I can remember many of my past and future lives

Max X

Junior Member
I can remember many of my past and future lives

I can remember 22 of my past and future lives. Remembering the future: what a concept.

The reincarnation subject is always interesting, most of the evidence we have about reincarnation is by the use of progressive or regressive hypnosis and information gathered from our Oversoul or Higher Self. Of course there are many instances of people who can consciously recall their past existences.

Most of the evidence shows that not only do people are affected by past lives, but also by future and even parallel lives.

I used to hypnotize myself and was able to connect with another person in a parallel reality, but this person was having some physical problem, so I decided to avoid more trouble for me in this reality, and immediately disconnected from her.

The increased in population in the universe can be explained by the fact that a higher self can create more than one personality; one person can be divided into many and reincarnated even on the same year in different bodies: those are called parallel lives.

I really can write a book about this subject.

Jenny Cockell, for instance, can consciously remember her most recent past life and was able to contact the children she left when she died still young in 1930, who are now in their 70s.

Across Time And Death: A Mother's Search For Her Past Life Children - Pretty interesting book.
Re: I can remember many of my past and future lives

Can you explain what kind of things you remember, and how precise they are in your memory ?

I've heard of that before, but I'm not sure if there a difference between remember stuff from a previous life, and dreaming. I don't think there's any way to know where that knowledge comes from. Are there people who actually predicted events, or that could prove anything via past/future life knowledge ?

BTW, the woman who found her child, how can she prove she knew stuff in her previous life ? Does she know anything that only her could knew via past life knowledge ?

Re: I can remember many of my past and future lives

Numenorean7 said:
Can you explain what kind of things you remember, and how precise they are in your memory ?

I've heard of that before, but I'm not sure if there a difference between remember stuff from a previous life, and dreaming. I don't think there's any way to know where that knowledge comes from. Are there people who actually predicted events, or that could prove anything via past/future life knowledge ?

BTW, the woman who found her child, how can she prove she knew stuff in her previous life ? Does she know anything that only her could knew via past life knowledge ?

Jenny Cockell had long conversations with four of her children who corroborate her memories regarding that past life. So there is little doubt the woman was the mother who passed on, according to both her children and government documents, in 1930 Ireland and reincarnated in the 1950s England.

Lives happen simultaneously yet they affect each other. A Higher Self is, in my opinion, is the combination of the knowledge and wisdom of all past and future lives in one being.

Some of the stuff is very personal but I can say one of my past lives was in England as a witch who was murdered with a stake shoved into her chest for allegedly being a witch.

Another life in Liverpool, also in UK, a sailor in a tall ship drowned at night after the sinking of the ship.

In France there is a life of a man with the name Dubois (pronounced Dubua) who had two kids who decided to jump down a Clift after the father, me, left their mother.

In Bavaria, Germany there is a life as a fat pedophile. (Children are the preferred sexual object)

In Norway I could see a very nice looking lady who used to sing for a living but after an accident on the mountains she became paralyzed and apparently lost her joy.

During the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 Russia I perceive a life involved in such a place and situation. In 1917 Russia the communists, after dethroning the czars, took over.

In Burma, also known as Myanmar, I saw a woman who was involved in a Geisha life style.

In Canada about 100 years into the future the man answered, after being asked about the life there, with the words "the League of One". Later on I found out the so-called League of One is going to be a trade agreement uniting all countries of the Western Hemisphere from Alaska to Argentina.

(This is a pararell reality which sounds like the New World Order mania, but I hope it is not).

Re: I can remember many of my past and future lives

Thank you for sharing Max. I find this some what exciting. Is it only the general life trends and outcomes that you are aware of? Or might it be possible to ask specific questions and get answers? Lets say, could I ask what the favorite meal of the singer in Norway was.

Regardless, I find it facinating.

Again, thank you for sharing.
Re: I can remember many of my past and future lives

About 15 years ago I used to self hypnotize and then typed the information for future reference, yet about two years ago I shredded those papers.

The connection with those lives, according to my experience, is very emotional, and sometimes you only have a feeling and then you translate that feeling into words. In some instances you can see the persons face and/or feel his/her emotions simultaneously.

I had a job in micro filming (boring, sitting down job) and while doing that sometimes hypnotized myself and was receiving information from past and even future lives, like nothing happened. Sometimes the incarnations answer directly and at other times it is just a feeling. I once discovered a life in Asia and asked her where she was from, and she said Burma and I did not know where Burma was, so I had to look it up in an encyclopedia to see if there was such a place and where was it located at.

Or the life as a British witch who mentioned the world a "Pence" and I am not British so I didn’t’ have the least idea what a pence was, yet because of this unfamiliar information I realized I was not making the whole thing up.

Sometimes you are able to see the face of the person because you are immersed in their personality, after all those people are just past or future chapters on the book of your own life. The book of your life is called The Higher Self or the sum of all your past, present, parallel and future lives.

According to some of the I AM teachings your Higher Self is just one wise, advanced person, while others teach, which is what I more inclined to believe, that your oversoul or Higher Self is a multi personality being.

Yet I still need more information and insights to at last have a better understanding of what a Higher Self really is.

Any interesting new ideas about the Higher Self, or oversoul, anyone?

Re: I can remember many of my past and future lives

hi i am new to this so excuse me if i make a total cods of this, i must first say i am a none believer in spirits, ghosts, and simular things but my partner is a spiritulist, anyhoo, thats not why i am posting on here, what i am posting about is something that has puzzeled me for many years, maybe someone here can clear it up for me once and for all, many many years ago as a child about 4 or 5 years old, i had a curius facination about the romans and egypt, ok nothing wrong with that i hear you say, now i am 45 obviousley all grown up (to some extent as my partner says lol) something hit me that reminded me of that time (sorry for babbling i will get to the point) i was reading in a magazine about a young boy who could remember that he was in the airforce in wwll , he knew the name of the ship he was stationed on (obviously a carrier), and some of his friends. he was talking in his sleep and his mother used to write the stuff down he talked about, ok, this is my story, as a child i can remember living in or being associated with something to do with egypt, i can remember that i was a roman centurion and i visited egypt, the strange thing was whilest i was watching some documentry on tv (some treasure hunting thing or simular, discovery chanel thing) i nearly fell of my chair when they were standing at the entrance to, what i can only describe as a huge gaping hole in the mountain, on eitherside was statues sitting on thrones dressed in egyption regalia, it hit me "i knew that place, ive seen it before" ok still nothing strange you might say, then they entered through the gap and as they walked in i could actually close my eyes and describe what was on the otherside, what buildings there were and what the rooms looked like, even the temple it was so vivid it made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, ok you might say ide been there on holiday (vacation to my american friends lol) or seen it on another program or in a magazine,NO!!! NO!!! i have never been to egypt in my life (not in this one anyway) this was recentley found after excavation as well so i hadnt seen it in a magazine or tv beforehand.......what i am trying to say, i do not believe in this stuff and i am trying hard to fatham this out.......anyone got any ideas?
Re: I can remember many of my past and future lives

Well, that sounds exactly like what we're talking about in this thread.

What if it was actually a past life knowledge ? If the things you were remembering were so vivid, and that you never went there, how can you even know anything about all this ? I guess there are not hundreds of ways you could remember such things right ?

Is it a huge case of déjà vu ? I don't think so.

There's been some theories about a collective soul, hive mind if you like, it says that everything we know is more or less part of a collective mind that we "share" all together. What do you think ?

Re: I can remember many of my past and future lives

hi i am new to this so excuse me if i make a total cods of this, i must first say i am a none believer in spirits, ghosts, and simular things but my partner is a spiritulist, anyhoo, thats not why i am posting on here, what i am posting about is something that has puzzeled me for many years, maybe someone here can clear it up for me once and for all, many many years ago as a child about 4 or 5 years old, i had a curius facination about the romans and egypt, ok nothing wrong with that i hear you say, now i am 45 obviousley all grown up (to some extent as my partner says lol) something hit me that reminded me of that time (sorry for babbling i will get to the point) i was reading in a magazine about a young boy who could remember that he was in the airforce in wwll , he knew the name of the ship he was stationed on (obviously a carrier), and some of his friends. he was talking in his sleep and his mother used to write the stuff down he talked about, ok, this is my story, as a child i can remember living in or being associated with something to do with egypt, i can remember that i was a roman centurion and i visited egypt, the strange thing was whilest i was watching some documentry on tv (some treasure hunting thing or simular, discovery chanel thing) i nearly fell of my chair when they were standing at the entrance to, what i can only describe as a huge gaping hole in the mountain, on eitherside was statues sitting on thrones dressed in egyption regalia, it hit me "i knew that place, ive seen it before" ok still nothing strange you might say, then they entered through the gap and as they walked in i could actually close my eyes and describe what was on the otherside, what buildings there were and what the rooms looked like, even the temple it was so vivid it made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, ok you might say ide been there on holiday (vacation to my american friends lol) or seen it on another program or in a magazine,NO!!! NO!!! i have never been to egypt in my life (not in this one anyway) this was recentley found after excavation as well so i hadnt seen it in a magazine or tv beforehand.......what i am trying to say, i do not believe in this stuff and i am trying hard to fatham this out.......anyone got any ideas?

Well the obvious idea is that you have a past life memory. It seems what you may be looking for is a world view perspective that rejects this possibility of past lives and still explains what you experienced. Bare in mind, that trying to reject an explanation like past life despite the facts actually is contrary to being reasonable or the open minded perspective of true science. If you wish to try and find such an explanation to appear "objective" and "rational" to others, it is your choice.

Maybe you just need people to talk to about this who wont think you are crazy. I believe this is certainly such a place. Let me ask you this question. Do the excavated sites look run down? Do your memories hold more details about how the thing looked new, and in use? If your memories are little more than copies of what can be seen in the article, you may have a point about your mind trying to merge or confuse things. One of the techniques I see being used with time travelers is asking them to come up with things that can not be known by research. Is there such "proof" in your memories of the place. The problem with this proof is that in order to be supported, some later information has to come up. And usually that information is extrapolated to be traceable to previous information. I thus find fault with this "proof" but it is something you can try to do.​
Re: I can remember many of my past and future lives

thank you for the prompt reply.
I see what you meen sorta, being objective yet trying to make sence of it, strange indeed i know, yes i can remember what it looked like in use, more so the two statues either side of the gateway, how i remember them was in perfect condition, i remember there being a fountain of sorts in the middle of the "town square" the "houses" were built into the mountain as was the temple itself, i can remember pillars lining the sides made from marble not mountain rock thats about it sort of hazey ime affraid, all i goto do now is remember where it was and i could then start trying to see if there is any resemblance to my memories, i have mentioned this to my partner, she is convinced (sorry to be anilitical here as she would be being a spiritualist) that i must have been a roman centurian, i would love to find out it would make her day lol, would like to know things like..what my name was, was i married, as being a centurian i must have been in high status ect ect..will be fun trying to find out, i must say i dont have the roman nose lol.:D
Re: I can remember many of my past and future lives

Well, that sounds exactly like what we're talking about in this thread.

What if it was actually a past life knowledge ? If the things you were remembering were so vivid, and that you never went there, how can you even know anything about all this ? I guess there are not hundreds of ways you could remember such things right ?

Is it a huge case of déjà vu ? I don't think so.

There's been some theories about a collective soul, hive mind if you like, it says that everything we know is more or less part of a collective mind that we "share" all together. What do you think ?


Is it possible? i do not know, i am sort of the sceptic here lol..i would like to be proven wrong though, but as evidence is in short supply i will keep an open mind, dont wish to b a party pooper..
