Inviting negative energies in

I also refuse any negative energy in my home as not only myself being highly sensitive to anything and everything paranormal, but so are my two small children. Unfortunately, my daughter & I attract spirits and I love to bring antiques home. We've had some pretty scary negative spirits come into our home. I once had a Wiccan come in a smudge our home. Now I keep blessed sage bundles on hand and I smudge my own home & property as well as myself & my children and any antiques I bring home. I also make sure my daughter knows to command what she allows in her bedroom and what she demands to stay out. I handle the rest of the home, but I don't want her to be scared of her gifts. She needs to show them (entities of whatever nature) that she is strong.
This makes me think of some of the negative people I have known. Ask how they are doing and you get, "terrible" as a response. Then they tell you all their bad luck stories. I think I would rather make that sandwich in the restroom then to listen to them piss and moan about life.They are like a negative magnet attracting all negative energy towards them. So the same, IMO, of negative spirit energies. I would not bring them in but avoid them like the plague as they would try to bring you down to their level, a depressing and negative existence. I choose to hang out with positive people and positive energies if I had the choice.
Bahaha, I like that..." I'd rather eat a sandwich in a bathroom " :D

I totally agree with you about negative people. We've ( my hubby & I ) have had to let go of some very negative friends and family because of how negative they were. When it starts to affect your own personal well being, it's time to say goodbye. It's sucked in the process, but our energies are clean again. Life is full of its own hardships & drama, and everyone is going to have some before they leave this world. Why create more or dwell in the negative?? No thank you!
I can't ponder why it should EVER be considered. "Negative energies" is about as unspecific as one can be. Imagine summoning a "demon" and just tell "whoever", "send me whoever or whatever is handy". Bad idea and if you do, guess I'll just shake my head.
I still get scared everytime i watch that movie, The Exorcist..
Last year they were showing some clips that were removed from the movie, and the scariest was when the possessed girl went down the stairs doing a handstand!!

Even while im typing this, hairs are standing up on the back of my neck!

There were reports back in 1976 of the girl who played the possessed part actually DID get possessed by a real evil entity...

Here's a little something that inspired the movie...

Do You Know the Terrifying ‘Real-Life’ Possession Story That Inspired ‘The Exorcist’? | Video |

As for Linda Blair being actually possessed....I don't think so,
it was all just a rumour.....


.....Maybe...... ;)

Linda Blair looked good on Worlds Scariest Places
