Hi......but I think I said that before
Hi there,
Thankyou for welcoming me to your site again and again....is this a recurring dream?
Well past my sell by date so do not expect to much of an old brain.
I have been known to read tarot cards now and again for entertainment but generally on a need to basis. Did I just say that? Who me....I read books better!
I am currently looking into free energy...now that is funny for a guy like me who is logical and remembers my physics lessons stating that you cannot get something for nothing. I have lived in that rigid set of laws for most of my life yet believing in ESP and prediction etc.
It is relatively recently that I have come to believe that science only knows a fraction of the truth and that position and status mean more to the sceintific community in general that taking the time or trouble to take a good long hard look at something that could solve the worlds daily growing energy crisis.
being in the predicting game you are going to see many new wonders in the world but only when we finally realise that we do not have unlimited power in the current scheme of things. Actually they are quite finite.....the world is on the brink of collapse just with oil.....
Well enough of what I think....Hi there.
Hi there,
Thankyou for welcoming me to your site again and again....is this a recurring dream?
Well past my sell by date so do not expect to much of an old brain.
I have been known to read tarot cards now and again for entertainment but generally on a need to basis. Did I just say that? Who me....I read books better!

I am currently looking into free energy...now that is funny for a guy like me who is logical and remembers my physics lessons stating that you cannot get something for nothing. I have lived in that rigid set of laws for most of my life yet believing in ESP and prediction etc.
It is relatively recently that I have come to believe that science only knows a fraction of the truth and that position and status mean more to the sceintific community in general that taking the time or trouble to take a good long hard look at something that could solve the worlds daily growing energy crisis.
being in the predicting game you are going to see many new wonders in the world but only when we finally realise that we do not have unlimited power in the current scheme of things. Actually they are quite finite.....the world is on the brink of collapse just with oil.....
Well enough of what I think....Hi there.