Increase your gas mileage!


Senior Member
heres what happen to folks who deal with the gov. when they figure out how to make things better

It's a damn shame our government is so corrupt! What a wonderful world it would be without them...
Great post KC and reply Sam. Governments and big business elites are so corrupt, thinking of themselves and no one else. Sad that people have to die because they had a good idea. I remember years go someone developed an engine that would get 200 or 300 mpg, I can't remember the amount, and all of a sudden they were bought out and that was the end of it. We all are pawns controlled by you know who.


Senior Member

An episode from One Step Beyond, a very popular old TV Series that told non-fiction stories. (I love this show and have old episodes on DVD.) Here is one episode with a true story that is related to the topic on this thread. :)


Senior Member
An episode from One Step Beyond, a very popular old TV Series that told non-fiction stories. (I love this show and have old episodes on DVD.) Here is one episode with a true story that is related to the topic on this thread. :)
I got the hose and water, now where can I get one of those pills? We will have to look into this as the shows were based on fact. ( I grew up watching these shows and the end music scared the shit out of me and I can still remember one episode, hands appearing on a trapeze bar, then vanishing...I've never been the same since)


Senior Member
This is one of the Issue with todays Gov, luckly here in MN we don't have emissions testing. Emissions are what Hinder your car, They limit air flow and fuel and just are all around garbage, SO i bought a Diesel, a vehicle which only GAINS MPG the more you do to it, Kinda like a slap in the face to Oil companys, 700hp truck that gets 35 MPG lol


heres another system thats converts water to HHO gas and runs the standered auto engine on water the tech. is a little complicated but most deff. doable with a little education and some spare time to tinker...



Senior Member
heres another system thats converts water to HHO gas and runs the standered auto engine on water the tech. is a little complicated but most deff. doable with a little education and some spare time to tinker...
I wonder if they are still alive. If we can get opmmur to figure it out, then Num and Blast to finance it, you and me can test drive this vehicle and report back our findings a year from now. I am starting to feel sorry for Exxon, BP, Shell...not really. I'm sure they will kill the deal.


ok I know I haven't been around much of late sorry for that, but been getting my shit in line to try and run my cars on water..STOP LAUGHING !!!!

well I plan to have my first test unit done and ready for install in the next 2 weeks its a small HHO gen. that should be in the range of doubleing the gas milage of a 94V6 buick centry, that would be going from 25-30mpg up to 50-60mpg. if I can make this work in the car as is it does on paper I will have the kid make a vid. and show just how simple and cheap it realy is to do. my best guess is some where in the range of 50 bucks at the local hardwear store to build it.

I have been doing alot of research and talking with all my gear head friends (( mostly hard core bikers)) they all laugh at me, and call me that damn nerd on the sporster.. however they all know enough about me to not discount it as a joke .. after all none of them thought I could build a sporster that would spank there ass ..that is untill they met my little black betty!!! my best 0-60 mph time is rite at 2.4 sec. and she tops out at 140 mph. if I wanted to push the rpms up to 7500-8000 it would be closer 160 mph but that put's it in the top of the redline on the tach. and I just don't want to risk the motor ..

anyway back to topic, I will keep yall up to date on the status of the testing . the first unit will be a small bottle type just to get the mechanics of the process down and find the bugs hiding in the paper designs. cause as every service tech. or mechanic knows only to well ,looking good on paper is one thing , and working good in the field is a whole diffrent animal. when I get the finished prototype done it will completely power the car on HHO gas produced/made from water on board with a HHO gen. running on the 12 volt system of the car, and you will be able to fill up the reservoir tank at any standered garden hose faucet.


Senior Member
ok I know I haven't been around much of late sorry for that, but been getting my shit in line to try and run my cars on water..STOP LAUGHING !!!!
Please do keep us posted and thank you. I got the water hose a ready and waiting. Now this is what I call a form of revolution...beat them at their kill you at the gas pump game.
