If you believe, please pray

Some bad news. Not sure why info keeps changing, but the doctor said they found a few microscopic metastatic cells in one lymph node. I won't find out the implications until I see the oncologist.
Dang...my ex is going thru a similar situation and it all is stressfull but she is taking it day by day. She is keeping active...mind and body, which she said helps. I would say you are due some good news and it will come.
The mountains were exactly what I needed! They calmed my nerves. I even got an overpayment check that I can use to pay another bill.
I see the oncologist on Tuesday and have to make an appointment for radiation.
My cancer is stage 1b. I had two blood tests, one of which was to test for the breast cancer gene. They are also sending the tumor to a lab for further testing. This will determine the likelihood of recurrence and whether or not I need chemo. So, I won't know the results for 3 more weeks.
