I Am Traveling Through Alternate Universes


Junior Member
Re: I Am Traveling Through Alternate Universes

I just thought about an issue. I remember Michael Bolton being extreemly popular. Now he is the butt of jokes. Was he ever popular here? As soon as I remember the real issue, I will return. It occurred to me two weeks ago while on vacation.


Junior Member
Re: I Am Traveling Through Alternate Universes

Perhaps our governments have constructed Orwell's system of changing the past?

Billy Pilgrim

Junior Member
Re: I Am Traveling Through Alternate Universes

Unintentional- I took my screen name from the main character of Slaughterhouse-5: Billy Pilgrim. "Listen: Billy Pilgrim has become unstuck in time".

I think a lot of what is considered sliding is actually faulty memory. For example: I am a huge fan of the Kubrick movie 2001: A Space Odyssey. I have been since it made me angry when I first watched it on TV. I could swear I remember the TV airing had the movie ending with Bowman saying: "My God, it's full of stars!". I also seem to remember older Dave Bowman in blue food.

However, this can be explained by the fact that I've seen 2010 (which said David Bowman said these words as he entered the obelisk), and read Clarke's novel (which also had the quote and had Bowman eating blue food).

My point is that is tricky to remember exactly what you saw or heard versus what has happened since then to influence your memory of that event.

Or I could be wrong. Keep posting these slidings, they are fascinating.


New Member
Re: I Am Traveling Through Alternate Universes

I have whats called pre photographic memory.

When something happens I remember it happening to me while it is happening to me like it happened already and I actually know whats gonna happen at that moment.

its not precognition.

I don't know what it is. but it is freaky when it happens.

things start to look familiar and I am wondering why and then I see whats coming up and then its over and gone. just as quikly as it came.

It sucks.
