I received a weird phone call

Time shifter B28

New Member
here's the audio if anybody knows morse code I'd like to find out what it says, but could be nothing. I like making my life more interesting than it really is so :p


Sometimes phone lines or audio equipment can pick up some ham radio signals, which is what it sounds like. I get that all the time where I live, where ham radio signals and Morse code is picked up by other things and you can hear it as background noise.

I don't think it has anything to do with the phone call itself, which might be either a wrong number or telemarketer/scam call. If it was important, the caller would try again or try to leave a voice message when there isn't ham radio interference.

Its very uncommon that audio equipment will pick up Ham Radio operators, the most obvious cause would be close proximity to a guy using a CB radio..
All modern day audio equipment is shielded from stray RF signals that can occur in High Frequency transmissions from 27Mhz upwards into the VHF region :)..
But as usual, i could be hopelessly wrong.

Time Flipper,

In my case, I live above a ham radio operator who uses morse code a lot and the signals come up through the heat registers and I can hear the beep beep beep echoing. So in my case it is due to close proximity, which may or may not be the case with other people. I have previously lived in an apartment next to a busy main road and my home stereo's radio would pick up CB radio from the truckers going by - so not sure why or how that happened, but it did.

The recording sounds just like morse code on ham radio to me - so the question is how did the phone pick up on it? Was the person on the other line (or using the internet to call a phone line) in a room where someone was doing morse code, was the person communicating using morse code, or ?

Time Shifter B28


Senior Member
@Time shifter B28 Radio Ham transmissions (and CB) can be carried through house mains supply voltages, although we do have mains RF filters to stop this happening..Telephones could be picking up Morse code transmissions at close proximities, the phone lines carry 40 to 50volts DC...In the case of an audio system picking up CB messages, the problem would be easily solved by soldering a small capacitor across the 2 terminals on the back of the loudspeakers...

There was an interesting case during World War 2 when an American celebrity, Lucille Ball went to the dentist for some fillings in her teeth..when she got near to her house she suddenly started hearing Morse Code signals and she thought she was going mad because she had no radio with her, this happened a few times until she told a friend of hers and he said he had friends to whom this also had happened, so she wasnt going crazy..

The FBI were informed of this and they went to her house, shortly after they discovered a Japanese spy was living very near to her and they arrested him (he was shot)...What had happened was that the dentist had put mercury (liquid metal) into her fillings and this worked just the same as an antenna, which picked up the morse code and then sound was carried through her jaw bone and into her ears ::LOL::.

Radio Hams need to know as much as possible about any types of interference, and i read about a case where a radio ham had to leave his home and find another one because everytime he transmitted, the signals somehow were going into his neigbours outside clothes line and finding their way into her TV and radio!!...Personally i felt that the radio ham had not covered all the ways radio signals can cause interference, but if this happens a lot a radio ham can lose his license if the interference isnt stopped!...Fortunately i have never had any of those problems with my modern day transceiver (y) :D


Senior Member
reminds me of the show the twelve monkey for some strange reason its got the back ground.


The Man of Esoteric Knowledge
It is probably a signal interference, i tried to translate the audio file but failed to get the desired results.
