I'm walking with ghosts


New Member
I have always stressed that there are good and evil, for example, and that we have to follow them.

I saluted a few people or gave them a radius around them where nothing bad, sick or fatal would happen to them, but I also murdered them, even though I did not even touch them and the time I did not even perceive .

These mortals who were abusing me in any way died in unclear reasons.
The problem is that I have the feeling that I am not alone when I move into the fifth dimension or exit to the breath that I have hinterlands there because of my inexplicable higher energy level so far and that other energies are subordinated to me.

I think that no one can physically or in any way abuse the enriched soul because it always stinks from the dark back into the body and out of the body back into the rainbow of energies.

My personal research:

The first thing that oppl.energy enters is always in the living body, usually in the child's, because this unblemished body does not ask what has happened to it: it thinks it's part of the childhood of growing up and the parents will regulate (of course, if the child tells them)
To be the real candidate for the entry of foreign energy, it was in my memory that as a child every night when I fell asleep I walked from my body up the stairs to the main exit from the house, where I always saw two to three ghosts, and then I I scared and jumped back to my body, where I was thinking about what was happening to me.
This never ended until I got a light shock shock on this path, which came in my brainis made into the body.
I assume that this was the reincarnation of foreign energy, which immediately took over the management of my body, and she also wondered where it actually was, what happened to her.
I assume that I already live in a third body, all of which repeats with a rather different fate, but all over the same time period.

When I step out of the body, I have control of my energy and also a part with the body I leave. My body is old paralyzed and with the child's mind and memories of that day when the intruder entered the body (I intruder I am the present)
Due to partial consciousness of the body, I saw the leap of my energy back to the body (literally)

One night I felt that someone was shaking my body while I was sleeping. In my childhood, I always fell in love with my brothers, and before I saw that my energy was shaking, I told my brother to stop, that I could not be ravaged. (The energy was in the form of a non-skinned skin with migrating cellular plasma, as the man on whom the bee was born, and covered it completely, everything was migrating, it was brown in color, where the eyes were empty cavities, no ears, and sexual Organ.)

Sometimes I begin to pull my body out of bed often at night, and when the instant the waking spirit jumps back into the body.

My findings:

Every person lives his life from birth to death. When he dies he finds himself at the time of his birth; Although it can move is the same as a tree that dies in the same soil where it began to grow.
Because from the past, as elasticity, the time is moving into the future, only each time is important for every living being. All the rest is the measured time for things that have not yet happened, born or appeared.

Many things are present or existing from the past, and all of us pursue it as if we are dragging the past behind us, but we rotate in a circle like a snake biting its tail.
Every one of them regardless of the time of birth.

It's hard to argue with different souls!

Someone is poisoned with God.
Someone is hooked with eastern unrealistic virtuals.
Somebody is poisoned with a scary.

All this cover is partially acceptable, but only the truth must be experienced by man, which is not possible because most of the born people do not perceive changes in sleep or awake.
They simply can not decipher the moments that are happening to him, let alone when he leaves or dies. It looks like they are bodies that are available for eternal souls.

The biggest problem is that young people want to discover this paranormal mystery by themselves, thereby gaining experience or theories on different paths. When you are young, you do not have developed parts in your head or brain, such as perception, perception, vision, Inference, modified scent receptors (after a sharp smell you can detect that you are not alone in the room or outside) orientation in the dark,

The old saying says that before you die, your whole life movie turns back, (they say it)
This is partly true because I'm telling you to return just before death back to the time of birth.

It may be that many individuals are caught together with forced soul energy, but they will not find this until death.
Dementia will never be treated with medication or therapy, since such cases are only the early departure of the worms. Souls from the stolen body, but man was not aware of this.
He did not realize this because he was burdened with perhaps a religion that does not describe or allow such thinking.

To be continued:

That’s awesome how you explained all that! Yes I have my personal believes but I’ve been through so much spiritual experience since I was a young kid. I fell off the slide onto concrete and went into a coma at four years old and ever since then I have been encountering all kinds of different energies and spirits and even aliens, artificial intelligence and many different invisible energies that come to visit and monitor my movements actions and my perception. I am in such a transition right now and evolving. I am so open to any knowledge you have about this. Thank you so much and I hope you have a great day!


My origin comes from this light in the sky: 1
(archival niches)

Recently, around the world in the sky we have noticed round lights, which move at different speeds in different directions.
(invisible, due to friction, the transition between dimensions can become visible and disappear in an instant. They are up to 60 centimeters in diameter)

That is why I can tell with certainty that evolution has done its part in the fifth dimension as well, it has become progressive - the round shining lights in the sky are the capacitors of souls. These preserves preserve enlightened souls or somehow guide them, and when conditions exist they torpedo themselves into young earthly human bodies in the form of reincarnation.

My origin comes from this light in the sky: 2

It is possible to make contact with these round lights in the sky only when your soul is not in the body.
Above all, they find or contact you at this stage when you are temporarily in the physical body, not you.

Kybalion: 7
Interesting, but the content of the theory still has too many minuses as plus points.
The vibrations and opposites above and below, or here or there, are my areas - so I give these reflections a plus.

Vibrations are the basis for everything that happens around us.
Even when steam is released, water is released into the atmosphere in a different form than we are used to running on the river.


Active Member
My origin comes from this light in the sky: 1
(archival niches)

Recently, around the world in the sky we have noticed round lights, which move at different speeds in different directions.
(invisible, due to friction, the transition between dimensions can become visible and disappear in an instant. They are up to 60 centimeters in diameter)

That is why I can tell with certainty that evolution has done its part in the fifth dimension as well, it has become progressive - the round shining lights in the sky are the capacitors of souls. These preserves preserve enlightened souls or somehow guide them, and when conditions exist they torpedo themselves into young earthly human bodies in the form of reincarnation.

My origin comes from this light in the sky: 2

It is possible to make contact with these round lights in the sky only when your soul is not in the body.
Above all, they find or contact you at this stage when you are temporarily in the physical body, not you.

Kybalion: 7
Interesting, but the content of the theory still has too many minuses as plus points.
The vibrations and opposites above and below, or here or there, are my areas - so I give these reflections a plus.

Vibrations are the basis for everything that happens around us.
Even when steam is released, water is released into the atmosphere in a different form than we are used to running on the river.
Okay, I am quite aware as well, of the unseen and the invisible socures and things around them even though I may have felt them in the past before a long time ago like it's presence around me, and seeing as similar to that a long time, now that years have passed I still know it is around me but it is not the same as before.


Okay, I am quite aware as well, of the unseen and the invisible socures and things around them even though I may have felt them in the past before a long time ago like it's presence around me, and seeing as similar to that a long time, now that years have passed I still know it is around me but it is not the same as before.


In general, the coronavirus will be destroyed (predicted in mid-June); it will be destroyed by antimatter in the atmosphere all over the planet.


UFO: Unknown objects and their shapes in the sky

The latest videos of American forces taken in the sky belong to the antimatter form of something that occasionally falls into the friction zone between three-dimensional and five-dimensional perception due to incorrect maneuvering.

The paranormal form of ghosts is not only in old buildings, but also in the remote expanses of planet earth, as well as in the atmosphere itself.
(various seen shapes such as; bigfoot, rock monkeys i.t.d.)

So the explanation is: they saw and filmed an entity of paranormal form.


Senior Member
UFO: Unknown objects and their shapes in the sky

The latest videos of American forces taken in the sky belong to the antimatter form of something that occasionally falls into the friction zone between three-dimensional and five-dimensional perception due to incorrect maneuvering.

The paranormal form of ghosts is not only in old buildings, but also in the remote expanses of planet earth, as well as in the atmosphere itself.
(various seen shapes such as; bigfoot, rock monkeys i.t.d.)

So the explanation is: they saw and filmed an entity of paranormal form.

So are you saying that Bigfoots were seen and filmed from a 5th dimensional camera that also displays their images, onto our 3rd dimensional World for all of us to see? o_O :D..


So are you saying that Bigfoots were seen and filmed from a 5th dimensional camera that also displays their images, onto our 3rd dimensional World for all of us to see? o_O:D..
Yes, the camera sometimes detects friction between dimensions and records it as well.


Entity form: dying body

  1. Every human being has his own entity.
  2. The entity form reveals itself to its physical body at a later age. (or never)
  3. A dying man sees his entity when he is in some kind of paralysis outside his body, he can also tell that he sees it. (Usually such people do not know how to explain what they see at all, because they have in themselves the remnant of a stunted innate soul that does not guide the body.) When there is an entity in the body, it does not see the entity outside the body.)
  4. A man with an entity in himself does not see the foreign outside the bodily entity that is near him.
  5. When an entity reveals itself to its body, you must accept it. If it’s not violent towards you it’s almost certainly yours.
It can go into your body, or it can just go through and avoid you, it usually won’t hurt you if you don’t panic too much.
6. There are certainly entities around you from time to time because you have a calm consciousness and can sense the presence of energies.
