I was abducted, here looking for help


*sighs* i agree. Words without belief are nothing, but belief without words has no direction (pretty simple definition of magic). I am not sure if you read the verse or not, but you should if you haven't. It is exactly what you just said. We aren't creatures of fear but of power and authority. If you do not believe there is a greater benevolent force we have access to that's fine, but please don't jump straight to the 'there is no God (greater benevolent force) its all in your head.' We talkin bout ET and ways to tell em to getsa steppin.

-steps off soap box-

Simply put, strength of will is very important in getting these buggers to back off. It takes a concrete decision and lots of reflection. What you see on TV and in movies conditions us to believing we are helpless. I assure you we are NOT helpless.


Senior Member
Don't get me wrong i fully believe there is a god just not in a Christian sense of the word.

And sadly yes Hollywood and TV have destroyed and corrupted so many minds it is unbelievable, if you say "ET's are coming to earth" the first thing people will think of is a Alien with a Stretchy neck who likes candy or a UFO destroying the white house like in Independance day. There is no open minds anymore sadly


New Member
I always feel someone shaking me in my sleep. Or grabbing me or sitting on the edge of my bed. At one point I thought I was crazy but I actually feel the bed sinking where I think someone is sitting. Most of the time sleep paralysis is also happening at the same time. I've woking up to find myself sitting up with a can of soda in my hand upside down pouring all over me. I could not move or say anything for about 15-20 seconds. I had a feeling I was taken that night. The feeling I get is so different than any other feelings. My body feels tingly and my heart rate jumps. Once I get that feeling Ill make myself stay awake the whole night. I have lost a couple jobs causeI would stay awake all night and sleep during the day. Like I said before I was abducted in the past. Me and my recent girlfriend would fight every night. I had to sleep with my bedroom door locked, windows lock and the tv on. She did not like this at all. It got to the point we are not dating anymore and I moved to Philly. This is the first time I have lived by myself and I thought I would be scared of being abducted again but for sme reason I fell they wont come ito the city. I have no Idea why I feel that way. This is the first site ive found that is somewhat helpful. I have told a selected few of my friends all this info. I think they kinda believe me but dont understand how it has affected me.


Junior Member

First of all let me say sorry, do you have and hobbies? Maybe you are obsessing about this and some of it is a manifestation. Find something to do that will distract your mind.

What happens if you get drunk at night?


New Member
I have plenty of hobbies. I hardly ever drink. This is not an obsession. Its something I try not to think about or talk about. I would love nothing more than for all of this to go away. Everything that has happened to me is very real. It took me 16 years to get the strength to come on the internet and share my story to look for help.


Junior Member
Maybe by trying not to think about it , it makes you think about it more? And please don't think I don't believe you because I do..


Not trying to think about things makes it worse for me too. I've turned my fear into a playful resolve. I joke with friends about it and I have a very real and active attitude towards it. Next time one shows itself to me I'm tackling it to the ground. I tell myself that everyday so that next time it happens I won't think. I'll just DO because I've conditioned that response into my mind.

Get angry. Get offended. Get protective. Realize they can't hurt you if you put up a real mental defense. Sleep paralysis? Haven't had it. I am now able to move.


Senior Member
Like trekie says the key to fighting it is your mind and emotions, Control both and confront those taking you and you can control the situation not them! I had Sleep paralysis once i knew they were there i knew they were behind me i could see them behind me in my mind, as i tried to turn around to confront them i realised i couldn't move, so i thought in my mind and repetiadly told my self Move MOve MOVe MOVE! and i fought the paralysis and very slowly started turning to confront them i didn't panic and i thought in my mind i can do this and i will do this and i did their grip was weakened on me from that point on, since then i have not been takin against my own will, the last time i seen them i went on my own accord i stood and walked with them.

It is much much easier said than done but you need to condition your self to not panic and conidition your mind to not give in to them and fight them, once you can get that far you decide if they take you not them.
