I talked to john titor for about 2 seconds back in 2000.

no one from the John titor foundation posts on here do they sorry for not answering your question
there is really a reason I don't want to answer but it has nothing to do with john titor
I don't know what to say the reason I don't want to spill the beans so to speak because I'm not sure what I've experienced is even real I wish I could go into deeper I was just wondering if someone out there could verify if the name I mentioned is the real john titor
I don't know what to say the reason I don't want to spill the beans so to speak because I'm not sure what I've experienced is even real I wish I could go into deeper I was just wondering if someone out there could verify if the name I mentioned is the real john titor
No one can verify that, I don't think.
We'll take it with a grain of salt until someone can verify it. (y)
Sorry man to get everyone's hopes up I did actually talk to the guy john titor on the chat back when it was 2000 or so but all I think he said was his intro part and I think I said sure you are meaning sure your a time traveller I will tell you after that experience I had experiences that I can't explain but its probably not what I think and its probably not john titor
And it seems there is another Titor impersonator floating around. I found some interview where this guy claims to be John II:

The video was published 3 weeks ago but I couldn't bear to listen more than half an hour in because it was like "I AM, they're not and they're lying so believe me" sort of thing.
