I know how I'm psychic


Active Member
The other day I was researching my "Sliding" ability. (As in sliding to alternate world lines)

I did this mainly to satisfy my curiosity and ended up researching for a number of hours trying to figure out how many other people have it and if others do then what is a common factor between each of them. I ended up finding maybe 2 or 3 reasonable other cases of it on various other forums and it was pretty similar, things change no clue why. (Implied that it occurs in sleep)

I started noticing a connection with each of these cases. They all seemed to have had a near death experience and convinced that they had died. I start thinking "how does that make sense I have nev...". I pause, I had. I had died... In 2003!

2003 and 2004... Those two years are significant. A particular something happened to me in those years... As a bit of a backstory, around that time my father took me to stay at my "Poppy"'s house. Anyway long story short my pop was a pedophile and I was around 6 or 7... He used to sedate me with some brown powder and did horrible, horrible things to me. I remember that bastard used to put it on my food whenever he could and said it was a special powder that only I was allowed... :(

By now you probably are wondering what this has to do with gaining a psychic ability? Now, my best guess would be whatever the drug was, I overdosed on it. I remember feeling really sleepy and collapsing on the bed that I slept on and being surrounded by darkness. I remember floating peacefully, just relaxed and not a care in the world. I began to realize that I had died but I was calmed by knowing it would all be alright. Shortly after I woke up in reality, feeling particularly weak. That bastard was there when I woke, he had a particularly blase look on his face and he said that they were thinking on taking me to hospital because I was having a really bad seizure.

I had a lot of altervus within 2013 and 2014... Coincidentally 10 years after my abuse, in 2013 and 2014. Not exactly sure why... perhaps the number 10 is significant for some reason in my future? Who knows...

I had a bit of a google for what the powder probably was and I think it may have been Kratom... Not exactly sure though... (It does best match the symptoms though)


Junior Member
I am so sorry you suffered so much! I hope you are okay now and can deal with the memories. Bless your soul sweetie.

I would like to share my story. I recall having a mental black out when I was molested by a female cousin of mine when I was about 12. She was very controlling and a bully and I was a passive sort. I recall when she touched me I told her to stop and she said, shut up! After that I don't remember a thing. Do you think that is a form of sliding into another place or whatever, as a form of protection? I didn't have a near death experience but going somewhere else with the mind, is something to think about.

And one more experience I had and I have no idea if this was a past life, or what. I recall my parents driving me to a doctor, I was sitting on the exam table looking down at one finger, the underside, and it was wide open about a half inch. I could see inside yet I was not scared nor did I feel pain. I don't remember anything after that. I had asked my parents many years later and they told me it never happened. I used to have what looked like a place where I had stitches but it's gone now. I have been baffled by that.

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Senior Member
Though one can travel to other places psychically...meaning just the actual data...going physically is impossible at this technology.

On the other hand, your spirit can do many things that we corporeal forms are not aware of and do not understand (we are kids). And your spirit has much more power in many ways. Normally, you never know these items....except meditate and learn new stuff....

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Active Member
I think I might understand the particular nature of my gift after talking to one of my friends.

Firstly, I think that Altervus (Mandela Effect) are caused by colliding world lines. In a nutshell the memories of a person get destroyed when their worldline collides with another. When I say destroyed I don't mean gone, I just mean they can't normally be accessed. The way an altervu would work is if one memory doesn't get overridden by the native copy of themself.

The way that mine would work is that I would override the host version of myself. In other words as soon as I collide I would experience the disorientation I felt and be able to notice the changes within a few days. After that I would assume that I would have stabilised. (At that point I can sort of remember my counterpart's memories.)



I am pretty certain of what the drug was... Cannabis...

I triggered another memory and I do remember that that prick had a Cannabis plant there. I asked him about it and he said it as A Weed. I asked him why he didn't get rid of it and he said he liked it.
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Active Member
I am so sorry you suffered so much! I hope you are okay now and can deal with the memories. Bless your soul sweetie.

I would like to share my story. I recall having a mental black out when I was molested by a female cousin of mine when I was about 12. She was very controlling and a bully and I was a passive sort. I recall when she touched me I told her to stop and she said, shut up! After that I don't remember a thing. Do you think that is a form of sliding into another place or whatever, as a form of protection? I didn't have a near death experience but going somewhere else with the mind, is something to think about.

And one more experience I had and I have no idea if this was a past life, or what. I recall my parents driving me to a doctor, I was sitting on the exam table looking down at one finger, the underside, and it was wide open about a half inch. I could see inside yet I was not scared nor did I feel pain. I don't remember anything after that. I had asked my parents many years later and they told me it never happened. I used to have what looked like a place where I had stitches but it's gone now. I have been baffled by that.

Thank you for your empathy. :) I can sort of deal with them, I am able to think of the memories and suffer minimal pain but if I try to talk about it I literally start crying after saying just the basics.

I remember my experiences going something along those lines. For several years until I remembered I was aware of a huge chunk of my memories being missing. I knew I had sealed memories but couldn't remember what. Now that I remember everything I did realise something, shortly after abuse my brain kept sealing the memories away. If I was abused I couldn't remember it after a day or two. Not sure if that was caused by the weed or my brain trying to protect me until it was safe to remember. I'm pretty certain I triggered the memory way later than my subconscious anticipated though... Anyway I can't talk for what would happen if you were completely conscious during your abuse, but I do remember that there was an article that mentions that a common mechanism is to either forget or to kind of zone out, not really being aware of what happens.

If the injury is supposed to form a visible scar, then that sounds like a pretty major altervu. I think there was a lot of worldline collisions in 2013/2014, so its possible that that memory could come from a somewhat far removed (Like 0.0001%) worldline back then. Try describing the event to your parents, every detail you can remember, there is a small chance they may remember it.


Junior Member
I am so sorry you suffered so much! I hope you are okay now and can deal with the memories. Bless your soul sweetie.

I would like to share my story. I recall having a mental black out when I was molested by a female cousin of mine when I was about 12. She was very controlling and a bully and I was a passive sort. I recall when she touched me I told her to stop and she said, shut up! After that I don't remember a thing. Do you think that is a form of sliding into another place or whatever, as a form of protection? I didn't have a near death experience but going somewhere else with the mind, is something to think about.

And one more experience I had and I have no idea if this was a past life, or what. I recall my parents driving me to a doctor, I was sitting on the exam table looking down at one finger, the underside, and it was wide open about a half inch. I could see inside yet I was not scared nor did I feel pain. I don't remember anything after that. I had asked my parents many years later and they told me it never happened. I used to have what looked like a place where I had stitches but it's gone now. I have been baffled by that.

Thank you for your empathy. :) I can sort of deal with them, I am able to think of the memories and suffer minimal pain but if I try to talk about it I literally start crying after saying just the basics.

I remember my experiences going something along those lines. For several years until I remembered I was aware of a huge chunk of my memories being missing. I knew I had sealed memories but couldn't remember what. Now that I remember everything I did realise something, shortly after abuse my brain kept sealing the memories away. If I was abused I couldn't remember it after a day or two. Not sure if that was caused by the weed or my brain trying to protect me until it was safe to remember. I'm pretty certain I triggered the memory way later than my subconscious anticipated though... Anyway I can't talk for what would happen if you were completely conscious during your abuse, but I do remember that there was an article that mentions that a common mechanism is to either forget or to kind of zone out, not really being aware of what happens.

If the injury is supposed to form a visible scar, then that sounds like a pretty major altervu. I think there was a lot of worldline collisions in 2013/2014, so its possible that that memory could come from a somewhat far removed (Like 0.0001%) worldline back then. Try describing the event to your parents, every detail you can remember, there is a small chance they may remember it.

Continue to stay strong and in time it will be easier to live with. You are very brave and strong now to be able to talk about and thank you for sharing.

And my parents are deceased, I am 63 years old and they have been gone a long time.


Active Member
I am so sorry you suffered so much! I hope you are okay now and can deal with the memories. Bless your soul sweetie.

I would like to share my story. I recall having a mental black out when I was molested by a female cousin of mine when I was about 12. She was very controlling and a bully and I was a passive sort. I recall when she touched me I told her to stop and she said, shut up! After that I don't remember a thing. Do you think that is a form of sliding into another place or whatever, as a form of protection? I didn't have a near death experience but going somewhere else with the mind, is something to think about.

And one more experience I had and I have no idea if this was a past life, or what. I recall my parents driving me to a doctor, I was sitting on the exam table looking down at one finger, the underside, and it was wide open about a half inch. I could see inside yet I was not scared nor did I feel pain. I don't remember anything after that. I had asked my parents many years later and they told me it never happened. I used to have what looked like a place where I had stitches but it's gone now. I have been baffled by that.

Thank you for your empathy. :) I can sort of deal with them, I am able to think of the memories and suffer minimal pain but if I try to talk about it I literally start crying after saying just the basics.

I remember my experiences going something along those lines. For several years until I remembered I was aware of a huge chunk of my memories being missing. I knew I had sealed memories but couldn't remember what. Now that I remember everything I did realise something, shortly after abuse my brain kept sealing the memories away. If I was abused I couldn't remember it after a day or two. Not sure if that was caused by the weed or my brain trying to protect me until it was safe to remember. I'm pretty certain I triggered the memory way later than my subconscious anticipated though... Anyway I can't talk for what would happen if you were completely conscious during your abuse, but I do remember that there was an article that mentions that a common mechanism is to either forget or to kind of zone out, not really being aware of what happens.

If the injury is supposed to form a visible scar, then that sounds like a pretty major altervu. I think there was a lot of worldline collisions in 2013/2014, so its possible that that memory could come from a somewhat far removed (Like 0.0001%) worldline back then. Try describing the event to your parents, every detail you can remember, there is a small chance they may remember it.

Continue to stay strong and in time it will be easier to live with. You are very brave and strong now to be able to talk about and thank you for sharing.

And my parents are deceased, I am 63 years old and they have been gone a long time.

Thanks. What happened all those years ago has shaped my life in many different ways. While it gave me my psychic abilities it also gave me something else. I have this sort of bottled up darkness, full of intense hatred and anger towards that man and the people that have picked on me through my life. I've tried getting rid of it but have failed time and time again... That said the darkness fuels some of my abilities ironically...

As an example... There was this one time in university where this kid was sprouting lies and propaganda and i had gotten so angry from hearing it every lesson that I emitted a powerful (dark?) aura that managed to put the fear of god into the entire class. The kid that said those things is still scared of me to this day... And i never laid a finger on any of them. :LOL:

I'm sorry for your loss... I'm 19 at the moment, and i haven't spoken to my father in a number of years because he doesn't care about me, he never has for that matter. He never was there for me, always let everyone abuse me, he stole the money I was supposed to get as inheritance when my nan passed away, as far as im concerned he's dead to me.


Junior Member
I am sorry I have not been here for a while. I was very involved in the political campaign and election. I watched the news about it constantly and became side tracked with the group, so please forgive me for my delay.

At your age you have so much life ahead of you and it is a good thing you know so much about yourself. I have a friend, she is a Shaman Medicine Woman and she has an ability that is similar to yours, I think. When someone really hurts her and makes her extremely mad she can send an energy to them that can, for a lack of a better way to explain, bring them to their knees and then they wished they never messed with her. She can control it too. So you explaining what the kids felt in your class seems like what happens with my friend, and in a way it's good but in a way it can be dangerous so please be careful.

And I am so sorry about your dad, I know how it is to have family screw you over and mistreat you, hurt you. I am happy you have moved on with your life and are dealing with it. People can't change what they don't acknowledge. So with that said, blessing and love to you sweetie, stay strong and if I can help in any way, maybe be a friend, I'll do what I can to help you. I love to help people, it's one of my life's passions. So inbox me if you want my Facebook connection. I hope you had a happy Thanksgiving and again so sorry for getting back to you, late. :)


Senior Member

When I say destroyed I don't mean gone, I just mean they can't normally be accessed.

YES they can be accessed....to some people.


an alternate point of view....

I was very involved in the political campaign and election. I watched the news about it constantly and became side tracked with the group, so please forgive me for my delay.

I tried to connect to Dr. Jill in the beginning, but they did not care. I did not have any real connection to Clinton about the following.

"The Democratic Party chairman in Youngstown, Ohio, wrote to Hillary Clinton's advisers in May warning she needed to put a jobs-focused message at the heart of her White House campaign or else watch blue-collar voters in states like Ohio, Michigan and Pennsylvania slip away to Republican Donald Trump."

When someone really hurts her and makes her extremely mad she can send an energy to them that can, for a lack of a better way to explain, bring them to their knees and then they wished they never messed with her.

Powerful spiritual humans should not lash out at other mere mortals...that is the nature of the game...


Junior Member

When I say destroyed I don't mean gone, I just mean they can't normally be accessed.

YES they can be accessed....to some people.


an alternate point of view....

I was very involved in the political campaign and election. I watched the news about it constantly and became side tracked with the group, so please forgive me for my delay.

I tried to connect to Dr. Jill in the beginning, but they did not care. I did not have any real connection to Clinton about the following.

"The Democratic Party chairman in Youngstown, Ohio, wrote to Hillary Clinton's advisers in May warning she needed to put a jobs-focused message at the heart of her White House campaign or else watch blue-collar voters in states like Ohio, Michigan and Pennsylvania slip away to Republican Donald Trump."

When someone really hurts her and makes her extremely mad she can send an energy to them that can, for a lack of a better way to explain, bring them to their knees and then they wished they never messed with her.

Powerful spiritual humans should not lash out at other mere mortals...that is the nature of the game...

Hi Krish,

I never had a connection with Clinton, either.

And about my Shaman friend, I am aware we have to be very careful about lashing out at people that are not empowered like that, and if she ever did it was few and far between. I do know her enough to know if she did, they would have deserved it. She does know the Laws of Attraction and to not use her gifts for ill will or it will come back on her 10 fold. So she does know the nature of the game more than most people.

Have a great weekend. :)
