If you believe, please pray

Don't mind me if I look for the humor. I just see it as the blood sucking doctors competing with the blood sucking lawyers.

It's legit if you can't show wrongdoing, right?

I live in an area where there are a disproportionally larger number of wealthy people. I just think it's very coincidental that it also happens to be an area with a much higher incidence of breast cancer.
Don't mind me if I look for the humor. I just see it as the blood sucking doctors competing with the blood sucking lawyers.

It's legit if you can't show wrongdoing, right?

I live in an area where there are a disproportionally larger number of wealthy people. I just think it's very coincidental that it also happens to be an area with a much higher incidence of breast cancer.

That theory doesn't apply here. I am middle class in a small house in a middle class neighborhood. I don't reside in a wealthy area.
So, I'm supposed to drop all options and go on a diet and cross my fingers? And what if that doesn't work? I have children. They need me. I'm going to live healthier, but I'm not gambling on my life just so the doctors don't get money. It's not chemo. Like I said before, I had an aunt that tried to go au naturale and it spread to her brain and she died. She left 2 kids and a baby behind. I'm going to live healthier and watch my diet but I can't just drop all technology and live hoping the cancer is gone. I want to know for sure that it is and if radiation works, then I'm all for it. It's not chemo.

I was really hoping someone would be happy for me that I'm not dying and instead I get judged for choosing to live. I suppose you'll block me, too, and I'll get a bunch of nasty posts from everyone else as well.

When the going gets tough, fake friends get going.
I'm extremely happy for you Paula.

And I told you to ignore Einstein in this very thread, didn't I?
Under a different name: link

Congratulations on your diagnosis, as well as your sanity.

My type of cancer feeds off hormones, not sugar. I have lab results to prove it.

I was told never to take any extra hormones for the rest of my life.
So, I'm supposed to drop all options and go on a diet and cross my fingers? And what if that doesn't work? I have children. They need me. I'm going to live healthier, but I'm not gambling on my life just so the doctors don't get money. It's not chemo. Like I said before, I had an aunt that tried to go au naturale and it spread to her brain and she died. She left 2 kids and a baby behind. I'm going to live healthier and watch my diet but I can't just drop all technology and live hoping the cancer is gone. I want to know for sure that it is and if radiation works, then I'm all for it. It's not chemo.

I was really hoping someone would be happy for me that I'm not dying and instead I get judged for choosing to live. I suppose you'll block me, too, and I'll get a bunch of nasty posts from everyone else as well.

When the going gets tough, fake friends get going.
I'm extremely happy for you Paula.

And I told you to ignore Einstein in this very thread, didn't I?
Under a different name: link

Congratulations on your diagnosis, as well as your sanity.


Thank you. :) :) :) Some people wonder why I'm so happy if I still have the big C. Well, the 3 fear factors have been removed from the equation:
chemo, masectomy, death. So, why be scared?
