Hillary will destroy US

A few years after the second world war China desperately needed foreign money in the country, and they started producing toys just as the world was beginning to have many children being born in it....Obviously they were capable of manufacturing those toys much cheaper than the western world could, and as time went on they became very good at copying electronic goods still much cheaper than other countries could produce, and this is why Chinese products will always and always be imported into many countries..

I dont know a lot about the US markets and im guessing because China has and always will be capable of producing certain cheaper goods, that American workers will have managed to create other jobs in different areas to the Chinese...But as usual i could be hopelessly wrong :)
>Trump will shut down the EPA.

So, screw the environment? Nothing says "I respect the country" more than destroying the nature within it.

>Trump will repeal Obamacare, cut taxes, 20 candidates for the Supreme court that are pro second amendment.

A lot of this will require the support of Congress, since the USA is supposed to be a democracy.

>Trump wants to enforce existing immigration laws. And build a wall to stop illegal immigrants from invading our country.

This one is actually *funny*, the wall is a terrible idea, it'd be extremely expensive to build as well as maintain, and would do little to stop immigration, as most illegal immigrants *fly* to the US and overstay their visas.

>Trump has never been caught lying.

Really? There's this video here and countless other examples in which he says something and changes his mind about a million times.. Trump is a businessman, of course he lies.

>Unlike Hillary

Are you assuming I'm a Hillary supporter? I can assure you I am not.
I listened to Mrs. Obummer give a speech in NC yesterday. The message was get out and vote, which is a good one but it got me thinking. She said get out and vote now...when you leave this rally. I thought they want early votes before more damaging e-mails come out. If Hillary were to win the e-mail thing and distrust would get worse. She would of course start a war to take the attention off her. But with a Trump win we would only see Hillary guest starring on Orange is the New Black.
haahhaa..that s funny..hopefully that DOJ butlicker Loreta gets fired after she destroyed the image of US integrity by meeting bill....It is very possible that Mrs Liar won't last long in her position..she wud either ignite WW3, or dies & some NWO deputy takes over..the best scenario is her stunt may bcom a facade 2 rule America ...All seems doom under her..
Clinton is using the slogan on her campaigning, Stronger Together...This will prove to be the kiss of death for her, as the Remain to stay in the EU referendum voters also used the same slogan, and we all know what happened to them!!...The UK voted OUT :LOL:
Yesteday Megan Kelly of Fox news said why is Obamummer campaigning for Hillary ? Americans are paying him salary to work as president not Hillary campaigner..this is indeed right.
The othr matter is Trump said that retard kingdom of Saudi Arabia should pay alllllot of money for the protection US is providing...Hillary(like Obummer) prefers to send our decent soldiers to die protecting the nomads with nothing in it for US, except Mrs.liar becoming rich from donations 2 her fraud foundation...a big point.





This is the type of governments Obummer & Hell-ary wants to protect with the lives of American soldiers.
