I'm a Time Traveler

OK so I saw this new thread recently that lead me to here... and now that I have read so many pages I am ready to throw my hat in again.

If you ever get back marco, I'd like to know if your verse has rife machines or other frequency based medical devices? How have yall come to understand genetic manipulation like cloning and gene altering?
Do you rely on petrol for mass transportation or do you incorporate other solutions like hydro or pneumatic?
Does your family own guns? Is personal gun ownship allowed in your ....governance? What do you think of the expanding earth theory?

... Sigh wish I caught this sooner...

Will I ever get a reply?
I worked at Mcmurdo Station during early 2010. I don't see your logic stating you took "a more humanitarian path with the Antarctic". In fact, the air was totally pure outside the diesel power. We also took psych and field training in NZ prior to arrival. We even had creative ways to bring our... ur... waste products to the base. The whole system was quite fascinating
and def very eco-friendly. Unless your squad is wintering over in the darkness far from Ross, it's really much colder where I am now in the Midwest. Plz speculate on my question concerning your comment about approaching Antarctica with more humanitarian means? Needless to say, I was highly impressed with the continent, preservation, shared stations I visited (not solely US established. It was an honor and privilege to be selected for our global design project there. Is it that way for you as well?
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We took a more humanitarian path globally toward our fellow man not the Antarctic your not understanding. We aren't bogged down by wars or hatred towards each other like in this Verse. This has allowed us to advance in science and medicine. RHYS i would not speculate where our base is but its far more advanced then any base that your people have put here. As for me and my men yes we feel it a great honor and privilege to serve and help our fellow man. Its a truly beautiful continent now and lush and green in other Verses.

OK so I saw this new thread recently that lead me to here... and now that I have read so many pages I am ready to throw my hat in again.

If you ever get back marco, I'd like to know if your verse has rife machines or other frequency based medical devices? How have yall come to understand genetic manipulation like cloning and gene altering?
Do you rely on petrol for mass transportation or do you incorporate other solutions like hydro or pneumatic?
Does your family own guns? Is personal gun ownship allowed in your ....governance? What do you think of the expanding earth theory?

... Sigh wish I caught this sooner...

Will I ever get a reply?

I have been back just recently on a two week Holiday with my family , frequency or harmonic medical devices are used in scanning and the detection of broken bones or other medical problems. Cloning was perfected decades ago but is not in use as many diseases have been under control for many years. Stem cells and the ability to re-generate cells and use nano-therapy is widely used. Transports are mostly electric cells or or sonic foils machines, but in some remote parts of the world it is said that older diesel vehicles are used but its just a novelty to keep such old machines running . There is no petrol output as there is no need. I am a gun owner and belong to a club in which we participate in pistol and high power rifle matches. Walther and Mauser makes some fine arms. Gun ownership is allowed in Germany as in your Verse it varies from place to place. Expanding Earth theory has been verified by our Science and your early scientist Darwin was correct.

Sweet, nice of you to get back with us so soon. I thought I might of missed my chance to correspond with you.

So interesting differences their regarding frequency based medicine. Here we don't use frequency based medicine not so much for detection but for eradication. Their was some controversy regarding Raymond Rifes work but currently optical microscopes have finally reached the refraction level he achieved over 70 years ago and multiple kinds of frequency based modalities are being FDA approved and utilized for the treatment of cancer and other diseases.

We are still perfecting our understanding and utilization of cloning and gene alteration.

We are a petrol based transportation culture. We are just now working our way into utilizing electric cars more. And I never heard of a sonic foil. I have heard of Thermoacustic engines but not sonic foils.
And you say that their are rumors of people in remote parts still driving diesel vehicles are still used as a novelty to keep such old machines running... But here on our time line we only discovered diesel fuel in the late 1800s and diesel engines did not start seeing mass utilization till the 1930s. So if your from 1951 I'd love to know when yall first discovered the full utility of the hydrocarbon? And what prompted the switch from coal steam and internal combustion toward electric cell and sonic foil...What is a sonic foil? Did your germany discover the secrets of synthetic oil?

You said that the US had commited war crimes in your verse. What were they?

Did yall figure out how the Great Pyramid of Egypt works?

What does yalls internet look like? How about music and information distribution unfold? Did you skip cylinder rolls and go strait to magnetic tape?

What is the diplomatic relationship between the US, the UK and france and Canada with regard to Germany and Japan?

Do you have Olympics?

When was the last time you saw Hallys Comet?
Sweet, nice of you to get back with us so soon. I thought I might of missed my chance to correspond with you.

So interesting differences their regarding frequency based medicine. Here we don't use frequency based medicine not so much for detection but for eradication. Their was some controversy regarding Raymond Rifes work but currently optical microscopes have finally reached the refraction level he achieved over 70 years ago and multiple kinds of frequency based modalities are being FDA approved and utilized for the treatment of cancer and other diseases.

We are still perfecting our understanding and utilization of cloning and gene alteration.

We are a petrol based transportation culture. We are just now working our way into utilizing electric cars more. And I never heard of a sonic foil. I have heard of Thermoacustic engines but not sonic foils.
And you say that their are rumors of people in remote parts still driving diesel vehicles are still used as a novelty to keep such old machines running... But here on our time line we only discovered diesel fuel in the late 1800s and diesel engines did not start seeing mass utilization till the 1930s. So if your from 1951 I'd love to know when yall first discovered the full utility of the hydrocarbon? And what prompted the switch from coal steam and internal combustion toward electric cell and sonic foil...What is a sonic foil? Did your germany discover the secrets of synthetic oil?

You said that the US had commited war crimes in your verse. What were they?

Did yall figure out how the Great Pyramid of Egypt works?

What does yalls internet look like? How about music and information distribution unfold? Did you skip cylinder rolls and go strait to magnetic tape?

What is the diplomatic relationship between the US, the UK and france and Canada with regard to Germany and Japan?

Do you have Olympics?

When was the last time you saw Hallys Comet?


Your Petroleum based economy is based on greed which is too bad its holding this Verse back in allot of ways. When i say rumors there are some people who have very old Daimler Lauries that run on a synthetic diesel basically antiques or a collector curiosity. Titorite think of your hover craft vehicles, the Panzer-Foil and other vehicles are lifted on modulated sounds frequency. When columns of sound peaks meet they create lift its an amazing technology. Early electric fuel cells were invented early in the 19th century around 1804 we never evolved into using filthy and harmful petroleum for fuel or other uses. Titorite allot of technology and scientific breakthroughs are made through a collaborative effort globally we work much more efficiently when pride or prejudice is not involved.The North Amerika republic had a small hiccup and committed acts of aggression towards another nation citizens were killed. Its not all perfect in my Verse that's for sure. The internet as you call it basically works the same in as it allows communication and transfers of information globally. Although in my Verse it has always been wireless no cables or hard wiring. Music is of course enjoyed by most people i am listening to something old and very calming on my headphones as i write this. Classical and Rock is my favorite. Music was stored much in the same way as in this verse on flat LP disks and so on. The Amerika Republic as well as the UK France ,Canada and Japan are all allies as are most countries. remember we did not have the world wars as you did in this Verse. Yes we have Olympics very good competition in sports globally is something i enjoy watching as do most citizens much fun . Titorite i have not had the pleasure of seeing the comet as i was not born in 1911 the last time it made its pass

Sweet, nice of you to get back with us so soon. I thought I might of missed my chance to correspond with you.

So interesting differences their regarding frequency based medicine. Here we don't use frequency based medicine not so much for detection but for eradication. Their was some controversy regarding Raymond Rifes work but currently optical microscopes have finally reached the refraction level he achieved over 70 years ago and multiple kinds of frequency based modalities are being FDA approved and utilized for the treatment of cancer and other diseases.

We are still perfecting our understanding and utilization of cloning and gene alteration.

We are a petrol based transportation culture. We are just now working our way into utilizing electric cars more. And I never heard of a sonic foil. I have heard of Thermoacustic engines but not sonic foils.
And you say that their are rumors of people in remote parts still driving diesel vehicles are still used as a novelty to keep such old machines running... But here on our time line we only discovered diesel fuel in the late 1800s and diesel engines did not start seeing mass utilization till the 1930s. So if your from 1951 I'd love to know when yall first discovered the full utility of the hydrocarbon? And what prompted the switch from coal steam and internal combustion toward electric cell and sonic foil...What is a sonic foil? Did your germany discover the secrets of synthetic oil?

You said that the US had commited war crimes in your verse. What were they?

Did yall figure out how the Great Pyramid of Egypt works?

What does yalls internet look like? How about music and information distribution unfold? Did you skip cylinder rolls and go strait to magnetic tape?

What is the diplomatic relationship between the US, the UK and france and Canada with regard to Germany and Japan?

Do you have Olympics?

When was the last time you saw Hallys Comet?

The Pyramids are over 30,000 years old , still a mystery even in my Verse.
