I already feel that my posts would be laughed at


I have started off with the most anodyne posts; there are things that I could post that would be far more contentious.

Yet I don't see the point. Someone asked for scientific proof of the occult. I gave a valid answer; the ANU [Australian National University] DOES have a paper where psychologists did a statistical study of tarot cards. Then I get a facepalm icon. Great. Someone might think that tarot cards are garbage. But I was entitled to post.

This site was recommended as one of the better sites for these topics. I don't know. Maybe my approach to the occult is too mature for this forum; most people are probably American and take a Hollywood-centric view of it. My view is very different from Hollywood motifs. Should I keep posting at all?
Keep posting. :)

What PA said.....Keep Posting.


Like walking in the rain, let the beads of water roll right off of your back and let it help that garden to grow.


@cyclespiral In ALL social media platforms, including forums, you will come across people that disagree. It takes practice to not take it personally, and sometimes people do get personal (and that's where I draw the line). But you will get a thicker skin when you've been online a while interacting with people. There are all kinds of people on forums -- serious, jokesters, scammers, boring, normal.... all kinds. If something gets out of hand, just talk to Num privately instead of just leaving. Talking it out helps!

There WILL be someone out there interested in your posts. Even years later, you could get responses.

Bones McCoy

Senior Member
I have started off with the most anodyne posts; there are things that I could post that would be far more contentious.

Yet I don't see the point. Someone asked for scientific proof of the occult. I gave a valid answer; the ANU [Australian National University] DOES have a paper where psychologists did a statistical study of tarot cards. Then I get a facepalm icon. Great. Someone might think that tarot cards are garbage. But I was entitled to post.

This site was recommended as one of the better sites for these topics. I don't know. Maybe my approach to the occult is too mature for this forum; most people are probably American and take a Hollywood-centric view of it. My view is very different from Hollywood motifs. Should I keep posting at all?



The "Like" emoji has a blue background. Why not a red one? Political bias?

The "Love" emoji's heart-shaped eyes are slightly slanted. Obviously a racist jab at Orientals.

The "Titorific" emoji features an hour-glass shape -- a sexist, misogynistic reference to the so-called "perfect body" of a woman.

The "Haha" emoji. Why bother to "facepalm" someone when you can simply laugh at them?

The "Wow" emoji. Very insulting when used sarcastically, as in "Wow, there's so much freedom of expression here!"

The "Sad" emoji. Insulting when used in a deprecating manner, as in "I feel so sorry that you are so ignorant."

The "Angry" emoji. Needless to say, anger is a product of hatred, and hatred is to be avoided at all costs. (Personally, I hate hatred, therefore everyone else must hate it as well.)

Needless to say, all of the above is mere silliness, but I hope the point is understood. Once we get rid of everyone who says something "offensive" and have purged all "offensive" comments, we find ourselves with nothing left to say and nobody left to hear it.

Take care.

PS -- I know what you all are thinking. Never mind. I'll do it myself. :fp:
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