How I travel in time and my story.


New Member
Re: How I travel in time and my story.

I am going to give you some scientific proof though you wanted something audio/visual. Here is the theory my method of time travel works with.
Problem with this theory is I am not suppose to be able to interact with myself in other time lines and I do interact with myself no only in other time lines but in my own time line using my method of time travel. In the theory it says that time lines cant interact with each other. I think I have proving that wrong at least privately to myself. Maybe one day I will finally prove it publicly. Well now you have the description of how my time travel mechanism works and a theory by which it works with. I feel that I have given plenty of proof at least suited for a forum.


New Member
Wrapping it up.

Well before this thread ends I thought I would give my blog to explain more than what I talked about here.
My Blog.
Also it is true my method of time travel does produce varying degrees of reality. But, that is how time really is. Every day we make choices that affect the time line and our future. Using my method the real time line is there but understand we are "Time Surfing". All time and all realities are there with my method because we are exploring the computational world were all information exist. Including the real future and the real past.
Now that being said just like I use methods to rip file formats to verify real video, audio, or pictures the same methods can be used to to examine video, audio, and picture data to write software to weed out the varying degrees of reality we dont want and to improve on the quality of media being found. There are a lot of options and choices as to how to do this thing based upon the programmers knowledge and using my methods. Well, I hope everyone found this interesting. Thanks for reading. Reactor.
