How to do magick without complex rituals


Active Member
Mr Unknown - I grew up in Bible Belt so I have similar experiences. My professor in college was raised in Christian church but he and I were combat vets which most churches can't relate to. His story to me was that his parachute did not open on a mission. He had to depend on his reserve. That instant moment will change your life. Whatever clicked in that moment convinced him to leave that profession. His spiritual awareness outgrew his church, like it sounds yours is. He was welcomed by the Shaman community which can also be judged harshly. Rightfully so. The Shamanic realm is only a realm of good and bad just like here. Foundation of Shamanic Studies may introduce you to something you and many others have not explored. Being a combat vet I was willing to explore it like he did. The first book I found was Shamanic Christianity at bookstore. It put my judgements at ease. That was 2010. There is a universe out there so a lot more than I can post here. Be careful on your choice. I can share more. <><


Junior Member
Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz

I read this when I was young and lost and used the techniques to shape myself and my life. It works on a sort of controlled self-hypnosis based on the theory that in the end, you ARE what you believe you are. It has some parts that made me think a lot of Eastern sort of thought patterns.

Most all of the various rituals are at least in part methods of adjusting the way you see and experience the world. Other ways place your faith and belief in the hands of other beings while this one teaches you to place your belief and faith in yourself. If you believe that you will fail you will do so but if you firmly believe that you will succeed then you will eventually do so. You shape your beliefs by forming detailed visualizations of you and your life as it SHOULD be if it was as you wished.


Senior Member
Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz

I read this when I was young and lost and used the techniques to shape myself and my life. It works on a sort of controlled self-hypnosis based on the theory that in the end, you ARE what you believe you are. It has some parts that made me think a lot of Eastern sort of thought patterns.

Most all of the various rituals are at least in part methods of adjusting the way you see and experience the world. Other ways place your faith and belief in the hands of other beings while this one teaches you to place your belief and faith in yourself. If you believe that you will fail you will do so but if you firmly believe that you will succeed then you will eventually do so. You shape your beliefs by forming detailed visualizations of you and your life as it SHOULD be if it was as you wished.

When i researched Psycho Cybernetics the name of Zig Ziglar came up, a guy i became aware of in the late 1980s when i first became a car salesman... I bought Ziglars book, Secrets of closing the sale, that i found intriguing and useful...His favourite saying was, You can get everything you want if you just help other people get what THEY want ..

Back in the 1960s a favourite technique used in the morning before you left for work or school, was to stand or sit in front of a mirror and chant out repetitively, everyday i get better and better!!....Personally i found it embarrassing as i was still living with my parents, who had lived through two World Wars and were brought up in the "Victorian era" that was responsible for the "British, Stiff Upper Lip Mind Set", which unknowingly at the time, was a mind control system for creating psychological Resilience...Thank goodness i was fortunate enough in having the parents that I was given (y):)..
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Listen to your parents and trust in GOD almighty, you do not want to trust any demonic forces, believe me.. It will ruin your life and you will end up burning alive in Hell. I know this is the truth. Please trust me on that. I am trying to help you. Do not give up on God and he wont give up on you. Pray to God and do the absolute best that you can for Him. Spread the word once you realize how great He is. He loves you and died for us all.
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It was the loving and kind people like you that drove me away from the Christian faith.

Whats wrong? I got a feeling of sickness because someone would rather turn to evil than stick with the truth of God and what is good? I have no idea why foolish kids would rather turn to evil and give up on more than they could ever dream of in Heaven to burn alive in Hell. I told him to pray and trust in God and I was disgusted that he would rather "do magic" that he does not even realize will ruin his life forever. I have seen real magic and you dont even understand at all what demons can do to people like I understand it. It makes me sick to my stomach and in my whole body... big deal. I care about this person that is why I said what I did... I didn't mean to be unloving and I'd just like to know why people are such wimps about real love anyway. You are confused.

If these kids in "Christian" families are being abused why don't they just report the abuse? What is it that is driving these kids to satan instead of God? This is just crazy to me and makes me feel bad.
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Junior Member
" You make me sick" Is neither loving nor helpful. Nor does it reflect the loving-kindness and forgiveness that Jesus taught and many Christians have walked away from. Judge not lest you be judged, Love thy enemy as thyself, do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Since you evidently didn't get this I will tell you that when someone is suffering telling them that they make you sick is neither helpful, loving or kind. Don't you hope that when you go to your maker that he is more forgiving of your problems than you were of this poor person's misery and troubles? How would you like his response to you to be, "you make me sick?" Don't worry though, I assure you that our lord is much more forgiving than that. Unlike you, I am not sickened by your attitude. I instead pity you and will remember you in my prayers and hope that you can allow the love, patient and caring spirit that Jesus taught into your heart.

By the way, Pscho-cybernetics has nothing to do with magic nor demons. It is just a way for people to better use their god-given abilities to help themselves.

PS: Your second post was much better. I agree that if you pray for help and strength you will get it. It may not be an instant fix of all of your problems but pray for the strength and help for you to help yourself. God helps those that help themselves. I love you both and will remember both of you in my talks with my lord.
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" You make me sick" Is neither loving nor helpful. Nor does it reflect the loving-kindness and forgiveness that Jesus taught and many Christians have walked away from. Judge not lest you be judged, Love thy enemy as thyself, do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Since you evidently didn't get this I will tell you that when someone is suffering telling them that they make you sick is neither helpful, loving or kind. Don't you hope that when you go to your maker that he is more forgiving of your problems than you were of this poor person's misery and troubles? How would you like his response to you to be, "you make me sick?" Don't worry though, I assure you that our lord is much more forgiving than that. Unlike you, I am not sickened by your attitude. I instead pity you and will remember you in my prayers and hope that you can allow the love, patient and caring spirit that Jesus taught into your heart.

By the way, Pscho-cybernetics has nothing to do with magic nor demons. It is just a way for people to better use their god-given abilities to help themselves.

PS: Your second post was much better. I agree that if you pray for help and strength you will get it. It may not be an instant fix of all of your problems but pray for the strength and help for you to help yourself. God helps those that help themselves. I love you both and will remember both of you in my talks with my lord.

Yeah it came out of a moment of disgust. I was just stuck in a moment of anger and repulsion wondering where people find this breaking point where they totally reject the only source of good in the universe to try to find some resolve in his adversary and opposite and enemy...
I do love people and I would want people to be upset and angry if I was being a fool. I wanted to express my anger and I did, but that was too much for people I guess. I do apologize for just being a regular man that is imperfect.
I have already met my maker and I know he is not forgiving for us not being there for him, that is why he told me he would not be there for the other version of me that became like a real wizard, he let him be killed brutally and I am not yet sure if I might or might not have to suffer in a very similar way. He needs us to be there for him and to share the truth about him... even if millions of people do not listen or shun us away, but we can only communicate the true message to only 1 person in that million we at least tried and are being there for Him. That is what he needs us to do and what really is most important to him. He has already forgiven us of our sins. We most likely do make him very sick every single day but that doesn't mean that YHWH/Jesus Christ doesn't love us still with all his Holy heart. He knows the absolute worst and best of us and he is still there for us. He speaks the truth. Thanks for remembering me. I will pray for you too. Thanks I do have trouble with being more calm like God is, but he is able to punish or admonish with true justice too, he doesn't let evil go on forever.

ps. Thank you!


Junior Member
I well understand what you are saying. I think that I reacted as strongly as I did because I have been where Mr. Unknown is now. Depression is a bottomless pit of misery that doesn't go away easily and all prayer did for me was make me feel even more abandoned and miserable. I went ALL THE WAY down into this hole before I came back out with the help of a very good man that happened to be a minister and the methods in that book that he recomended. I learned to ask for strength and the prayer of serenity became my mantra.

The Serenity Prayer
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.


I well understand what you are saying. I think that I reacted as strongly as I did because I have been where Mr. Unknown is now. Depression is a bottomless pit of misery that doesn't go away easily and all prayer did for me was make me feel even more abandoned and miserable. I went ALL THE WAY down into this hole before I came back out with the help of a very good man that happened to be a minister and the methods in that book that he recomended. I learned to ask for strength and the prayer of serenity became my mantra.

The Serenity Prayer
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.

Hey no worries. I have been there too and it was just a mistake since there are no magic books to be found above ground these days...
It is a good thing I was just young and foolish or I could have ended up like the wizard version of myself who thrived on evil, sadly enough.
It wasn't all his fault either, he was forced into a life he was not even prepared for. Never trust anyone you know will do or has done evil things. If you don't know what evil is just read the Holy Bible everyone! It tells about evil sins and abominations in those books and you can avoid falling into a dark rabbit hole that you can't find your way out of unless you lay down everything, your whole life!, for YHWH=God=Jesus Christ and hopefully he will spare your soul. I have been depressed and lived another 10 years past it now and here I am thinking/knowing? I am framed for evil crimes by satanic freemasons that were my own family and knowing/thinking I know my fate to never be seen as innocent once the time comes... I am way past depression and yes, I learned to love everyone and accept regular people with any sort of problem after the times I used to be a judgmental idiot like so many other guys I knew- they are lost- and those kind of people wont make it far until they learn how to LOVE themselves, their own selves truly, and others as well.. but most importantly to Love and follow in the footsteps of God who is Jesus Christ. Thanks for posting that prayer. I just got a similar kind of thing as a gift from my grandmother who I dared to tell I was from another dimension(timeline), she did not judge or disbelieve me (I hope LOL).

It is St. Anthony's Prayer for help from the Holy Spirit!

O God, send forth your Holy Spirit into my heart that I may perceive, into my mind that I may remember, and into my soul that I may meditate. Inspire me to speak with piety, holiness, tenderness and mercy. Teach, guide and direct my thoughts and senses from beginning to end. May your grace ever help and correct me, and may I be strengthened now with wisdom from on high, for the sake of your infinite mercy. Amen.
I am not a Catholic, just a plain Christian, but some of those old Catholic guys were really good/saintly people back before the freemasons/real-satanists took over the Vatican.. And of course I believe some Catholics are still uncorrupted, don't get me wrong, but I am not sure of all of it.
