I Am An Expert On John Titor. Feel Free To Engage Me In Conversation


New Member
I am not debating anything, you are being defensive, and I am not trying to be offensive. My question for the "John Titor expert" revolves around the time machine being able to traverse SPACE and TIME. It was about the function of the machine, which bears relevance to the thread. It isn't a rant. And if he is an expert maybe he could shine more light on the religious claims of Titor. I didn't debate anything, though I did say the religious stuff casted doubt upon the story. The mods can re-direct my post if need be, or you can PM me if you have a problem with me, otherwise, I am just being frank. Please don't be offended by responses I make in other threads, I'm just being honest.


Senior Member
I didn't debate anything, though I did say the religious stuff casted doubt upon the story.

It sounded to me like you were debating. And your comment on a related thread about your comment on this thread confirms that you were debating. See below.

I wrote crap on Titor's religious stuff in another thread.....

Posted on the thread: John Titor's Religious Beliefs: Bible Prophecy, Revelation, Return of Christ, the Rapture, 2012


Senior Member
Here is what is interesting to me.

TAKEN FROM http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:John_Titor/Archive-1
The distortion unit reaches its target destination by using very sensitive gravity sensors and atomic clocks. The basic unit of calculation is the second. So yes, in a sense you do “dial in” in a date and the computer system controls the distortion field. At maximum power, the unit I have is capable of traveling about 10 years an hour. Unfortunately, time travel is not an exact science. There is inherent error and chaos in the computers ability to make accurate calculations. Based on the current technology of the clocks and sensors, distortion units are only accurate to about 60 years or so. So no, in 2036, we are unable to travel back 1000 years due to the error rate in the system. The divergence between the worldline of origin and the target worldline would be too great. If one were to try and travel back that far, history would look nothing like what you would expect. The unit has mass limits but the 204 is capable of transporting about three people and equipment. I don’t think you would like 2036 very much.

Percent Divergence in Time Travel, was not knowledge that was common. Few people knew about the cone of divergence and how it affects us. How did John Titor know about the cone. Also, the 60 year limit sounds like the 500 year limit on an HDR.

He did say that the GE C204 has atomic clocks made of caesium. Perhaps the new model C206 would allow more range. Interesting as he did say:

TAKEN FROM http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/time_travel/johntitor05.htm
"I would equate the "future" GM distortion units to their current jet engines. The first one worked great but they can always make it better. The C204 unit uses 4 cesium clocks. The C206 uses 6 cesium clocks but they use an optical system to check the oscillation frequency. This makes the world line divergence confidence much higher."


Senior Member
It's been so long since we posted on this thread, I thought I would revive it.

I'm waiting to see what happens, if anything, in 2012, because of what JT said...but if something does happen, I hope it's AFTER my move to Texas that is coming up soon! :eek:


Senior Member
HOly moly !! Texas you say!!!! If it be anywhere in the central texas area let me know! I'd be more than willing to help... When it comes to moving I have tons of experience.

hmmmm I see I missed a few posts during my sabbatical.
Hmmm....let me start out by saying the whole thing is a fun story. Whether it is true or not, who knows? There are a couple things regarding Titor that I have some issues with...or just thoughts.... I have trouble with him believing in something like Jesus Christ- is this due to lack of historical information after world wars? We currently have no information regarding Christ as a real historical figure, wouldn't people have a more neutral spirituality than things like Christianity in the future? Especially after world wars and the evolution of society after tragedy?

You should not of breezed through it. For the most part I can agree with alot of what your saying. It is fun and is it true? Something Darby and other skeptics never got about me... I leave room in the idea to be wrong... although I am a believer I leave open that 1% possibility that it could be a hoax.... and if it is Hawking and his son did it.... Hawking doing the mental work and the majority of the online writing and his son would of done everything that required movement... but that is a 1% chance to me... not impossible... but neither of them have come forward with anything. ... they were the subject of my own investigation long ago..... not sure if I ever spoke on it. ANYWAYS I digress.

Jesus. Faith. Religion. Titor spoke on those things. If you have trouble with Titor believing in Christ then I would imagine you have trouble with Anyone believing in Christ. ..........IIIIiiiii uhh umm... I unm.. hmmmmm I have a different belief. My faith is..complicated. I believe in a god or higher power of my understanding.. THing is, who can share my understanding of my reality other than me? So I have faith but it is not the same nor in line with the majority of christiandom. That said It does not bother me that other people have faith in other stuff different from my own.

I should hope you do not let other peoples faiths bother you justin.

Now Titor.... to me... as I read the whole story... Titor seemed to have a wounded faith... His words indicated to me that while he believed in christ .... I think he had a stronger faith in his belief when he was younger...and that age and reason had taken it's toll on his soul. Still , if he were raised muslim I think it would be no different... his faith still their but wounded.

Some people need ideas to sustain them... hell maybe all people. When at your wits end and all has failed and you just want to curl up and quit ...faith can sustain..... seriously.... Demigods exist. Faith sustains them. that is another subject unrelated to Titor. I'll tell you this much though... You know the saying about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin? When that pin is a singularity it makes a bit more sense LOL.

In this day and age I think its a bit silly for people to still believe in "Creator Gods"....there are mysteries in the universe and existence, but all we can do is acknowledge them without being able to understand them. Morality can come from education.... So, in his future, they take steps backwards regarding faith? I see he says it is more personal and not institutional, but I don't see how it would still be so specific...

Lots of thought on his faith. While he did spend a portion of his words on faith, He spoke alot more on everything else... I'd say only 1/6th of his total conversation was about his faith... still considering all he went over it is a lot and yet not... He spoke alot more about alot else and to be hung up on his faith alone is to miss everything else he had to say.

The other thing that always stuck out to me was how his time machine worked. I know he is jumping dimensions and going into realities in the past that were very close to his past, but not his actual past....but the machine could traverse time AND SPACE? I'm not getting too technical with this, and I am sure I should read some particular things over again, but if you were to sit in your car preparing for time travel, flipped the switch, went back into time/in another dimension, wouldn't you end up in the past in the middle of space? If space and the Earth is moving, you would have to compensate for the distance moved. (Example: if Doc Brown's Delorian really worked, every time he went to another time he would most likely re-materialize into the vacuum of space). Did he state that the machine could transport you through time AND space? Isn't this machine too powerful to be put in the hands of a guy blabbing about it on the internet? I will have to go back and look at all the stuff he wrote about his time machine.

Again you breezed through his story and did not pay enough attention to the details... granted it aint 03..... watching the invasion happen was a mindfuck, for me atleast. Anyways... yes Titor spoke directly on all the stuff you just brought up. The Co24 was supposed to be able to navigate space and time... it is a dual singularity. WIth shit like that we could honestly reach the stars.... it is just a matter of refinement.... in his day and age the tyrannical powers that be had the plain folk arguing about whether or not to use a singularity for energy production.//.. That is the saddest part of the titor story for me... the tyranny was never defeated, it only adapted.

Yes tha device traveled through time and space.. when the experiments first began they kept losing the machine. later they found out why. Time was not the only thing transversed... 1 quater second of time displacment with out accounting for movement... lol bookworms can make such interesting mistakes.


Well.... from that We can only take that you maybe a tad more skeptical than what you first lead out to be.

I was online in 97.... it was a different internet back then... wild...untamed... their was no official "darknet" back then. Things were different... safer and more free. in 99 he would of had no trouble at all protecting his identity.

I breezed through most of what he wrote because I thought it was entertaining.

It shows

It would make a good movie.

I doubt it. Attempts have been made ...but to make a movie about Internet posting... that would be one boring ass movie.

I haven't went through it much since I originally saw his posts made way back in the early 2000's. I'll prolly end up doing that later on for kicks. I would love to believe all this stuff because of the shear fun of it all. In the end, you still have to take it with a grain of salt.

Art thou insane?

Who in their right mind wants to believe titor? HIS words are horrible... 3 billion people die so that pyscho fraternal borthers can attempt to make a planet of one billion because their faith is worse than any faith out there.
I used to be an instigator. I .... I am amazed at what I accomplished... and I know I could of done more... but I stopped after reading titors words... and I know it sounds grandiose on my part... but then again... It was my life and what I did.

Then I read his words.... then I got bothered to my core.... and I stopped. these days I wonder if I should of kept on going.

meh.... to want to believe Titor words is to want the end.... I do not want the end.. I did not believe his words at first... then I tried to see if I could prove them fake....Now I am Titorite. The first , the only, the emulated,....sucks to believe this kind of stuff.... especially with my understanding... Titor was not a knower of all things... I am not crippled by my beliefe... although I might of been injured when I first read his words in 03...and watched the invasion just like he spoke upon....wow.... what A ride.

Still ,..... IF I could make anyone get a certain point it would be this :

In Tombstone Arizona in the days of the wild west it was illegal to own a gun inside the tombstone city limits. Many people did all the same. One day all those gun owning people had a massive shoot out that is still remembered today.... thing is only about 20 individuals out of a town of hundreds owned a gun.

Apply this parable to the world at large.

Not every nation is allowed to own nukes. But many do. I'd say 20 nations is a safe bet... especially considering the sneaky nations like N.Korea, Brazil , Israel, Iran, Not every nuke owning nation is willing to admit it. but on a world scale with hundreds of nations only about twenty of them own nukes.... problem is that each individual nation thinks it is the most right over every other nation.

That means it is a matter of time... not an if but a when. Because when enough units have a weapon eventually one of the units will use it even if for no reason whatsoever. it is just numbers. So eventually it will be... Nday is coming... fuck all fuck me it seems unpreventable because I am a peon. I have no government clout. I know no special senator or anything. I do not want any Nday. but as things stand it is a most likely probability.


I used to live in Conroe. (east TX) Rolling hills and pine forests were nice.
Titorite, Good post with many good comments.

Now, regarding spirituality post 2012, some 2012 believers see this as a time of ascension for some of us. This is when persons become aware of their spiritual side and how to use it to make changes in the world we experience. I do not think which faith, if any, you follow makes a difference.

Invasion? I have heard talk of a joint US/Russian military exorcise on American soil. Not a good idea. See the details.

US Russian Military Exercises Center Denver Airport, CIA Main Computers and NSA Headquarters.
There is also the possibility that Obama may call in NATO troops to help with controlling upcoming social disturbances. And why does our Homeland Security need 450,000 rounds of 40 cal hollow points? That is enough for about more than a few years in a full combat engagement. The far left is in power now. Who knows how things will work out?

As with you, I have a strong belief in the JT story. But, the one issue that continues to trouble me is the dual singularities. The moon would convert to a singularity about the size of an electron's Compton radius value. Those produced by CERN would be of such a low mass, I can't see how they could affect space-time enough to allow TT. But, things do change when you get down to the quantum world. Who am I to say how these things work?

As you said, "It's just numbers." I used to be a Statistician and the odds do increase as more players get the big gun. The MADD concept of old does not apply when dealing with religious fanatics who WANT to bring about the end of the world. Those who's greatest goal is to die for Allah have little reason not to use Nukes if and when they can. China, the Soviets and Iran are getting ready. Could it happen before the next election? Maybe not, but within the next 4 years seems like a good bet. And... what to do besides sit and watch?


Just ran across this and thought you may be interested.
Things may be a little further along than we supposed.

Latest News China Russia Preparing for World War 3



Here is why the Soviets and Chinese feel a need for joint exercises. They both know that alone, neither could win a protracted battle with the US Navy, that only together would they stand any chance. Even that is an iffy proposition for them.

Modern Russian Navy
Russian Navy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
TAVKR "Admiral Kuznetsov".
The dissolution of the Soviet Union led to a severe decline in the Russian Navy. Defense expenditure was severely reduced. Many ships were scrapped or laid up as accommodation ships at naval bases, and the building program was essentially stopped. However Sergey Gorshkov's buildup during the Soviet period had emphasised ships over support facilities, and Gorshkov had also retained ships in service that were beyond their effective lifetimes, so a reduction was due anyway.[12] What made matters worse was the impractical variety of vessels which the Soviet military-industrial complex, with the support of the leadership, forced on the navy - taking modifications into account, the Soviet Navy in the mid 1980s had nearly 250 different ship types.[13] The Kiev class aircraft carrying cruisers and many other ships were prematurely retired, and the incomplete Admiral Kuznetsov class aircraft carrier Varyag was eventually sold to the People's Republic of China. Funds were only allocated for the completion of ships ordered prior to the collapse of the USSR, as well as for refits and repairs on fleet ships taken out of service since. However, the construction times for these ships tended to stretch out extensively: in 2003 it was reported that the Akula class SSN Nerpa had been under construction for fifteen years.[14] Storage of decommissioned nuclear submarines in ports such as Murmansk became a significant issue, with the Bellona Foundation reporting details of lowered readiness. Naval bases outside Russia, such as Cam Ranh Bay in Vietnam, were gradually closed, with the exception of the bases in the Crimea, leased from Ukraine to support the Black Sea Fleet, and the modest technical support base in Tartus, Syria to support ships deployed to the Mediterranean. Naval Aviation declined as well from its height as Soviet Naval Aviation, dropping from an estimated 60,000 personnel with some 1,100 combat aircraft in 1992 to 35,000 personnel with around 270 combat aircraft in 2006.[15] In 2002, out of 584 naval aviation crews only 156 were combat ready, and 77 ready for night flying. Average annual flying time was 21.7 hours, compared to 24 hours in 1999.[16] However since 2002 these figures may have improved[citation needed].

Training and readiness also suffered severely. In 1995 only two missile submarines at a time were being maintained on station, from the Northern and Pacific Fleets.[17] The decline culminated in the loss of the Oscar II class Kursk submarine during the Northern Fleet summer exercise that was intended to back up the publication of a new naval doctrine.[18] The exercise, involving some 30 submarines and surface ships, was to have culminated with the deployment of the Admiral Kuznetsov task group to the Mediterranean.

As of 2006, The Russian Navy has 50 nuclear submarines with only 26 operational compared to 170 vessels in 1991. The Navy plans to reduce the number to 20 submarines, including ten strategic missile submarines and ten multi-purpose (attack) submarines, according to unofficial reports.[19]

As of February 2008, The Russian Navy had 44 nuclear submarines with 24 operational; 19 diesel-electric submarines - 16 operational; and 56 first and second rank surface combatants - 37 operational.[20] Despite this improvement, the November 2008 accident on board the Akula-class attack boat Nerpa during sea trials before lease to India represents a concern for the future.[21]

In 2009, Admiral Popov (Ret.), former commander of the Russian Northern Fleet, said that the Russian Navy will greatly decline in combat capabilities by 2015 if the current rate of new ship construction remains unchanged, due to the retirement of ocean going ships.[22]
12.^ CSRC B58
13.^ Captain First Rank S Topichev, 'What Fleet we had and how it should be reformed today', Morskoy sbornik (in Russian), No.12, 1996, p.13, cited in Greg Austin & Alexey Muraviev, The Armed Forces of Russia in Asia, I.B. Tauris, London, 2000, p.209
14.^ Foreword to Jane's Fighting Ships 2003-2004, p.80
15.^ IISS Military Balance, 1992-93 and 2006 editions
16.^ Mikhail Khodarenok, 'Chernyy god Rossiyskogo Flota', NVO, 23 February 2001, cited in Mikhail Tsypkin, 'Rudderless in a Storm, CSRC B58, December 2002
17.^ IISS Military Balance 1997/98, p.102
18.^ Foreword to Jane's Fighting Ships 2001-02, p.80
19.^ 3rd Atomic Submarine of the 4th Generation to be Ready in 5 years (Kommersant)
20.^ Kommersant VLAST No.7(760) 25 February 2008
21.^ The Next Arms Race
22.^ Russian Navy could be in dire straits by 2015 - expert

Peoples Liberation Army Navy
People's Liberation Army Navy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Strategy, plans, priorities

Sailors shown in 2009 during 60th anniversary celebrations of the PLAN
The People's Liberation Army Navy has become more prominent in recent years owing to a change in Chinese strategic priorities. The new strategic threats include possible conflict with the United States and/or a resurgent Japan in areas such as the Taiwan Strait or the South China Sea. As part of its overall program of naval modernization, the PLAN has a long-term plan of developing a blue water navy.[1] Current modernizations, however, represent a naval force that is best suited to cooperation rather than competition with other world powers.[22]

Robert D. Kaplan has said that it was the collapse of the Soviet Union that allowed China to transfer resources from its army to its navy and other force projection assets.[23]

China is constructing a major underground nuclear submarine base near Sanya, Hainan. In December 2007 the first Type 094 submarine was moved to Sanya.[24] The Daily Telegraph on 1 May 2008 reported that tunnels were being built into hillsides which could be capable of hiding up to 20 nuclear submarines from spy satellites. According to the Western news media the base is reportedly to help China project seapower well into the Pacific Ocean area, including challenging United States naval power.[25][26]

During a 2008 interview with the BBC, Major General Qian Lihua, a senior Chinese defense official, stated that the PLAN aspired to possess a small number of aircraft carriers to allow it to expand China's air defense perimeter.[27] According to Qian the important issue was not whether China had an aircraft carrier, but what it did with it.[27]

At the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the PLAN, 52 vessels were shown in manoeuvres off Qingdao in April 2009 including previously unseen nuclear submarines. The demonstration was seen as a sign of the growing status of China, while the CMC Chairman, Hu Jintao, indicated that China is neither seeking regional hegemony nor entering an arms race.[28]

On 13 January 2009, Adm. Robert F. Willard, head of the U.S. Pacific Command, called the PLAN's modernization "aggressive," and that it raised concerns in the region.[29] On 15 July 2009, Senator Jim Webb of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee declared that only the "United States has both the stature and the national power to confront the obvious imbalance of power that China brings" to situations such as the claims to the Spratly and Paracel islands.[30]

Ronald O'Rourke of the Congressional Research Service writes that the PLAN "continues to exhibit limitations or weaknesses in several areas, including capabilities for sustained operations by larger formations in distant waters, joint operations with other parts of China’s military, C4ISR systems, anti-air warfare (AAW), antisubmarine warfare (ASW), MCM, and a dependence on foreign suppliers for certain key ship components."[31]

In September 2011 the PLAN made further steps to a blue water navy when its first aircraft carrier, the rebuilt ex-Soviet aircraft carrier Varyag, set to sea for its first sea trials.[32]

Japan has raised concerns about the PLAN's growing capability and the lack of transparency as its naval strength keeps on expanding.[33]

China has reportedly entered into service the world's first anti-ship ballistic missile called DF-21D. The potential threat from the DF-21D against U.S. aircraft carriers has reportedly caused major changes in U.S. strategy
Nuclear Ballistic Missile Submarines
4 active 1 reserve
Nuclear Attack Submarines
6 active X reserve
Conventional Ballistic Missile Submarines
1 active X reserve
Conventional Attack Submarines
52 active X reserve
Total Submarines
63 active 1 reserve

Principal Surface Combatants

Aircraft Carriers
1 active X reserve
25 active X reserve
47 active X reserve
Total Principal Surface Combatants
73 active
Coastal Warfare Vessels

Missile Boats
91 active X reserve
Patrol Boats
231 active X reserve
Total Coastal Warfare Vessels
332 active X reserve

Amphibious Warfare Vessels

Landing Platforms
2 active X reserve
Landing Ships
88 X reserve
Landing Craft
140 active 230 reserve
Total Amphibious Warfare Vessels
230 active 230 reserve

Mine Warfare Vessels

Mine Warfare Ships
52 active 40 reserve
Mine Warfare Drones
? active X reserve
Total Mine Warfare Vessels
52 active 40 reserve

Total Auxiliary/Support Vessels
219 active X reserve

Total All Vessels
962 active 271 reserve

Total Combat Vessels
515 active 41 reserve

22.^ a b "Why China's Naval Rise Could Help the World". The-diplomat.com. Retrieved 25 October 2010.
23.^ "China's Arrival: A Strategic Framework for a Global Relationship, page 50" (PDF). Retrieved 25 October 2010.
24.^ "Secret Sanya – China's new nuclear naval base revealed – Jane's Security News". Janes.com. 21 April 2008. Retrieved 25 October 2010.
25.^ Harding, Thomas, "Chinese Build Secret Nuclear Submarine Base", The Daily Telegraph (London), 2 May 2008.
26.^ Harding, Thomas, "Chinese Nuclear Submarines Prompt 'New Cold War' Warning", The Daily Telegraph (London), 3 May 2008.
27.^ a b "China has aircraft carrier hopes". BBC News. 17 November 2008. Retrieved 22 May 2010.
28.^ Kathrin Hille (24 April 2009). "China's show of sea power challenges US". Financial Times.
29.^ "China's 'aggressive' buildup called worry". The Washington Times. 14 January 2010. Retrieved 25 October 2010.
30.^ "US Reaffirms Its Rights to Operate in South China Sea". Voanews.com. 16 July 2009. Retrieved 25 October 2010.
31.^ Ronald O’Rourke (23 December 2009). "CRS RL33153 China Naval Modernization: Implications for U.S. Navy Capabilities–Background and Issues for Congress". Congressional Research Service. Retrieved 7 May 2010.
32.^ "China says its aircraft carrier succeeds in maiden sea trials | China Military Power Mashup". China-defense-mashup.com. 1 September 2011. Retrieved 18 March 2012.
33.^ "China sea power concerns new Japan foreign minister ‹ Japan Today: Japan News and Discussion". Japantoday.com. 3 September 2011. Retrieved 18 March 2012.

Current ships US Navy
List of current ships of the United States Navy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
There are currently 11 aircraft carriers, 22 cruisers, 60 destroyers, 29 frigates, 2 littoral combat ships, 9 amphibious assault ships, 2 amphibious command ships, 9 amphibious transport docks, 12 dock landing ships, 53 attack submarines, 14 ballistic missile submarines, 4 guided missile submarines, 14 mine countermeasures ships, 11 patrol boats, and 1 technical research ship (military intelligence ship, the USS Pueblo, which is currently held by North Korea).[1]

Support ships include 2 hospital ships, 4 salvage ships, 2 submarine tenders, 1 ammunition ship, 5 combat stores ships, 4 fast combat support ships, 9 dry cargo ships, 15 replenishment oilers, 4 Fleet Ocean Tugs, 11 large harbor tugs, 4 ocean surveillance ships, 4 container ships, 16 cargo ships (used for pre-positioning of Marine and Army materiel), and 7 vehicle cargo ships (also used for prepositioning).[1]

Ships denoted with the prefix USS are commissioned ships or are nearing completion for commissioning. US Navy support ships are often non-commissioned ships operated by and organized within Military Sealift Command. Those denoted USNS are owned by the US Navy; those denoted by MV are chartered.

There exist a number of former US Navy ships which are museum ships, some of which may be US government owned. One of these, the USS Constitution, a three-masted tall ship, is kept as a commissioned ship of the US Navy (and hence is listed here), as a special commemoration for that ship alone.

Current ships include commissioned warships that are in active service and also warships that are in the later stages of construction or that are undergoing sea trials but which have not yet gone through the ceremony of ship commissioning. Ships in early stages of construction (keel not yet laid down) are not included. Also included as current ships are support ships (usually denoted USNS) and leased ships (usually denoted MV) that are never commissioned but which are part of the effective force of the U.S. Navy.

There are about 436 ships listed here (238 USS ships, 198 USNS, MV, SS and other ships) that meet this definition of current ships.[1]
1.^ a b c Counts include commissioned, non-commissioned, and under construction current ships. Counts reported here may not have been updated for recent changes to tabulated information below.

I agree that no stable country, US, China, Soviet, British, Japan, India, etc. would want to instigate an all-out nuclear war but an unstable regime from the Middle East, or a country like Pakistan taken over by zealots, with a bomb and no compunction not to use it, represents a real and dangerous problem.
I'm not concerned with a joint Russia/China exercise. Neither Country wants to end the world.


Senior Member
Hi Titorite and Rosco, I'm moving to Fort Worth. TT, Thanks for the offer. My son hired a moving company to do the work, thank goodness. He's a great son. He's the reason that I'm moving, otherwise I would never leave California, but we're very close and we miss each other. :)

For everyone...On the subject of 2012, here's what John Titor said:

1) I am aware of the Mayan Colander but in 2012, it was not something I was able to think about. When the time comes, I'm sure people will find the signs they are looking for that leads them to the end of time.

2) Yes, there are unusual events in 2012 but they do not cause the world to end. Unfortunately, I have decided not to discuss events that you or I can do anything about. It is important that they be a surprise. Perhaps you are familiar with the story of the Red Sea and the Egyptians?

3) [In a Chat]
Yareisa : so do I presume the aliens don't come in 2012 then?
TimeTravel_0 : Not that Im aware of.
TimeTravel_0 : However...there are plenty of things that will get your
attention by 2012.
Yareisa : such as...can you say?
