If you believe, please pray

No chemo for me! My
Onco score was low - 15. My chance of recurrence with Tomoxafen (medication) is 10 percent. I will have blood work every 3 months for 2 years and mammograms every 6 months forever.

I will have radiation, but I can accept that. I'm very happy. I see the radiologist next week.

The medication will give me hot flashes. I start it today. I also have to stay active so I don't develop blood clots.

This I can handle. :)

I see the radiologist today and they'll make a mold. I don't know when we'll start this process. I'm told I may get really tired. Guess I'll be back on caffeine!
Had a scheduling mixup today for the radiologist. My calendar said 10:30. Theirs said 9:45. So, tomorrow they will tattoo dots onto me (no metal markers!) and make a mold, then radiation starts a week later. My only issue is the drive to it every single day, but oh well. What can ya do? Too bad insurance won't pay for the gas. When it's over, I'll just basically be on watch. Almost done!
Ok, so this medication puts me in a LOT of female related pain and I may need some reconstructive surgery. It's bad enough I'm getting old , but now this shit is trying to steal what little beauty I have left. Effing cancer!!!
Ok, so this medication puts me in a LOT of female related pain and I may need some reconstructive surgery. It's bad enough I'm getting old , but now this shit is trying to steal what little beauty I have left. Effing cancer!!!

Make different choices. Your life is yours to live in a manner of your choosing. Not everything is as it seems.
