interesting information links real or not? yet interesting ...


so i just finished listening to a long video on youtube along with others before that, the long one is after searching this " Matilda O'Donnell MacElroy : Interview with an Alien" , the interesting video , hopefully the link works, on youtube is this one :

the other , there are three parts, in a playlist , i found, which is of a different alien interview, it is a different story given by the first , yet is , either a very well created fake, or an interesting real video called "alien interview part 1 " there are 3 parts on a channel on youtube called "MeniThings" , i will show the link to part 1, and finding part 2 should be easy and part 3, it is in the link , as the first part is in a playlist "

third and last link , is of a video of a supposed abduction by aliens, yet later investigation shows that some believe that a film maker was used to take credit for it, in order to debunk it. someone also created a later version with obvious different faces, which shows the second later one , which i have not linked, is a remake. the first video created shows much more intense emotions, which makes me wonder if it may be real.

just thought i'd share all that , as i came across it all today, and found it very interesting.

i still don't know the truth about aliens, though i had a close encounter with a ufo when i was younger.

what i hope is that they will help this planet get past the cycle of wars and greed. yet if the first link of the alien interview done by Matilda is true, then it would make sense as to why things are the way they are...

however i did find some contradictions within it, the one fact that, the alien wants to protect the planet, yet does not want to help the planet , yet wanted to help her... its very confusing...

anyhow, interesting stuff of ufos and aliens i thought i would share here.

the second link of an alien interview, where there are three parts, and the other link of a long film of alien abductions, gave me chills, and felt true too...



Senior Member
In my humble opinion, all three video`s are simply nonsense...The Alien interviews looked more like an early ApexTv video production :D..


Temporal Engineer

I've listened to " Matilda O'Donnell MacElroy : Interview with an Alien" at least half a dozen times. It is written in a very believable fashion. I want to believe it is real. Of course there are lots of good writers out there that make a living spinning a good yarn.


I agree TimeFlipper, after some more thought, i do tend to believe that it is not a true story.

I agree with You as well, Einstein, it is written well indeed. Though i did find some contradictions. After giving it more thought, it probably is not real. Definitely well written though. It did make me wonder a few times, while reading it.

The idea that this is a sort of prison planet, seems to have a feeling of truth, because people need to work hard just to survive these days while high prices exist and grow .

If only technology could be used as it is in the Star trek universe, where, on the planet earth (at least in the next generation show), everyone is equal and there is no money, everyone gets a house , survival technology like that thing that creates food out of no where. (or at least that is what Picard said in the movie "first contact" . one of my favorite movies).

the other video though, where it is a 3 part video series, and the alien talks about being from our future, i know it probably is unwise of me, yet i wonder if perhaps those ones might be true? it is definitely something that gives me chills each time i see and hear it.

although i know it could be a creation, it sure is a heck of a good one...

Thank You Einstein and TimeFlipper for Your thoughts on the videos. :) And anyone else who may reply as well . :)



some people also make a good yarn, to make folks think about things that the writer wants them to think about. i think that is why some false things are created as well. but i could be wrong. Peace.


Senior Member
If the alien thingies are for real (doubtful), then I would suspect they are either from our future, from the Earth and we just don't know about them, or completely robotic and sanitized.

There exists no alien DNA (or equivalent) on the Earth. There is no contamination of our biosphere detected (and there would be a terrible contamination of alien biological entities landed here and walked around).

They look humanoid, probably, because they were invented by people's imaginations and they are essentially distortions of the human body. But assuming they are real, and they are biological, they are most likely related to us somehow.

Unfortunately, it's not a great idea to interact with aliens if they do exist, unless they are machines.


If the alien thingies are for real (doubtful), then I would suspect they are either from our future, from the Earth and we just don't know about them, or completely robotic and sanitized.

There exists no alien DNA (or equivalent) on the Earth. There is no contamination of our biosphere detected (and there would be a terrible contamination of alien biological entities landed here and walked around).

They look humanoid, probably, because they were invented by people's imaginations and they are essentially distortions of the human body. But assuming they are real, and they are biological, they are most likely related to us somehow.

Unfortunately, it's not a great idea to interact with aliens if they do exist, unless they are machines.

the problem with that is, that holds true, only if alien dna is not admitted to the public. And it is doubtful that the government would reveal alien dna to the public to reveal they are no match for a species from another space/time.

i can't help but be a believer , because of the close encounter i had with a ufo , and i was not alone when i had the encounter. although i do not remember encountering aliens from the ufo, it did open my mind up, to the reality that ufos are real. because it was there in front of me, the size of a house, hovering above me.

so i disagree, respectfully. to believe that we would be shown alien dna, is to believe that the government is perfect truthful angels lol, and that , at least so far, they are not.

that is the problem when some who are skeptic, argue a fact against it being real. no offense, but to say there is no alien dna, is to say we know everything the government does.... that is doubtful indeed.

yet i thank You kindly for your reply . it is always good to see both views , one of a believer and one that may be viewed as a skeptic.

being skeptic is a good thing, as it brings in all views and thoughts.

i look at things with a skeptic mind as well, yet i leave a little bit of my mind open as well, in a sense, i try to maintain a balance with my views on things such as ufo's, time travel, etc.



Senior Member
I agree TimeFlipper, after some more thought, i do tend to believe that it is not a true story.

I agree with You as well, Einstein, it is written well indeed. Though i did find some contradictions. After giving it more thought, it probably is not real. Definitely well written though. It did make me wonder a few times, while reading it.

The idea that this is a sort of prison planet, seems to have a feeling of truth, because people need to work hard just to survive these days while high prices exist and grow .

If only technology could be used as it is in the Star trek universe, where, on the planet earth (at least in the next generation show), everyone is equal and there is no money, everyone gets a house , survival technology like that thing that creates food out of no where. (or at least that is what Picard said in the movie "first contact" . one of my favorite movies).

the other video though, where it is a 3 part video series, and the alien talks about being from our future, i know it probably is unwise of me, yet i wonder if perhaps those ones might be true? it is definitely something that gives me chills each time i see and hear it.

although i know it could be a creation, it sure is a heck of a good one...

Thank You Einstein and TimeFlipper for Your thoughts on the videos. :) And anyone else who may reply as well . :)


Iam certain you are aware of the concept that just before you die, everything you have done in your life flashes in front of your eyes in one second....Lets expand that a bit further, suppose we all enter another dimension where one second in that dimension represents our whole lifetime?.....We are in that dimension to learn and understand what we missed in this dimension, for one example we might never have known that our parents actually loved us all the time we were alive in this dimension, and now in in the other dimension we come to learn that they really DID love us after all.....

That was just one example i gave, but i know that you and any other member reading this can supply lots more examples of their own...Learning and Understanding in the other dimension.....And when we have learnt and understood everything we"needed to know", we move into the final dimension//destination, call it heaven or hell...
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Senior Member
the problem with that is, that holds true, only if alien dna is not admitted to the public. And it is doubtful that the government would reveal alien dna to the public to reveal they are no match for a species from another space/time.

i can't help but be a believer , because of the close encounter i had with a ufo , and i was not alone when i had the encounter. although i do not remember encountering aliens from the ufo, it did open my mind up, to the reality that ufos are real. because it was there in front of me, the size of a house, hovering above me.

so i disagree, respectfully. to believe that we would be shown alien dna, is to believe that the government is perfect truthful angels lol, and that , at least so far, they are not.

that is the problem when some who are skeptic, argue a fact against it being real. no offense, but to say there is no alien dna, is to say we know everything the government does.... that is doubtful indeed.

yet i thank You kindly for your reply . it is always good to see both views , one of a believer and one that may be viewed as a skeptic.

being skeptic is a good thing, as it brings in all views and thoughts.

i look at things with a skeptic mind as well, yet i leave a little bit of my mind open as well, in a sense, i try to maintain a balance with my views on things such as ufo's, time travel, etc.


If biological aliens ever came to the Earth, the entire biosphere would be contaminated. It isn't something anybody could hide. It would cause a lot of problems for our entire planet.

It's such a serious issue that there exists an entire profession of planetary protection. NASA hires people who's job it is to keep Earth's biosphere from contaminated other worlds we visit, and to keep potential biospheres on those other worlds from ever contaminating Earth's biosphere.

Star Trek is a joke. It doesn't work that way.

If there are "aliens" here right now, or were in the past, then they were either machines or they came from Earth (or from a biosphere that is somehow related to our own).
