Hillary Clinton will become US President


I'm not talking about money. Freedom is not money. Free Market = an economic system in which prices are determined by unrestricted competition between privately owned businesses. This is what he is proposing, not free health care


Senior Member
agreed the govt does nothing but cause horrible shit to happen excuse my language i know first hand what it's like with being in the same room as the gov't is. The Patriot Act is one of them. That shit must go. I've been wrongly contrued and maced. Two weeks later i open up a can of spinach beat up four people that work for the gov't. Assault my middle finger gov't. I put one of them in a car causing a car alarm to off. that is true. They do nothing for you at all.


Active Member
Free Market = an economic system in which prices are determined by unrestricted competition between privately owned businesses.

Yes, that and more.

Any time two or more people make a monetary exchange without interference, it is a free market exchange. That is to say that exchanges that are principally based on their free choice and judgment of value are free.

This is important, because in a free market, as long as people are able to freely decide terms and conditions, values, etc, ..supply will always meet exactly what is demanded, thus maintaining a balance. Any regulation or artificial values like taxes interferes and distorts the market.

This is what he is proposing, not free health care

What he is proposing is a regulated market because government will still regulate and tax everything. If it were a free market, things would be much less expensive, more efficient and reliable.

Consider every expenditure from all medical suppliers of equipment and pharmaceuticals, insurance, education, facilitation/construction, etc., etc., of the medical industry due to government regulations that ultimately get passed to the consumer in the pricing of their products, while also inhibiting free choice of a wide variety of things like physicians, drugs, insurance companies, etc.

That's why it is a mess and so expensive. It is controlled and taxed.


Active Member
agreed the govt does nothing but cause horrible shit to happen excuse my language i know first hand what it's like with being in the same room as the gov't is. The Patriot Act is one of them. That shit must go. I've been wrongly contrued and maced. Two weeks later i open up a can of spinach beat up four people that work for the gov't. Assault my middle finger gov't. I put one of them in a car causing a car alarm to off. that is true. They do nothing for you at all.

Yeah, government is pure systematic evil.


Senior Member
agreed the govt does nothing but cause horrible shit to happen excuse my language i know first hand what it's like with being in the same room as the gov't is. The Patriot Act is one of them. That shit must go. I've been wrongly contrued and maced. Two weeks later i open up a can of spinach beat up four people that work for the gov't. Assault my middle finger gov't. I put one of them in a car causing a car alarm to off. that is true. They do nothing for you at all.
I think we should call you Popeye in the future, because of your love of Spinach..Do you remember the song from that series??...
Im popeye the sailor man, im popeye the sailor man...im strong to the finnich coz i eats me spinach im popeye the sailor man :D



Senior Member
If the UK decide to vote in favour of staying in that vile socialist club they call the EU, i will become an off grid wooden spoon whittler ::LOL::


Senior Member
Greece hardly taxed any of its citizens thats where their problems began, they were a walking time-bomb waiting for a financial catastrophe.
The EU forced the UK to provide £1 billion for an emergency fund to Greece that we will never get back..

Even a vile corrupt unelected unaccountable Socialist Club HAD to show to the rest of the world they were trying to do something to prevent a financial calamity from a knock on effect to other European Member States...Portugal is also on the brink of its own financial collapse...

The next phase of the "wonderful" EU is to allow Turkey to join in..That means more unrestricted freedom of movement being granted to them (70million in total), which will cause mayhem to Europe (especially the UK)..The EU was incapable of even providing a solution to all the extra immigrants wanting to get into Europe from Syria!!..
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Senior Member
I've been to the future the years, 2039 and 2131 using Steven Gibbs HDR which I made a thread on the Time Travelers section.

Anyway I saw that Hillary Clinton would win the 2016 US Elections to become the first female US President, and she went up against Donald Trump, it was close. Bump this thread again when she wins. Thanks and God Bless.

WELL...Clinton will win...and it would be almost the same way as Barrack Obama...and USA going down in abyss...

So, what is going on with 2131? any sense?

Can you see 2531? I have some feelings about it...

Thank you.
