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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"happymagilla\")</div>
I agree I have lotsa lucids...byproduct of oobes ..havin them for 20 yrs now....I always preclude my storys of travels with \"this could all be in my head\"....keeps the starlord types from jumpin on ya.....:)

This could all be in my head ...but some of what kid has said has happened to me also...no so much in content but in the way it happens...sumbled on multiple timelines/worlds when trying to TT in the oob state.[/b]

You must have missed some of my posts elsewhere on this board where I speak of OBE and Astral Travel. I have no qualms with those, they are a Natural Progression, a part of the normal experiences one finds on a spiritual path.

Yes, you can visit the Akashic area where 'everything is written' every single experience you ever had throughout every incarnation you ever had. That is not Time Travel. However, UNTIL the Human Body leaves the Physical Plane and travels to some other point IN TIME On the Physical Plane, we don't have time travel. You may also overlooked the fact that there are hundreds of Sub levels prior to getting to the Astral Plane, any one of which could be misconstrued as 'traveling in time here on this earth'.

I become concerned when shysters and their shills try to make a Buck on convincing people that the purchase of a radionic unit will in able them to do anything stated or claimed. What really ticks me off is when the young and not so well equiped are lied to and taken advantage of.

Hi Starlord:
The HDR has a magnetic strength comparable to an industrial electromagnet, the kind that they use to separate ferrous metal from non-ferrous.

Hi gl100:
Union Carbide? :)

Hi happymagilla:
Madman Marcum used a device he built. He is currently gone. :(
I believe that if you can supply schematics on his device,
it might be possible to build it.

Hi fluxwarp:
Supposedly, Madman Marcum spent some time in jail for stealing some transformers.
I believe those transformers were for a device he was building.
The device that Madman Marcum used is quite different
from Steven Gibbs HDR.

Has anyone takes the time to do a Google search on "Electromagnetic waves and Brain Damage? There are at minimum, 10,000 links to SCIENTIFIC information from Doctors with evidence that Electromagnetic waves cause: Brain Cell Damage, Brain Damage, Epilepsy, Depression, Nerve & Spinal Cord Damage.

The Body already has it's own Natural Electromagnetic Field that is in place for health & protection. The Brain itself works by a combination of chemical and electric impulse to function. It is a known fact that the Brain is suseptable and will react to 1 Millionth of a part of substance when it comes to chemicals.





Tell me kid, has that farmer done any safety testing at a REPUTABLE LABORATORY, you know, a place where people that know what they are doing, test electrical things???

I brought this up long ago. Why risk damage to your brain when 'out of body' experiences are easily attainable by simple meditation? I assumed that HDRs insistence on promoting the HDR as his 'astral travel' technique was because it made a more believable story than natural OBE; the HDR is one of the main matters of interest in the field of time travel presently.

I miss the poetry HDR; you are only risking debunking going into all these espionage/legal side-plots. What have you seen in your recent 'trips'?

Don't you mean what is he going to 'make up' for us this time?? He still has a few questions to answer concerning 'Remote Viewing' and how it is time travel.

Hi Pieceofaman:

I wonder if the waves can also give you hallucinations?
No reports of MRI causing hallucinations, but I do not discount your assertion.
My success rate is only about 1 in 10 times. So it would have to be a sporadic episode. I know that certain sound patterns can help me achieve the alpha state.

Hi Felic:

What have you seen in your recent 'trips'?
I was successful today in astral time travel to 2047.
Please remember that what I saw may no reflect our current timeline.

People were using 12V DC power generators something that John Titor predicted in his timeline, but instead of fuel cells they were using regular deep cycle marine batteries for storage of power.

For power generation they had both wind turbines "Windmills" and solar cell panels. I did not see any ZPE generators, but I did see a functional internet.

How an internet could survive the war is beyond me, as most of the supernodes are in major cities, still they had time to rebuild.

There was a webcast talking about the problem of Strontium in children's milk and that parents should give children ground up limestone for calcium.

The people dressed using raggy old clothes and seemed very "grunge".

Hi hdrkid it's frog once again I just wanted to say would you be able to send me a private message I want to talk to you in private? the problem is you have too many messages in your email on the forum if you delete some then we can talk again well got to go now talk with you later on!


Have you seen any timelines where the future looked exactly (and I do mean exactly) the way Titor described his time?
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