Infinity and Returning to your Home Universe



Many say that when you time travel, you create a new universe and that you cannot return to your "home" universe. You would be missing from "home" and would have a double in the new unvierse.
I only have opinions and speculation, but I personally feel that with the proper technology, we should be able to return "home" without a double. Zero divergence.

Zero divergence is a mathematical concept. It does exist. When explaining this previously, I was told that the error in my thinking is that I am quantifying infinity. Yes, I agree that I am quantifying infinity. I realize that mathematics such as Calculus use words such as "approaching infinity", inferring that it is something that cannot be reached. That makes sense because if it keeps going forever, you cannot reach an "end". But anyway, being that I do quantify it, I think of it as a "set" or a big cloud. It's almost as if the universe *IS* infinity. You can have more than one cloud or universe. And it in itself is forever expanding, but you can point it out as a single entity, such as one big ball of inifinity. Infinity 1, Infinity 2, etc.... make any sense? So, anyway, back to how this relates to time travel - There are infinite numbers of points existing inside this universe. Before you time travel, you can "mark" your current position or record where you are so that you can go back to it. (The techonology you use would have to utilize mathematics to do this). Now, you are going to ask me, "How can you determine your position in an ever expanding universe?". Well, this is assuming the universe is expanding/infinite in all directions -- and yes, I guess I am relating infinity to expansion, now. There must be some way to place a marker. Don't ask me how. If I knew how, I'd be quite successful and famous, would I not? haha. I am just not satisfied with accepting that we cannot trace our steps back to our home universe. Even if you make 50,000 new universes yourself, your original one STILL exists. If it exists, someday, somehow, somehwere, SOMEONE will find a way to return to it. And if this is true, manipulating time would end up being very dangerous. But let's face it, many of us have experienced timeline changes. I'm just not convinced that it's impossible to return! :)
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Apologies. I see more typos. Didn't proofread, apparently.


In order for it to get back to your universe you would have to be in the same same spot you were at.When you went to the other universe.And you would also have to be the same age.If what your saying is correct.


Senior Member
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Many say that when you time travel, you create a new universe and that you cannot return to your "home" universe. You would be missing from "home" and would have a double in the new unvierse.
I only have opinions and speculation, but I personally feel that with the proper technology, we should be able to return "home" without a double. Zero divergence.

Zero divergence is a mathematical concept. It does exist. When explaining this previously, I was told that the error in my thinking is that I am quantifying infinity. Yes, I agree that I am quantifying infinity. I realize that mathematics such as Calculus use words such as "approaching infinity", inferring that it is something that cannot be reached. That makes sense because if it keeps going forever, you cannot reach an "end". But anyway, being that I do quantify it, I think of it as a "set" or a big cloud. It's almost as if the universe *IS* infinity. You can have more than one cloud or universe. And it in itself is forever expanding, but you can point it out as a single entity, such as one big ball of inifinity. Infinity 1, Infinity 2, etc.... make any sense? So, anyway, back to how this relates to time travel - There are infinite numbers of points existing inside this universe. Before you time travel, you can "mark" your current position or record where you are so that you can go back to it. (The techonology you use would have to utilize mathematics to do this). Now, you are going to ask me, "How can you determine your position in an ever expanding universe?". Well, this is assuming the universe is expanding/infinite in all directions -- and yes, I guess I am relating infinity to expansion, now. There must be some way to place a marker. Don't ask me how. If I knew how, I'd be quite successful and famous, would I not? haha. I am just not satisfied with accepting that we cannot trace our steps back to our home universe. Even if you make 50,000 new universes yourself, your original one STILL exists. If it exists, someday, somehow, somehwere, SOMEONE will find a way to return to it. And if this is true, manipulating time would end up being very dangerous. But let's face it, many of us have experienced timeline changes. I'm just not convinced that it's impossible to return! :)
40 years ago i saw a program about new inventions on of the guys had invented a "black box" which was the perfect tracking device (before the days of satnav) ..He asked 3 members of the US army to take him through the largest and most dense forest during the daytime..Later on at night time he retraced the steps back exactly to where they had started off, with his little Black Box...This was immediately placed onto the top secret files!..

During 1971 Wernher Von Braun while working for NASA, made an astonishing statement that Newton had made a mathematical error in his calculations for the amount of gravity on the Moon...Instead of the Moon possessing one sixth the amount of gravity compared to the Earth, he said it was virtually the same!...Many US newspapers ran this story, but the US government forced him into an immediate retraction...More recently a few, very brave math experts had concluded that Von Braun was actually correct in that Newton had made a mistake in his calculations..

So what am i saying here?...Maybe there is a device that could track a time travelling craft back to its original point of exit...and maybe Math need not be correct all of the time (and subsequently the moon landings were faked)...I feel certain that Tesla would have known about that tracking device i mentioned..


Temporal Engineer

I was just looking this morning to see if any experimental verification of the Moons gravity exists. Nothing found. All information on the Moons gravity is purely theoretical.

Physics vs Jaden

Amazing Person
You definitely could go back to your home universe after travelling through time. But you would basically have to go there for a second because the second you do something the future changes (No, this does not mean taking a step will put you in a different universe, but something as little as stepping on a ant will make you go to a different universe).


I don't like the idea of being able to return to your home universe.Because that would give a person the power to send you back to your home universe against your will.Or a person might try to prevent anyone from time traveling.
