How to Stay Lucid

Himalayan Hermit

Active Member
This was posted on 9gag today, thought it would be of interest to many of us. :)


I also saw This man flying image in a Youtube video icon 2 days back. The video title was something like people with real super powers or something.


New Member
8 sells a binding with a lucid dreaming spell on it. I have the spell attached to a gemstone & all I did was right before sleep took vitamin b6 & a multivitamin while holding the gemstone in my hand saying over & over I will wake up within my dream & realize I'm dreaming. It took me 2 weeks doing this every night to have a lucid dream because it's hard for me to wind down & relax after a long day at work. Creepyhollows has more than 1 type of binding for lucid dreaming so I picked the simplest & cheapest one (class 4). Once I was in the dream & realized I was dreaming I started looking around at my surroundings & at my feet to see what kind of shoes I had on & was I male or female. I am female but in the dream I was an older male! I was a detective. Yes these kind of dreams fade right at the brim of one waking up so you need to keep your eyes closed & stay still in the same position when you realize you're waking up & immediately recall your dreams & write key words, symbols, & Nebraska down & then go back & write all of the details you can rennet after writing the keywords. I always count items in my dreams like if I walk by trash cans I will start counting them. I write down teas cans , 13 , for example. I write if it's night or day, the time period, hot or cold, What kind of cars do I see, etc. The binding I had also contained a spell for dream recall to help you recall as many details as possible.


New Member
I am a lucid dreamer and quite good at it. I practice shapeshifting :) Used to be pretty difficult and was very frustrating because I would think too hard about it. Now, I can change into a dragon and I fly around. It's absolutely amazing. I guess I learned to "anchor" myself by concentrating on my surroundings and calming my mind. I used to get overly excited and either wake up or think too much and not be able to achieve what I wanted. I travel to San Francisco and Japan or go back to high school (I always wished I could redo high school, so I do it when I'm lucid lol). All came pretty naturally to me. Just took awhile to control it.

Doc 05

Active Member
This posting is for those members that are serious about lucid dreams and out of body travel.

Please check out the following link: Lucid Dreaming and Out-of-Body Experience (great video instructions)

and also: Practical Guidebook | Phase Research Center (227 page long)

This link has a free e-book called “a practical guide” for astral travel. It has all the techniques in a PDF form. It is a must-have for the serious minded members.
Thanks; but unfortunately both links are "broken".
I did however find this:

Doc 05

Active Member
720 sells a binding with a lucid dreaming spell on it. I have the spell attached to a gemstone & all I did was right before sleep took vitamin b6 & a multivitamin while holding the gemstone in my hand saying over & over I will wake up within my dream & realize I'm dreaming. It took me 2 weeks doing this every night to have a lucid dream because it's hard for me to wind down & relax after a long day at work. Creepyhollows has more than 1 type of binding for lucid dreaming so I picked the simplest & cheapest one (class 4). Once I was in the dream & realized I was dreaming I started looking around at my surroundings & at my feet to see what kind of shoes I had on & was I male or female. I am female but in the dream I was an older male! I was a detective. Yes these kind of dreams fade right at the brim of one waking up so you need to keep your eyes closed & stay still in the same position when you realize you're waking up & immediately recall your dreams & write key words, symbols, & Nebraska down & then go back & write all of the details you can rennet after writing the keywords. I always count items in my dreams like if I walk by trash cans I will start counting them. I write down teas cans , 13 , for example. I write if it's night or day, the time period, hot or cold, What kind of cars do I see, etc. The binding I had also containe
This was posted on 9gag today, thought it would be of interest to many of us. :)


a couple notes from my experiences when lucid
Find some form of recognizing you’re in a dream. A few things I knew were that. Doors don’t fit perfectly. Your hands have distortion. And mirrors have distortion. Having some key signals that you can recognize can help you become aware you’re dreaming and allow you to become lucid.
from there I have done anything really in my dreams except shapeshift. I saw someone talk about that earlier. Maybe if I can lock down going lucid again like I used to that’ll be something I try.
now say you’re becoming decent at lucid dreaming. What happens if you’re “stuck” I think they call it the sleep paralysis thing? Right? I dont know. Or you have a crazy nightmare hallucination. It’s not over even though you feel like you’re going to die. But there’s a way out if staying calm isn’t working. If you can be lucid. Verify you are stuck in this dream or whatever. You’re okay with this one tip. It literally saved me one time I thought I was stuck out of body for good and a couple nightmares. So verify. Double check by looking at the above distortions. Mirrors. Hands. Doors ect. Once confirmed you’re lucid and in a bad situation. Dive straight into the ground. Close your mental eyes. In your lucid state and just dive as hard as you can into the ground. From here two options happen. All is black with confusion. Or you wake up usually sweating or breathing hard lol. So if you woke up you win. No more nightmare or stuck. If you’re black vision after diving into the ground. You’re almost home free. Paint a scene. Start with a flower. Then a meadow. Then a mountain. And river. Until it becomes almost really real. It’ll start kinda cheesy painted cartoony usually. But with enough focus on detail it all becomes surreal. From here the lucid world is your oyster. Wake up. Enjoy it. Whatever. But you’re no longer stuck or in a nightmare. This is straight up no bs facts from my experience. Everyone’s different. As I got older though it’s been harder to achieve lucid states. I’m started practicing techniques again.

Snake Plissken

I believe..
It took me almost a year to the day from starting the journal, doing the routines, conducting reality checks before I got Lucid for the 1st time..

There is no mistaking a Lucid Dream. It is not like dreaming at all because you are actually there. It is worth the effort..


Senior Member
I just eat catfish before bed. That gives me lucid dreams.
I'm pretty sure catfish does it. Unless someone is putting something in my catfish.
