Hollow Earth

My favorite account is a Norwegian sailor, Olaf Jansen. Just before he died at 95, he told writer George Emerson an incredible story. He waited just before he died because when he first tried to tell his story, he was locked away in an asylum for 28yr.

In 1829, he sailed with his Father to a group of islands high above the Artic Circle, in search of ivory tusks. A storm drove them through a barrier of fog and delivered them to a cloudless calm beyond. They spied a smoky, furnace-colored sun, which turned out to be a so-called 'Smoky God' that was worshiped as a deity by the inhabitants of the inner world they had entered.---brb, need fresh cup of Sally.
There, the Jansens met with a race of good-humored giants, 10 to 12ft tall. They visited a seaport city that was surrounded by vineyards and richly ornamented with gold. They saw a forest of trees that would make the California red-woods seem like underbrush, and they ate grapes as large as oranges. They were whisked by monorail to the city of Eden, where they met the great high priest in a palace paved with gold and jewels.
After 2/half yrs in this paradise, the homesick Father&Son, were allowed to leave. Carrying bags of gold nuggets, they sailed through the south polar opening. The elder Jansen was drowned when an iceberg crushed their sloop, but Olaf was rescued by a Scottish whaler. What an interesting story! My source for this delightful tale is Time Life Books, Mystic Places, pg 150.
I think it's definitely possible that the Earth is hollow. In one episode, Ancient Aliens discusses theories and accounts associated with the notion that it is. After all, most of us don't know all of what Earth is made up of, since, aside from a select group (don't know how big or small) of people that others might call crazy, and our ancient ancestors perhaps, much of the planet hasn't been explored.
I have some silly questions.

Where would underground civilizations obtain sunlight? Our core is as hot as the sun and is surrounded by iron-nickel-cobalt. (Correct me if I'm wrong).


I am assuming that civilizations wouldn't dig deeper than the crust and definitely not deeper than the mantle, but I've never seen them, so I can't say for sure. If trees supposedly live underground, where are they receiving sunlight? I'm sorry if this in the video, but it's 42 mins long. I'll be interrupted before I can view something that long. :confused:

Would enough oxygen be able to enter the holes going down there? I could imagine some really shallow civilizations in the crust as well as their using torches to light things up, but assuming there are trees under there doesn't make sense to me. Could someone explain?
I have some silly questions.

Where would underground civilizations obtain sunlight? Our core is as hot as the sun and is surrounded by iron-nickel-cobalt. (Correct me if I'm wrong).

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I am assuming that civilizations wouldn't dig deeper than the crust and definitely not deeper than the mantle, but I've never seen them, so I can't say for sure. If trees supposedly live underground, where are they receiving sunlight? I'm sorry if this in the video, but it's 42 mins long. I'll be interrupted before I can view something that long. :confused:

Would enough oxygen be able to enter the holes going down there? I could imagine some really shallow civilizations in the crust as well as their using torches to light things up, but assuming there are trees under there doesn't make sense to me. Could someone explain?

This picture says it all:

