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FIRST off, you have still not covered the bases on your most recent mistake where you stated that the Govt. spent MILLIONS on research during the wright brothers time. You were WRONG and you tried to cover it up as usual with a lot of crap, as usual.

SECOND, PLEASE show me where I said that it was obvious that Michael Jackson was going to jail for a long time???

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Jasonx\")</div>
In that line linsday lohan looked healthy like she did in Mean girls good looking body

I would say thats a definite yes, on any timeline.

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Jasonx\")</div>
In that line linsday lohan looked healthy like she did in Mean girls good looking body

I would say thats a definite yes, on any timeline.

Hi Keroscene:
Yes, very healthy. :)

Hi Starlord:
You were right about it being obvious. On most lines he was led away in handcuffs, but not on ours.

The advantages of the aeroplane for the military are many so they spent a lot of money trying to build one.

In fact, b4 the airplane the army used balloons for aerial recon, but balloons are {slow, hard to steer, very visible}.
With the aeroplane the game of warfare changed dramatically. Right now, the army is spending a lot of money trying to create robot soldiers.
The advantages are many, but debunkers are in charge at the top.

Hi Pieceofaman:
Astral time travel is "duh bom". No really, I can see movies without paying. My fave is to go back to the 20's and to see those old googy cars. :)

Hi JasonX:
1. Hulk Hogan was still wrestling in that line in the wwf how can he still wrestle he so old.
He is a legend on the WWF.

2. I like stone cold but i like cena too and have you ever saw ecw in another line?
No, I still try to keep up with the WWE, but it is hard now, very busy.

3. Have you ever saw The girl from harry potter in any other lines?
Hellmione? BTW, I think dumbodork dies in Half Blood Prince.
Never seen Harry Potter movie on other lines/ not sure why...

4. Have you ever saw baseball player Barry bonds in any other lines?
He was not playing due to a bad knee, but came back. On our line he might not come back.
On other line he was playing for the Reds.

5. have you ever saw the movie jurassic Park in another line?
I believe I already answered this question :)

Hi Frog:
Thanks, I am waiting for the 1200 MFD cap.
The Flux Cap still needs a 1200 MFD cap. :)

Hi Keroscene:
Yes, very healthy. :)

Hi Starlord:
You were right about it being obvious. On most lines he was led away in handcuffs, but not on ours.

The advantages of the aeroplane for the military are many so they spent a lot of money trying to build one.

In fact, b4 the airplane the army used balloons for aerial recon, but balloons are {slow, hard to steer, very visible}.
With the aeroplane the game of warfare changed dramatically. Right now, the army is spending a lot of money trying to create robot soldiers.
The advantages are many, but debunkers are in charge at the top.

Hi Pieceofaman:
Astral time travel is "duh bom". No really, I can see movies without paying. My fave is to go back to the 20's and to see those old googy cars. :)

Hi JasonX:
1. Hulk Hogan was still wrestling in that line in the wwf how can he still wrestle he so old.
He is a legend on the WWF.

2. I like stone cold but i like cena too and have you ever saw ecw in another line?
No, I still try to keep up with the WWE, but it is hard now, very busy.

3. Have you ever saw The girl from harry potter in any other lines?
Hellmione? BTW, I think dumbodork dies in Half Blood Prince.
Never seen Harry Potter movie on other lines/ not sure why...

4. Have you ever saw baseball player Barry bonds in any other lines?
He was not playing due to a bad knee, but came back. On our line he might not come back.
On other line he was playing for the Reds.

5. have you ever saw the movie jurassic Park in another line?
I believe I already answered this question :)

Hi Frog:
Thanks, I am waiting for the 1200 MFD cap.
The Flux Cap still needs a 1200 MFD cap. :)

hdrkid pm mew if you want to chat im on right now and so are you

Have you seen batman begins on any other lines?

who is the best looking igirl you ever saw in another line
and how many lines have you visited?

I went twice to a real cold place where it was snowing in Miami, and the oceans were freezing. The problem was not that the gulf stream had shut down, but that the sun was failing.

Scientists called it a thermal pause and claimed that it would return to normal, but the sun got weaker and weaker. Also, there were days when the sun would fire up and things would heat up, but also the sun was messed up and give off these bright flashes that blinded people. 20% of the population was blind.

The guv forced industry to hire the sightless and you saw blind waiters, cashiers, etc. Pretty blind girls would marry these ugly jerks.

It was awful, you were driving down the highway and a bright flash would blind people causing car crashes.

Is this a joke? This has to be one of the most ridiculous things I have ever read. Without even discussing the whole ludicrous, blind subtext, have you any idea of what kind of thermal environment is required to freeze an ocean? How about the effects that would have on tropical and subtropical populations? No, obviously not. But its ok because its another Willlie Wonka timelines and anything is possible.

The advantages of the aeroplane for the military are many so they spent a lot of money trying to build one.
No kid, they really didn?t. Please refer to my previous post about Samuel Langley. The US was behind the rest of the world in this area and it continued into WWI. In fact, aerial warfare was not considered proper military behavior at the turn of the century. The Hague Peace conference of 1899 actually banned the dropping of bombs and projectiles from any airborne craft, including balloons. It actually deemed it a crime of war and condoned only reconnaissance flights. The Wright brother built the military?s first aircraft in 1909 for the US Signal Corp at a cost of, I believe around $30,000. It wasn?t until 1911 that Congress appropriated $125,000 for the formation of an air force under the US Army. During the first world war, American pilots were few and flew mostly French aircraft.

Right now, the army is spending a lot of money trying to create robot soldiers. The advantages are many, but debunkers are in charge at the top.
Kid, autonomous weaponry has been around and used since the late 70?s and early 80?s. Think cruise missiles, drones, smart bombs, mine sweepers etc. Robotics are nothing new to the military as they are one of the largest researchers of robotics and AI around. If you mean robot soldiers like the terminator then well?that?s just as silly as saying that debunkers are at the top. If debunkers are at the top then why does the military keep coming out with more advanced robotics/AI equipment? If debunkers are at the top, why are they one of the largest funded groups in this area? BTW kid, consider these as rhetorical questions that do not need one of your insipid, paranoid responses or fractured fairy tale history lessons.

Hi hdr it's frog once again sorry to have rush you on making the capacitor but it was great that you could help me out of course and thanks for alot of things I have two more questions to ask you so here they are:

1. Does japan become popular for making robots and andriods as of right now?

2. Will their be lesser jobs and no money in the near or further future?

thanks for your time and patience and listening as well I will talk with you some more later on thanks for being cool it well see you later!

Hi GL100:
Funny that you should say that. The army was chomping at the bit to get an aeroplane. Yes, the main use was aerial recon, but they also planned to use it for other less honorable purposes.
The army now wants to build robots that can survive the high radiation battlefields of the future. They are paying companies big bucks to manufacture hi-rad chips.

In fact, you will not believe this but we now have desktop nuclear fusion. If you wonder why it is not improved upon and made commercial, then take a look at who sits in the whitehouse. Yep, a Texas oilman.

Oceans will freeze over in the future. They have in the past. Our sun is not as stable as people think. It periodically has these "lulls".
It is a matter of geological record that in the past there have been great ice ages where the ocean has completely frozen over - a snowball earth.

You said "During the first world war, American pilots were few and flew mostly French aircraft." How true, and during the 1950's Sputnik caught the US off guard AGAIN! The reason is that it is much easier to ridicule a new technology than to build one.

We had Goddard in our back yard but we chose to make fun of him until the Germans developed the V2, we had the wright brothers but scoffed at their "pile of sticks" until we faced superior German air power in WWI. The cycle repeats itself. Now Putin has Russia working on next generation scalar weapons and what is the US doing?
Well, the debunkers are in control, laughing at Tesla tech and creating a difficult environment for those who are pleading that we close the gap. When Russia attacks us, and you now know why, it will be too late. We were asleep at the wheel. :huh:

Hi JasonX:
Have you seen batman begins on any other lines?
Not yet, but I did see fantastic four. Batman Begins seems a bit darker in the previews than the old bat.
I heard the batmobile is a hummer?

who is the best looking igirl you ever saw in another line?
I have seen many pretty girls on other lines. The prettiest girl I have seen on another line is Singer/Model Evette Percon. Who can sing a lot better than Britney and is a lot prettier too.

and how many lines have you visited?
So far? I got the HDR in 2001 and have been using it since. Most of my jumps are to the past. Close to 100 by now.
Jumps to the future are sad because of the war and the destruction of cities. The good news is that people come together and rebuild.
In most lines people talk English and the US is a democracy. :)

Hi Frog:
1. Does japan become popular for making robots and andriods as of right now?
A. On lines without WWIII Japan is the leader in high-tech robotics, but the whole world becomes one country soon.
B. On lines with WWIII people worry about finding food. Japan is a mess.

2. Will their be lesser jobs and no money in the near or further future?
If we survive the oil crunch by moving to fusion then we are fine, otherwise even without WWIII there is a lot of poverty. The next few years are a challenge.
Using Steven Gibbs HDR , I saw a world with few natural resources and many problems in the near future. One of which is an oil shortage. :(


You have lied about the govt spending MILLIONS of dollars in flight during early aviation. It had nothing to do with debunkers. Not a single thing. You also lied about me saying that I said Jackson would go to jail for a very long time.

When asked about this you consistently skirt the issue and gloss over some other facet of your fairy tale state of mind.

If you took the time to properly READ your link to desk top fusion, you would have noticed that the current setup produces only a few hundred new atoms per second. A proper commercial generation USING THAT SAME TECHNIQUE WOULD NEED TENS OF MILLIONS PER SECOND in order for it to work.

As G100 has so kindly pointed out, you seem tho think that people who CATCH YOU AT YOUR LIES are "debunkers" Nothing could be farther from the truth.
You know what the truth is don't you? You remember hearing about it when you were very young and your parents told you it was important to tell the truth. In the last 15 months you have neglected to listen to your parents regarding the truth. When someone spotted you in a lie at school and they call you on it, do you accuse them of being a debunker?? Or has your pathological challenge peeked out at school and no one listens to your stories any more? Is that why you are here spouting your lies?

After learning Gung Fu for a few years, I came across a saying. "An empty bottle makes the most noise" I asked my Master what that truly meant. His explination was simple and to the point. "Take a bottle and fill it 1/4 full and shake it. Then take that same bottle and fill it to the top and shake it. Which one makes the most noise?"
By watching the other people that practised Ging Fu and listening to them talk, it soon became obvious what this meant. Those that talked the most about their prowess and what they could do knew the least about what they were talking about.
You also learned that those that never talked about what they knew or could do were the ones you had to be carefull of. Those people had no reason to brag because their actions spoke louder than any words possibly could.

You have consistently made false statements, And you have had people correct you on these statements. NEVER ONCE have I see you make any kind of retraction or acknowledge the fact that you were wrong. Those are the actions of a child. It's time to grow up kid. It's time to face the facts. You are a liar. Some 15 months ago when I first read your claims regarding 25 police cars stopping at your house, I started to carefully reread your claims. Back then it was more than obvious that you had no clues regarding OBE or Astral Travel. You especially looked very foolish when you came up with the lie about 'time police', Astral Boogy men and Astral Police.
You lied about that. You took something off the internet from some idiot that didn't know what they were talking about and included it in your claims and lies. That was a bad decision on your part.
Because you could not do what you were claiming to be able to do, you had no possible way to verify the crap you were picking up and passing on as your own experiences. It is more plain than the difference between black and white and just as obvious as a bell that has a crack in it. Trying to argue that there is no crack in the bell when those that know what to listen for can hear it a mile away only makes you look very foolish. You are a nice person. Quit the lying. Quit your prevarications.
Take a tip from Samuel Clemens. He said long ago that if you Always tell the truth, you never have to remember what you said. You have been caught more times than a coon hound has fleas. Grow up.
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