol:

If so would you mind sharing the some of the lyrics.

I will when I remember them.

Hi Tw0mey:

2600's - Underground cities, people look different than now. Languages like English go away. People dress "funny".

WWIII - a sad time, most people die due to viruses not radiation.
Cities are never rebuilt, new cities built like NEW CHICAGO, NEW DETRIOT, NEW MEMPHIS.

Hi Darkwing Duck:

This timeline is one of the worst. On many timelines black people were never slaves, native people were respected and there are not the giant class divisions that exist on this line.

I'd rather have been born on one of those lines than this one. This line is real close to an astral hell

When did WWIII started in the timeline that looked more like this one?
When did it ended?
People were more religious or more spiritual?
How was technology after WWIII? Were computers still used?

Thanks a lot for your time!

[qoute=hdrkid]Hi Tw0mey:

2600's - Underground cities, people look different than now. Languages like English go away. People dress "funny".

WWIII - a sad time, most people die due to viruses not radiation.
Cities are never rebuilt, new cities built like NEW CHICAGO, NEW DETRIOT, NEW MEMPHIS.[/quote]

What do the underground cities look like?

What do the languages sound like? Are they nothing like our languages today? Or are they totally different?

What is the population after WWIII? Rough estimate would be ok.

When do countries fight in space, over the Moon or Mars or other planets, territories, etc.



HDRKid, Hi!

Have you ever had anybody recognize you in your travels? Do you arrived dressed in the current fashion? Or do you experience the travel as disembodied? Thanks, MMf

HDRKID...wow! I'm new here but I've been reading this thread for the last couple of days. Watching you and some of the others go back and forth has been somewhat amusing I must say (no harm intended). You claimed to have been phsycic since you were a kid. I too am lets say been very gifted. Anyway not to stray away from the topice of astral travel. I'm actually thinking about buying the HDR. I will definately post what ever I expirience when I do. Like I said I'm new here and I hope to be involved with many discussions.

QuantumLeap: It could be interesting, if you did some experiments together with HDRKID if you really get the HDR yourself. Like you both try to reach a spesific time period and write down what you experience without telling eachother, and mail it to a 3rd person on the forum, a moderator maybe. Then we could see how close it was when the moderator posts the results.

DarkBreed-Sounds like a good plan to me! I would definately be up for that.
Timmy G-Thank you for the welcome! Its great to be a member of such a awesome board. I tell by some of the readings there are some very intelligent people here.

I got very interested when I got an email from my brother in law about a man who claims to be from 2036 (John Titor). Thats how I found this board by doing a search on him. Funny how things work out. One of the other members (forgive me for not remembering who) mentioned that we are all given the ability to Astral Travel. I agree 100%! We are all given gifts and its up to us to find out what they might be. HDRKid would you be up for what DarkBreed mentioned?


Any 2005 timelines where technology is so advanced that we're already exploring deep space? Maybe a "Star Trek" type world? Would be neat if there was a 2005 that looked like that. Thanks for your answers.
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