
Re: Hello

Hello Buggy. The changes occur in a systematic way. New methods for accomplishing goals make their appearance, then people find themselves enjoying this method over the prior method. Part of the appeal results from ordinary 'newness'. However, once viewed as being useful, people request to keep that system going. New technologies also surface which have the ability to expose corruption. The phrasing of 'shape in or shape out' applies here. It occurs first in your business world, then towards social matters. The key to its effectivenss is through 'bypassing' the government methodolgy.

You mentioned the word utopia, which is a word I am familiar with. It is probable that each one of you can already envision the Earth where certain problems are eliminated. It is probable that each one of you can envision even your current standard technology being redirected to accomplish this. If people here seem to have an understanding of 'conspiracy', then people know of the technologies possible, such as in health which could eliminate diseases. While this technology may not be common now, after a century or more it is common, and therefore these cultural problems become eliminated. While the final goal is reachable and realistic in terms of its development and technological possibility, it is the process leading up to the goal which is the challenge you are facing now.

Action towards dire and fast change is stagnant in your time period. I have observed television footage from your time period whereby I see people protesting their thoughts infront of governmental buildings. This condition is similar to what Tess stated about 'banging yoursef against the wall'. As I observe the physiological development of 'remote viewing' I see now that printed books, information, courses, training centers are readily available and have been since approximately your Gregorian year of 1995. It is now 2005 in your current date. However, in 10 years, children are still stolen in the hundreds. Yet no large scale effort is made by individuals to find them using these physiological advances, or no large scale demands are placed on these process experts to use their skills in this way.

I am not convinced the problems in your current time period all fall upon the shoulders of your governmental system.

Excuses, justifications, or other rationalizations towards the avoidance of action directed towards making change seems to be the normal condition I am confirming, as presented to me in my history lessons.
Re: Hello

Sinister. Before I visit my bed for the night, you may like to know that the ancient high knowledge in protection by the Templar network is still safe and protected in your time period. Even if 'elite' organizations have tried to make claim over this knowledge, the larger secrets are still protected.

Let me tell you how to keep a grand secret: You create 'chatter' over smaller secrets and purposely develop a system based on greed whereby certain powerful individuals feel 'privy' to those secrets. Those powerful individuals (in terms of political or wealth) have no real true positive spiritual inclinations, so they are satisfied only with being 'a part of the club' and maintaining their power status without interest in developing themselves further spiritually in order to discover any possible larger secrets. Before you realize it, years and years have gone by, and the larger grand secret still remains hidden and actually the protection funding is provided by the wealth of those individuals who think and believe they are a part of a grand secret. A game is being played upon the elite. An effective game of redirection of focus.
Re: Hello

Tessara or Rostin or both,

So, basically this chamber exists today and many years before today? It is still recording from when it was created. WHo or what created it? Also, if it exists today, can we, meaning people from this year of 2005, use it to travel?

These species you talked about, the Macaques and the Clymenes, from what planet do they come from? WHy come to Earth? Are those the only Alien species that we know of? Are there more alien beings that will make themselves known? THis is very interesting and I am very interesed in knowing about this.

Peaceofaman, thanks for posting those questions from all of us.

Re: Hello

Is there anyway you can draw these two species or other alien species that you know of and then post it. It doesn't have to be a great drawing, just something that we can see and understand what they look like. Thank you.

Re: Hello

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"sinister\")</div>
did they use templars in zelda? i forget, i was thinking of starcraft :lol:[/b]

Good one sinister! I thought the same thing. I was like "Dark Templar" or "Templars of the Conclave"? I'm just a huge StarCraft freak! Best game ever!
Re: Hello

Those species are monkeys here on Earth. I find it hard to believe they would evolve that much in just 150 years but that's just me ;)

Ros & Tess:
Anyway, when will you come with something to prove your claims?
Re: Hello

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"rostin jarmor\")</div>
Hello. I am beginning to realize how easy it is to spend hours on a computer system. I do promise to answer all the questions. I desparately have questions to ask as well however I know there are four more months before myself and Tess leave.

Pieceofman. The Macaques specifically can be considered comparable to a 'smart child'. They are small, very curious, very inquisitive, and very playful. Their culture has acquired \"shame\", so they desire fabric coverage on parts of their bodies as well but there is no inclination towards clothing styles. They enjoy carrying tools and such either around their waists or on their backs. They walk fully upright, which I believe is a condition that started near the end of your current decade, however they remain agile in nature, of course. This culture is part of the services and exchange system therefore their work in environmental fields is exchanged for shelter, foods, equipment, protection, health, and other requirements. The Macaques are not advanced as humans but they offer their assistance as 'helpers'. They reside in forest communities and do basic work such as data systems retrievals and replacements, soil measurements, insect monitoring, and even provide protection to misplaced or lost animals. While they cannot interpret data, they can certainly bring us the data. Predominately, their services could easily be replaced with more effecient technology. However in their desire to develop as an interacting contributing culture, we give them tasks to do casually and provide them with educational opportunities. They may never learn to drive a vapornaut, but they can comment on their colors, shapes, and know how to get in and out of them. They are too fragile to reside in the metropolitans. No, their expressions through our translations devices are similar to \"I have been waiting here. How come you didn't bring me the work? Are you upset with me?\". Our verbal vocabulary is limited. The English language and other languages - in general - have gone through much adjustment for inclusion of the various kinds of cultures and species in existence now. Simplification is common in our time period. For example, all education is offered in one centralized center within a particular metropolitan. The metropolitan name, the word \"Learning\", then \"Center\". For example, the Sydney Learning Center. Therefore it became very easy for other cultures and planetiod languages to understand locations and style of services in the still predominent English language. Other animal species have evolved as well, in different ways, and all are provided goods and services when and where needed although they mostly don't assist in an intelligent way. Animal learning or training methods are much more advanced that what I have read about here in your time period. Canines, for example, can still provide certain services but they can be left on their own for hours without supervision and still continue those tasks.

It is extremely difficult to describe or express the changes present now in your time period versus the time period that myself and my teasing sister come from. There are no separate governmental systems around the regions of the planet in our time period. It is truly what you refer to as a 'one world government' however in an extreme and positive orientated way. There is no fighting for land, or restrictions placed on people to move and visit other regions. There is a central 'registry system' however only to maintain an individual's data across the regions. For example, if I travel to another region of the world, I can enter into the local archaeology center of that area and begin working on projects. All the services provided to me is also updated locally. So when I enter my new residential home my preference for foods and so on has already been provided or delivered. Your current wording of 'new world order' will turn out to be an effective system in your future, however it is not a system developed using your current political process. If your current political process developed a system as this, it would be error and corruption plenty. However when done properly, it provides unlimited freedom and provides remarkable human growth as well as growth and protection for other species of life. There are no 'corporations' in our time period. No hunger problems. No environmental problems other than natural geological changes. Bodily disease is completey dealt with and eliminated immediately if it occurs and is available for any individual when needed. Your current political and corporate 'greed' system is completely gone. Thanks to individuals in your later decades who introduced a new vision into the world culture. Our global culture from where myself and Tess reside in is a \"24hr\" culture. All goods and services are available throughout the days and nights. 'Nothing closes' as you might say. When I work, for example, I can work for a few hours, 'break' and do recreation, visit friends, and return to work. Stress system, as you have effectively developed here to a very high degree, are absent from our time period. However, with respect given towards individual freedom, a level of responsibility is present within that individual. We all enjoy and benefit from our system of life, so we are all eager to contribute to it. Technology has eliminated many levels of problems and has made available more 'free time' for persual of educational or leisure goals. Work becomes more of a true interest in that field. Organizational affairs is highly advanced. If I bring data or equipment to my residential home, the location of this equipment is all recorded and databased. I may not be able to keep it for a long period of time, but it can be 'checked out' similar to how your current time period libraries function. If I travelled, and left an important piece of equipment back in my residential home, I would be notified if that equipment is needed and I could authorize it to be 'picked up' and delivered back to the archaeology center, or have it immediately delivered to my current location under one solar day.

It is clear I diverged off topic here.[/b]

That's it, I'm going back to the future with you guys! I'm fed up with our time!
Re: Hello

Tess, Rostin,

You have done more than diverge from the topic. What you have done is flood this thread with inane questions, frivilous semi facts, outlandish verbage and outright prevarications.

Your best yet is a small species of monkey that has arrived to a consciousness like ours to the point that they must clothe themselves because of shame? In 150 years?? What, did the little monkeys just get kicked out of Eden?? OH PLEASE!!

Quit fooling around and come to the point. Where is your proof that you are from the future? What can you offer to substantiate your false claims?
Re: Hello

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"StarLord\")</div>
Tess, Rostin,

You have done more than diverge from the topic. What you have done is flood this thread with inane questions, frivilous semi facts, outlandish verbage and outright prevarications.

Your best yet is a small species of monkey that has arrived to a consciousness like ours to the point that they must clothe themselves because of shame? In 150 years?? What, did the little monkeys just get kicked out of Eden?? OH PLEASE!!

Quit fooling around and come to the point. Where is your proof that you are from the future? What can you offer to substantiate your false claims?[/b]

Does this mean that the dolphins aren't leaving and that 42 is not the answer? Wonder if the monkeys cover their statues with little fig leaves?
Re: Hello

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"gl100\")</div>
Does this mean that the dolphins aren't leaving and that 42 is not the answer? Wonder if the monkeys cover their statues with little fig leaves?[/b]

I'd imagine people give them overalls to wear since they seem to be workers :lol:
