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I agree it will soar to over $2.50 a gallon this year. Speaking of the Pope, he is back in the hispital. I said that they were lying when they stated he was getting better, that he was getting worse.

Expect Bush to make an important announcement.

I agree it will soar to over $2.50 a gallon this year. Speaking of the Pope, he is back in the hispital. I said that they were lying when they stated he was getting better, that he was getting worse.

Expect Bush to make an important announcement.
$2.50? I predict $3 by July. And they weren't lying when they said he was getting better. He was, but hasn't done consistently well on his meds.

Could you be more specific on Bush's announcement? That blanket statement kinda leaves it wide open, dontcha think?



Well if Gas hits $3 a gallon I'd assume he would say we're tapping into the oil reserves just to give us that psycholgical thing we need because to the mind of the average American more oil means things are good.

Of I contend we should of sucked Iraq dry by now. They have enough oil to solve our problems.

We give them liberty and they give us the oil. Its a fair trade off.

I mean its not like we're going to be pushing fuel cells anytime soon.

I actually expect him to comment on the age change (to 39) regarding induction to the military or govt. services and about a draft.

When I read that when this draft happens Selective Service will be going for men and women between the ages of 18 and 34 I thought that was a bit much.

But I can just see the fun when guys pushing 40 are told that they are being drafted.

I really dread the draft. I mean I'm not worried about me. At the most I'll get a desk job or something.

But my brother is who I worry about. He'll be 19 in a month and he's what you would call front line material.

I support the war on terror, but if how Iraq was handled is any indication if we have to go into Syria and Iran it's going to be a disaster in the long run.

Hi PhantomLord:

I feel for your brother. He probably more than most deserves to see the wonders of the future. We are to blame. We elected Bush; now we pay the price.

Hi Zoomerz:

Steven Gibbs told me that it would be big. I do not know what it will be. One psychic shew said Bush will resign, not likely, I saw him in 2007. Another seer said that Bush will announce the draft. Funny, I thought that happened next year in 2006.

Hi Starlord:

I believe tha the age gets lifted to 45 eventually. That should give you an idea of how bad things get.

The worst part is that I have a sister who is draft age. In my jumps to the future, she does not survive. Sad actually......

Well I voted for Bush because when it came down to it he was the lesser of two evils when it came to John Kerry.

But then again since I live in New York, I could of voted for anyone and it wouldnt really matter.

I like to think there is still hope for the future, but ever since 9/11 I've been living with the mind set that the worst is yet to come. I would like to be wrong, but I just have this feeling that I wont be.

Hi it's Frog sorry I haven't been on in a few days I have been busy lately so how are you doing in general? I am doing fine for now no problems or worries I have some questions for you and thanks for listening and your time and patience I appreciate it so here they are:

1. What does bush actually do that causes so much trouble in the near or further future?

2. Do people of the public or republic do they use time machines and teleportation machines or devices and escape to the past both near or further or further future in order to get away from the government or the president?

3. Is time travel and teleportation outlawed or illegal in some or most timelines?

thanks hdrkid for everything the answers to my questions and so much more and if you ever do physical time travel make sure you get clothing of the near or further future I wouldn't mind seeing that for sure not as astral travel but physical travel well I got to go now I will talk with you later on!

predicting the price of oil rising would be like myself saying 'computers will get better in the future' , doesn't take a telepath some of these predictions imo
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