Hello everyone


Senior Member
Hello, everyone. I'm so glad to have found this group. I lost my beautiful daughter, totally unexpectedly, in December of 2021. I desperately want to see her again whether by going back in time or through the paranormal or both. So far, I have not found much relief through signs or meditation.

Thank you for reading this.
The thing is, you really can't go back to associate with her. This by and large is forbidden. Say if you even do find a time machine that's portable, easy to use and do get to her. You will change the timeline your'e in, if she sees or you associate with her.

In other words you might slip into an alternately made timeline and this timeline may end up dissolving, don't know? My advice, as I'm expert in the relative machines of how timelines function. If the time factor in timelines would make a copy of you, in the time-port you departed from?

But if you go back to see her, you could be stopped by what is known as a time-cop. He will disable your time machine and send you back to your point of origin.

I lost a son, but the deal was and found this out later, he was interfered with by ETs and only meant to live so long. It took a while, but I got it through my head that he was better off not being any more, rather than to have to put up with his antics.

It's probably best you don't go there and just remember her.


Active Member
The thing is, you really can't go back to associate with her. This by and large is forbidden. Say if you even do find a time machine that's portable, easy to use and do get to her. You will change the timeline your'e in, if she sees or you associate with her.

In other words you might slip into an alternately made timeline and this timeline may end up dissolving, don't know? My advice, as I'm expert in the relative machines of how timelines function. If the time factor in timelines would make a copy of you, in the time-port you departed from?

But if you go back to see her, you could be stopped by what is known as a time-cop. He will disable your time machine and send you back to your point of origin.

I lost a son, but the deal was and found this out later, he was interfered with by ETs and only meant to live so long. It took a while, but I got it through my head that he was better off not being any more, rather than to have to put up with his antics.

It's probably best you don't go there and just remember her.
Maybe but there is a astral projection way by using the mind to go back and exchange soul or spirit way and there you can speak there I once did this but I was in the past by it more like possessed your own flesh in the past visit there but only a few second but I got scare and did got back to future flesh my body I just don't know how


Senior Member
Maybe but there is a astral projection way by using the mind to go back and exchange soul or spirit way and there you can speak there I once did this but I was in the past by it more like possessed your own flesh in the past visit there but only a few second but I got scare and did got back to future flesh my body I just don't know how
Might have been a freak chance burp of luck.


New Member
Have you try astral projection if so you can contact there
I've been trying to astral project for years. I may have had a brief oobe back in January. I was lying on the bed, listening to a sacredacoustics audio. I thought I was getting up, going to the computer desk and taking my headphones off. But the sound continued. Then I realized I was still lying on the bed. Was very brief. That's the only experience I've had so far. But I would really like to astral project to see my daughter.


New Member
The thing is, you really can't go back to associate with her. This by and large is forbidden. Say if you even do find a time machine that's portable, easy to use and do get to her. You will change the timeline your'e in, if she sees or you associate with her.

In other words you might slip into an alternately made timeline and this timeline may end up dissolving, don't know? My advice, as I'm expert in the relative machines of how timelines function. If the time factor in timelines would make a copy of you, in the time-port you departed from?

But if you go back to see her, you could be stopped by what is known as a time-cop. He will disable your time machine and send you back to your point of origin.

Nobody knows for sure. Hugh Everitt III, and more recently Sean Carroll, have proposed a many worlds interpretation that applies quantum physics across the board. That way, there would be 10^10^120 universes that differ slightly. It may be possible to go back and enter one of those universes. The problem is that I would disappear from this universe and be duplicated in the other universe. Alternatively, by changing the past and generate another universe where I may not be duplicated as it didn't previously exist. I would disappear from this universe but bring a better universe into being. I don't really believe in a time cop.

I lost a son, but the deal was and found this out later, he was interfered with by ETs and only meant to live so long. It took a while, but I got it through my head that he was better off not being any more, rather than to have to put up with his antics.

It's probably best you don't go there and just remember her.
My condolences on your son. Some spiritualists believe in a soul plan. I'm not convinced although I can see how it can be comforting. I will always remember her but I am determined to have more if at all possible.


New Member
i'm sorry you lost your daughter. but death isn't a punishment to you or your daughter. she has moved on to a much better realm where there isn't suffering like there is on earth. if you love her, know that she has moved on to the other side and you will one day join her, just like the rest of us. your soul is still living in your body, so don't forget to live your life and not look back and wish for the past to remain.


Senior Member
Nobody knows for sure. Hugh Everitt III, and more recently Sean Carroll, have proposed a many worlds interpretation that applies quantum physics across the board. That way, there would be 10^10^120 universes that differ slightly. It may be possible to go back and enter one of those universes. The problem is that I would disappear from this universe and be duplicated in the other universe. Alternatively, by changing the past and generate another universe where I may not be duplicated as it didn't previously exist. I would disappear from this universe but bring a better universe into being. I don't really believe in a time cop.

My condolences on your son. Some spiritualists believe in a soul plan. I'm not convinced although I can see how it can be comforting. I will always remember her but I am determined to have more if at all possible.
What your'e really after is the error in your own fathering. Males tend to tabulate issues in the past in their lives. What is compelling you to go back there, is the illusion if you would be able to talk to her, everything could change so you could tabulate this in your life as being correct.

If you actually could go back, but age disguised you, she may say to you, "Who the Hell are you and what do you want!? This is my life and I'll live it how I see fit, not by your interference".

It's the way it was cast and really not your fault. In my case it wasn't my doing. The Grays were f*cking around with him, but still in the final analysis, he was due to check out. ..At his wake a lady who had lived in the place I live now who had been there longer, said that there was another kid up the valley, that looked just like him.

I'm saying to myself after she had told me, this was all a racket and what had I really done by breeding that kid into existence?


New Member
i'm sorry you lost your daughter. but death isn't a punishment to you or your daughter. she has moved on to a much better realm where there isn't suffering like there is on earth. if you love her, know that she has moved on to the other side and you will one day join her, just like the rest of us. your soul is still living in your body, so don't forget to live your life and not look back and wish for the past to remain.
Thank you for your encouraging words and sorry about my slow reply. I hope you're right. I didn't think much about the afterlife before my daughter's unexpected passing.


New Member
What your'e really after is the error in your own fathering. Males tend to tabulate issues in the past in their lives. What is compelling you to go back there, is the illusion if you would be able to talk to her, everything could change so you could tabulate this in your life as being correct.

If you actually could go back, but age disguised you, she may say to you, "Who the Hell are you and what do you want!? This is my life and I'll live it how I see fit, not by your interference".

It's the way it was cast and really not your fault. In my case it wasn't my doing. The Grays were f*cking around with him, but still in the final analysis, he was due to check out. ..At his wake a lady who had lived in the place I live now who had been there longer, said that there was another kid up the valley, that looked just like him.

I'm saying to myself after she had told me, this was all a racket and what had I really done by breeding that kid into existence?
Thank you for your reply and sorry about my slow reply/ Certainly, if I went as far as I would like (to 1990) I would be very much disguised by age and have probably aged a lot since my daughter passed. Certainly not as healthy as I have much less incentive to stay healthy.

But I would only need to go back about a week before she passed. Her refrigerator suddenly stopped working less than a week before she passed. I could have given her evidence I was from the future by predicting that. I could also read a news story that happened that week as further confirmation. Or if I went back a few months earlier, I could perhaps predict more. Maybe a year earlier and predict the storming of the US Capitol. One problem is that I may have a double if I went back physically.

People may look similar but be different in their personalities. I knew a pair of sisters who were identical twins but it was a real case of an evil twin. Like Jeckyll and Hyde. The other twin was lovely. They were truly diametric opposites.


Senior Member
Otago Harbour said, People may look similar but be different in their personalities. I knew a pair of sisters who were identical twins but it was a real case of an evil twin. Like Jeckyll and Hyde. The other twin was lovely. They were truly diametric opposites. /

Lamdo answer, in my case had a fraternal twin that was reactivated. She was a little different than me, but when she got close to me and our potentials began to join, I found that she may have been forced into a situation not knowing.

All I can say, thanks for your return comment.
