"How to sell your soul to the devil "

IMHO, that is about as legitimate as selling your teeth to the tooth fairy. I don't think it works quite like that. You cannot sell your soul as if it were a commodity.

Like an alcoholic will eventually rot their liver, when you exercise fear and hate and all those sinful negative things, you rot your soul.
Is good you have a opinion like that. But would u try and see if it works or not ?
I think it is improper to say someone may sell his soul to the devil for the simple fact that the devil does not exist.
The Creator being One would never have created an entity eternally devoted to evilness.
Now i believe in evil spirits and i think it is possible compromising your spiritual evolution
Making pacts with spirits of the darkness.
As to me it's best that i content myself with what i make from Education working at schools. Use lens to see our salary.
I will not trade my inner peace for any riches got by meddling with evil spirits.
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First if it were possible, HELL NO.
Anyone satisfied by temporary, shallow "riches" is a fool in my opinion.
Idk if there is a "devil" but I can assure everyone that there is evil.
I believe, IMHO, that in order for anything to exist, there must be balance. This includes good vs. bad. Like yin and yang, (just an example)
I believe every person has the capability to be good or bad. Its both within us, we must make the decision which one we want to rule our lives. Sure, being "bad" can get you things faster, but with a heavy price after. Being good rewards you, usually with a heavy price, before you get what you want.
Now, idk for sure what happened to one of my uncles but I can tell you what I was told. Short story: My mom's brother had sold his soul to the devil", at some point in time. Years go by, he's fine. One day
He has some kind of health trouble (I can't remember what) but an ambulance came & got him. He was strapped down inside, alive on his way to the hospital when the ambulance wrecked. What killed him was the straps crushing his chest during the wreck & it makes me wonder, was this the devil's way of collecting his soul?
He has some kind of health trouble (I can't remember what) but an ambulance came & got him. He was strapped down inside, alive on his way to the hospital when the ambulance wrecked. What killed him was the straps crushing his chest during the wreck & it makes me wonder, was this the devil's way of collecting his soul?
I was a Regional Sales Manager for a company before the economy went to hell. Maybe the governments of the world sold their souls, which screwed the rest of us over. Anyway a customer of mine sold his business and territory to an anxious want to be at an inflated price. The purchaser could have opened shop in the area for the basic start up fee and not make the purchase but he acted first and didn't check with me or my company.
The seller bragged to me how he made so much off the sale but shortly after was found to have stage 4 cancer and died...made me wonder about the saying "you reap what you sow".
I firmly believe in karma. I have experienced it, good & bad myself. Sometimes it's nearly instantaneous & I am appreciative. From my experience with bad karma I created myself, as well as bad karma others have created for themselves, it seems the longer it takes for karma to catch up, the greater the damage. Also I have come to realize, karma doesn't like anyone but karma doing the job. Try taking karma in your hands & see what happens... Though, for unknown reasons, every now & then, karma will give you the opportunity to do the dirty work.
