High Strangeness

High Strangeness

Fine, I'll go first.

I don't have full details because I cannot remember too well. It started when I was in my bedroom. I believe I was getting ready to go to bed. Something caught my eyes, so I looked out towards my window. I think there were some holes through the blind, and this bright light came through. I was startled and the first thing I thought was its a helicopter. The odd thing was, I never heard it. The light just sat there. The next thing I remember, I am waking up in my bed from my mom calling me. The first thing that pops in my head is, "Where am I? How old am I? What year is it?" It was really odd. I felt like I was reborn. The feeling went away pretty fast and everything was normal. Sometimes when I wake up, I still have the odd feeling of "Where am I?" but I think everybody gets that.

Lets see if this gets the thread rolling...

High Strangeness

I'll take a stab.
I'm not even really sure if I believe in succubus' but I think it was back in february,I had two occurences of waking up and basically feeling like I was being raped. I was a little scared by it,but too out of it to really remember until I actually woke up later on. Nothing really stressful was going on at the time,and I've rarely had bad dreams since I bought a dream catcher months before this happened.
Anyways,who knows if it really happened or it was just an active imagination..I just tend to be more wary when I sleep now.

High Strangeness

Okay, I don't know if any of this means anything.

I remember the Christmas Eve that I was 9 years old. I remember a bright light. I also remember noise on the roof and at my window. I was very much awake. I fell into a deep sleep. For a long time after, I thought it was "santa."

I know it sounds humorus... but years later, I still believed in Santa because of this.

I have had a reoccuring dream. It occurs when I am ill and have a high fever or during surgery. The dream haunts me, and occurs in a home my parents have sworn I've never been in (but they have). I can describe the home, the bathroom, the bedroom, the person and the attic I was in. I can also desciribe the family that resided in that house. My parents have told me that I am accurate, but again, nothing like what I describe could have happened to me. The home was located just three or four doors down from our house and I was just four years old.

The only prophesy I can say that I've had was more than 20 years ago. I had not slept that night. I told my mother that I thought her brother was ill or in trouble. Honestly, I can only remember meeting her brother a couple of times, the family was not close. A few minutes later, the phone rang and my aunt informed my mother that her brother had passed away from a heart attack.
High Strangeness

Not to steal the spotlight away from Sue but I just remembered a dream I had,sort of a prophecy as well. It was probably around the time of 9/11 and I had a dream that a plane went down in russia. 3 months later,a plane did crash however no one died,I think in my dream a few people died. Probably a coincidence as well,but I saw the footage on tv and it was pretty similar.

Ah and another one. Last year in july we took a road trip,my husband and I, to go see his parents in South Dakota. While we were there,he took me to this place him and his best friend use to go to. It's this place where a cult meets. There's even a grave there of a baby they sacrificed and two men, a father and son, who tried to leave the cult. I'm not sure if I'll be able to finish the story cause it's creeping me out even now. So he took me there really late at night and all night it had been really clear sky,stars and a moon etc...This cult worships these demons,and from the moment I got out of the car I just wanted to leave. I stuck around because it was special to my husband that he show me this and I had a flashlight so it wasn't too bad. I think I left some bruises on his hand thought from gripping it..he took me to this open part right in front of a forest and we looked up..and the sky was pitch black. you couldn't see a single star or anything. I about screamed and started tugging him back to the car and we got the hell out of there. A few minutes later we were back on the interstate and the sky was back to normal.
The crazy part of me still wants to go back again.
High Strangeness

When I was 15 I had a friend named Adam. He took me into his backyard where he had been practicing separating good from evil. (Even longer story.) Anyway, I didn't really believe him, so he took me back there to show me. Of course it was at night and of course we ended up in the woods behind his house. How stereotypically creepy does it get?

Anyway, so we walked into the woods and he told me he was going to show me the circle he created to impale evil spirits who made him angry. I thought he was just being stupid and high and mighty and low and behold out there in the woods in almost a perfect circle were these trees. Everything inside this "circle" was dead and crumbling. Everything outside it was alive and thriving. I should also mention this was in summertime, so the leaves weren't changing yet or anything. I looked up and about 15 feet up the trees looked like they had been carved into spikes. There were absolutely no branches on them and it didn't look freshly cut. Just like they'd grown that way. As I walked closer into it, I noticed a tree that was half in and half out. I pulled two branches on opposites sides and the one branch that was "in" broke, while the other that was "out" bent. As I was testing this tree, I heard Adam scream so I went over to him. He grabbed my hand and we made a bee-line out of the woods for his house. All he would say is "they touched me, I can't believe they touched me." When we got inside I saw that on the small of his back, he had been burned. It was about the size of my thumbprint.

I've never found an explanation for the circle and I never went back into those woods again.
High Strangeness

Wow - I'm going to love this thread! I "feel" that almost of all of us here must have some common experience or exposure to high-strangeness that allows us to feel quite normal posting on board like this. I hope everyone will share the unexplainable things in their lives and maybe we can discover that common thread . . .

Here is my first contribution:

My Visitor Dream

I always call this a dream when I tell the story. I did go to bed and wake up in bed, but what happened in between never felt like a dream to me. Since I have such an aversion to this sort of thing, I am comforted by calling it a dream.

In the summer of 1990 I got pneumonia and nearly died. Before I went in the hospital I had taken to sleeping on the hide-a-bed in the living room because the sofa back made it easy to sleep sitting up. On my first night home from the hospital, I did the same, being used to sleeping mostly sitting up. I went to sleep and then I was awake and on the back deck. I was awake and puzzled by my location. I heard a two part conversation in my mind. One voice said ?She is awake. She is aware.? The other said, ?She will not forget, she is going to remember this. It is the medication she is on.? I tried to see who was behind me but I couldn?t turn my head. I was then moving down the back steps but I wasn?t walking. I was gliding. I didn?t feel any panic and even wondered to myself about it. ?Shouldn?t I be scared??

This memory stops while I am still on the back steps and when I become awake again I am in a mostly dark room in a ?bunk? like enclosure. It seems beyond dark on five sides with my back facing the side that is open to the room. There is the feeling of something snaking around in my gut and you can guess which orifice it feels to be originating from. I don?t feel offended or embarrassed which would be normal, but I do want to know what is going on and who is doing it. I try to look behind me and I can barely move my head. I hear the two person conversation again.

Voice 1: ?She is awake. She is aware.?
Voice 2: ?She will remember. She will not forget this.?
Voice 1: ?It is the medication she is on. This is not blocked.?

Then a third voice ?Look into the eyes. Just look into the eyes. Don?t look anywhere but the eyes.? I have never been in a hypnosis session, but it was my perception that this was what was going on. In front of my face, in the blackness of the enclosure, appeared a set of large, remarkably beautiful eyes. In my mind I called them ?Jesus eyes? and they were lovely to look at and seemed to be looking intently at me and into me. I, however, thought it was some kind of trick and still really wanted to see what was going on in the room behind me. What were they doing to me? What did they look like? If I looked in the eyes I was totally paralyzed, but if I shut my eyes I could, with great effort, move my head a little. So I did this. During this time the comments were still going on about my awareness, my trying to see and the strong directions to ?Look only at the eyes!? I shut my eyes and struggled to turn my head with all my might to look over my shoulder and the opened my eyes. I saw just the top of a box (machine) right behind me. The room was dark, but not as dark as my ?bunk? with the only light coming from what seemed like either a small or distant doorway at the far side of the room. I want to see the ?who? but I saw no one and then I was looking in the eyes again.

My next memory is waking to a loud sound of a thunder clap, sitting straight up at the end of the hide-a-bed. It was around 3:30am. I jumped up and looked out the window. It was dark and quiet and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. I locked the door to the back deck. I went to the kitchen and made coffee and sat there drinking it until my daughter got up the next morning. I told her the whole thing. Then I wrote it down. I later gave those notes to someone who wanted to write a story about this and I never got them back. For all I know this ?dream? is out there in story form somewhere.

Side note: When I left the hospital I was given an ?order? with an appointment at the county health department. It seems I had antibodies to legionnaire?s disease. I kept the appointment but their tests said I did NOT have those antibodies. I always wondered about that . . .
Also the medications that I was on at the time: K-flex, Naproxen, Sol-bid, Abuterol inhaler, T-3 and an inhaler I cannot now remember the name of. With some research I can figure it out.

So . . . That is my strangest ?dream?.

I do have others though, and a few more instances of high-strangeness in my life. Where I to tell them all no one would wonder why I post on a time-travel board.

From the edge or maybe a little beyond . . .

Snow Fire Watches
High Strangeness

This is an interesting thread.
I've had a few "strange" things happen to me.
This is kind of a weird one.
About a year ago I was sleeping and had a sudden panic urge to wake up. When I opened my eyes, there was something levitating in the top left corner of my room rotating counter-clockwise. This thing appeared to be black with spikes, possibly metallic. It looked almost like a cylindrical mace. Very weird to say the least. I watched it for almost a minute until it disappeared. I didn't feel threatened, more violated. It didn't seem evil to me, but it definitely didn't have my best interests at stake either. It almost seemed as though it was collecting data, what kind, I really can't say. Needless to say, I didn't sleep the rest of the night.
This is an interesting thread, I hope it stays alive.
Re: High Strangeness

Equilibrium. Thank you for bumping this thread. It reminds me of another reoccuring dream I have had. It has to do with the death/funeral/visitation of my grandmother, then going to another room and seeing a birthday cake with 65 candles. I'll post again if this dream actually comes true.
