I am desperately looking for a way to go back in time


Senior Member
MY father committed suicide over 20 years ago... it still impacts me today. MY ex wife made multiple suicide attempts it was one of the factors that led to my wanting time away from her. Suicide is terrible... It is the ultimate fuck you to the living and the most selfish act on can commit. Killing ones self says I hope I hurt everybody myself included. Its never the right answer. My dad would of loved the internet age... My Ex wife has a son she should consider more who will be hurt forever if she ever succeeded .... IM not suicidal... but I take the pain of living. Their might be something good around the corner. Tomorrow may be better . Who the fuck knows? Not the dead. Suicide aint the answer.... and time travel is not the same as world line travel. You cant change your past. But f you put down the effort you can make a better future... And so what if you fail today. Tomorrow is another day. Maybe it wont suck like today. Who the fuck knows. Only the living. Live for today buddy. You survived yesterday. Live for today


Senior Member
you can change your direct past as well as other worldline pasts. Just that most time machine designs cause worldline divergence as a side effect. A few designs don't.

The hardest part to wrap your head around is the past and future are constantly changing. We just don't remember. Your whole life is only 5 minutes old.

"Only one single moment of the present"


Senior Member
Here's an exercise.

Name one thing, object, or energy that doesn't have time.
Is time everything? Tell me earthlings, what doesn't have time?

What else is everything?

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Senior Member
The Irish in me just wants to continue enduring the pain and dragging as many people along in misery as possible until God says enough is enough.


Senior Member
"In the Orphic cosmogony the unageing Chronos produced Aether and Chaos, and made a silvery egg in the divine Aither. It produced the bisexual god Phanes, who gave birth to the first generation of gods and is the ultimate creator of the cosmos.

Pherecydes of Syros in his lost Heptamychos (the seven recesses), around 6th century BC, claimed that there were three eternal principles: Chronos, Zas (Zeus) and Chthonie (the chthonic). The semen of Chronos was placed in the recesses and produced the first generation of gods."


Senior Member
of course.
now here's where it gets weird.

if time is a hidden vector of the aether material vibration then that means one thing.
vectors ARE 3 things, 1)magnitude, 2)direction and 3rd)time.

if our time is a vector it means time itself isn't elementary.
TWO forms of time.

One we see, one not.

Time travel only alters the first, not the second.

Means there's a fixed frame in which to observe everything. The real spacetime, not our holographic aether medium hidden vector spacetime. We exist in both. Only see one.

heard you like spacetime, so I put spacetime inside your spacetime. hehe
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