i finally figure it out, it was right there all along


Active Member
Bend the mass , sound like a sex term for a fluffy girl .... bending mass , the mass is not something that is the concept of real , bending mass sound stupid sorry , what you should bend is the gravitational field , which determines mass ,
Mass is difference between one thing and other or the things that are being compared, which? Both take up space and weigh something therefore have what I define as mass.


THinkharder is my alternate internet name
I love your ambition and your positivity Dr. Z! I am only human but I have had encounters with multiple aliens of different kinds, different species, different ghosts and angelic encounters as well plus I’ve been in a few different heavenly realms and I have had a few different outer body experience is starting at a young age. I am awakening to a lot of truth in a lot of transition that gets me excited to know there’s so much more out there to experience and to know. Regardless of how you get there, make sure you don’t run out of gas, LOL, no matter what kind of gas you need to have LOL
If you meet aliens, did you ever ask them the device they use to time travel, ??


THinkharder is my alternate internet name
Ok i am perticulary tired of being stuck inside, and doing nothing, anyone has any potential idea on what we should make, so far i have more , and to the exact count more than 31 hdr and multiple of other radionic device wich didnt do much as what i really want to do, we figure out over the year that there is many way to time travel, but how can we really achieve it, with your run of the mill electronic product, i know we could use our smartphone if someone was fluent with android apps, so let me know i am quite tired and we need to move on, lets stop stagnating and lets start moving


Temporal Engineer
I have some unexplored physics that merits some additional investigation. I don't know if you are aware but everything that we have in the electronics version has a counterpart in a mechanical device. The advantage to having a mechanical version is that you can see right before your eyes how it works. We have to build our knowledge of how time works from mechanical devices so we can understand how time works. Everyone here knows about how excited I got over building Teslas Zero Time Reference Generator. The device exhibits an oscillating back and forth rotational phenomena. The only thing that really excited me the most was that in one of the rotational directions the device would speed up like it was getting energy from another source. If time runs backwards energy would behave in a backwards manner. Rather than dissipate due to entropy, time running backwards would make energy cascade exponentially thus creating a time wave phenomena. Kind of like a spring. In one direction the spring requires energy to compress. In the other direction the spring gives back the energy used to initially compress it. The only thing I notice with Teslas Zero Time Reference Generator is there is no visible mechanical spring. Something invisible is behaving just like a spring. I'm just proposing that time itself has been accessed and is behaving like a spring phenomena. That would make it a time oscillator. The next step would be to learn how to rectify the oscillator so that it would produce time pulses in just one direction. We are not ready to do that yet. But I have run across some interesting phenomena that might show us where Tesla got his knowledge from on how to construct his Zero Time Reference Generator. I have a couple videos here to show that I'm convinced Tesla knew all about. Take a look:

Now you might think that I'm just pulling everyone's leg. But did you pay attention in the first video? What happened to the law of conservation of angular momentum? Looks like we just blew up that law. BOOM! We now have a loophole in the laws of physics to explore. And the first video shows us how to access this loophole. What would happen if we attached a motor to that wood block and attempted to rotate the block on its intermediate axis?

In the second video it is easy to see the T-handle change it's spin axis from plus to minus direction. If that was an electron it would be oscillating from an electron to a positron and back again. Does anyone need an unlimited source of positrons for their power source?

Obviously this knowledge could be dangerous in the wrong hands. It's my opinion that it is already in the wrong hands. This is just like guns. If everyone has a gun, then no one has any power over anyone else. Power is balanced. It's time to balance the power of knowledge.


New Member
i first have to build it , and i need to know what alloy i can use to make it, some alloy that would resist heat, friction, and not be conductive to magnet it need to host liquid mercury , how i plan to test this once its done, well power on
Although it’s really heavy Tungsten is the best at resistance and strength in general although it is magnetic you can knock off its magnetism or maybe make a non magnetic alloy with it.


Senior Member
great to hear the good news dr z sounds a bit like the metal mercury propulsion system used by the nazis in their large haunebu saucer

Hey there Cobber, I was just skimming through this thread when I saw your very interesting remark regarding the "metal mercury propulsion system" that the Nazis used in their haunebu flying saucer...Do you have any extra information on this please? :)..


Senior Member
Ok i am perticulary tired of being stuck inside, and doing nothing, anyone has any potential idea on what we should make, so far i have more , and to the exact count more than 31 hdr and multiple of other radionic device wich didnt do much as what i really want to do, we figure out over the year that there is many way to time travel, but how can we really achieve it, with your run of the mill electronic product, i know we could use our smartphone if someone was fluent with android apps, so let me know i am quite tired and we need to move on, lets stop stagnating and lets start moving

Francois, I do not understand how an "app", could suddenly transform a smartphone into a time-machine....This is not the first time you have brought up this idea of yours, and even then we got nowhere with it....So what has changed your mind now? :unsure:..
