
Re: Hello

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"pieceofaman\")</div>
I'd imagine people give them overalls to wear since they seem to be workers :lol:[/b]

Perhaps we should invest in a factory producing tiny lunchboxes and tool belts. Just think we?ll be the first ones in the product marketplace when the monkeys start earning money. Maybe we can sign Cheetah to an exclusive endorsement deal. :lol:
Re: Hello

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"pieceofaman\")</div>
I'd imagine people give them overalls to wear since they seem to be workers :lol:[/b]

Yeah but Tess said that they just gives the monkeys menial work that humans or machines could do better. So my guess is that the monkeys wear the trendiest fashions of 2164. Which is probably tight, purple, spandex bell-bottoms; and to look extra cool the Macaques were them backwards with the fly unzipped and their tails sticking out of the fly.
Re: Hello

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"lucidus\")</div>
Yeah but Tess said that they just gives the monkeys menial work that humans or machines could do better. So my guess is that the monkeys wear the trendiest fashions of 2164. Which is probably tight, purple, spandex bell-bottoms; and to look extra cool the Macaques were them backwards with the fly unzipped and their tails sticking out of the fly.[/b]

Man I sure hope they don't think its cool to wear their bell-bottoms haniging below their waist 'cause I really don't want my vision of the future to include a Macaque plumbers buttcrack.
Re: Hello

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"gl100\")</div>
Man I sure hope they don't think its cool to wear their bell-bottoms haniging below their waist 'cause I really don't want my vision of the future to include a Macaque plumbers buttcrack.[/b]

Re: Hello

Tess and Ros,
So instead of explaining exactly what you meant by "Templar", all you did was assail me with a bunch of questions which you already seemed to know the answers to. Like StarLord said, I'd like to see some proof, or at least some non-avoidance of questions. I asked you to further explain what you meant by Templars. I see you've been on since then, so why avoid the topic? Also does anyone notice that their way of changing their speech seems to be to switch out words and terms with new ones? Somebody noticed it earlier with the 'Haha' to 'Yeee' thing.
Re: Hello

Congratulations team, another claim scared away by your hostility. You have no idea whether this was a hoax or not, and if they do not return, as you deserve, you will never know.

In 150 years, there will have been many changes and discoveries that not all of us would want to believe at this time. Certainly the future depicted here is not to my aesthetic liking, but I doubt our present standards of living, at least for the majority of the world's population, not just our well-off minority, would have appealed to many in the 1800s. I find the approach I have witnessed in this thread selfish and close-minded.
Re: Hello


I wasn't trying to be closed minded, I thought my point was a good one. In the history of the human species we have killed each other, war is a human trait. I don't know that within a 150 years we could come to the point where there are no more wars. I guess i need to get some clarification then: Are there no squabbles between people anymore? Like I posted before are there no people that want to ruin it for everyone else?

They're nothing more than questions, I am curious as to how these changes came about. I most surely don't want to run them off. I'm as curious about them as they seem to be about us, the major difference being they are here and I will have to be 189 years old to be able to experience what they are talking about (or however old I would have to be to witness this international shift in human nature). Which I guess brings about another question, when do these changes start taking place?

Also I had asked a question earlier, Rostin or Tess, that maybe you just forgot about, but I was wonder why there was not colonization of Mars and instead jumping to Titan?
Re: Hello

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Felic--\")</div>
Congratulations team, another claim scared away by your hostility. You have no idea whether this was a hoax or not, and if they do not return, as you deserve, you will never know.

In 150 years, there will have been many changes and discoveries that not all of us would want to believe at this time. Certainly the future depicted here is not to my aesthetic liking, but I doubt our present standards of living, at least for the majority of the world's population, not just our well-off minority, would have appealed to many in the 1800s. I find the approach I have witnessed in this thread selfish and close-minded.[/b]

Indeed Ralan? This from a past Hoaxer is quite funny. Where is their proof?
Where was your proof when you Hoaxed here many times before???
Re: Hello

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Felic--\")</div>
Congratulations team, another claim scared away by your hostility. You have no idea whether this was a hoax or not, and if they do not return, as you deserve, you will never know.

In 150 years, there will have been many changes and discoveries that not all of us would want to believe at this time. Certainly the future depicted here is not to my aesthetic liking, but I doubt our present standards of living, at least for the majority of the world's population, not just our well-off minority, would have appealed to many in the 1800s. I find the approach I have witnessed in this thread selfish and close-minded.[/b]

I agree with most here, if they can't offer proof then good ridence....Interesting how when ppl start pressuring these soo called travelers for proof they just suddenly decide to leave because they are offended no one believes them...Well BOO HOO:cry:.
Re: Hello

Very interesting reading wether its true or not . I want to know how they go back ? Are :unsure: they able to take people with them ?
